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Thread: Kudos to newsok.com

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  1. #1

    Default Kudos to newsok.com

    I know for many the Oklahoman is an easy and frequent target of frustration but I've never been in that camp. Politics aside, I've always thought the paper did a pretty good job, especially covering local stories. I'd like to see more (any?) investigative journalism, but that's probably not a realistic expectation when you are the only real newspaper in town and have close ties in the business community.

    And as I've always pointed out, OPUBCO has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to an electronic presence. The paper was one of the very first to go on-line and even though they charged at the very outset, they quickly converted to a free access model -- the Tulsa World only followed suit many years later.

    Beyond making the paper available on the web, the site is also so frequently updated with breaking news that I refer to it as often as any other news source. The highly respected Los Angeles Times -- my hometown newspaper -- is no where close in comparison. And having every publication since inception scanned and available through their archives, that's just another fantastic feature which I have personally paid for on numerous occasions.

    They also have the 'electronic edition' which allows you to leaf through every page of the paper as if you were holding it in front of you, something I especially appreciate as an out-of-stater.

    More recently, newsok.com had started posting in-house produced video clips, usually several a day. I suppose this was part of their split with Channel 9, as they no longer just stream clips from that news studio.

    And I have to say, I've been impressed with the new productions. Dave Morris -- who hosts many of the segments -- does a good job and is likable. Publisher Ed Kelly frequently comments on various local issues and sports writers Jenni Carlson and Berry Tramel are regular participants as well. They've already had many good clips on fashion, social events, restaurants, etc.

    They also feature multiple podcasts on high school and college sports, business issues and all types of subjects. They utilize a very wide-ranging array of hosts and featured guests and they all do a pretty darn good job.

    It's been obvious for quite some time that somebody at that company understands and embraces technology! I'm glad to see an OKC-based news organization become a leader in all these areas as it not only benefits the community, it puts a good face on it, too.

    Just wanted to say all that as I think we (internet posters) too often like to criticize rather than point out those that are doing a good job.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    I second those comment Pete. One of the things I like best about newsok.con is that it PDA compatable. It is great when I want catch some quick news. Very few newspaper are PDA compatable. However, if the want to make it better take a look at Atlanta News, Sports, Atlanta Weather, Business News | ajc.com Atlanta Journal). I can get traffic updates, live traffic cameras, and airline info. It would be nice to see that in OKC.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    The most valuable aspect of newok.com's breaking news is that they tend to post lots of local stuff as well as the national wire stories.

    It's really quite amazing how quickly they get the news onto their site, so much so that I use it more than any other news source and I don't even live in OKC.

    I failed to mention blogs, which is another area where they are starting to show some depth. Several of their key writers, including Steve Lackmeyer, are contributing quite of bit of additional content.

    I'm particularly glad to see all these additions and enhancements at a time that newspapers nationwide are slashing staffs and services. Because the print media is getting a lot of their profit squeezed by electronic outlets (classified ads have greatly eroded, for example) for the most part they are cutting back. Glad to see the Oklahoman taking a proactive approach and trying to get out ahead of these different channels of distribution, rather than just retreat.

    Since newspapers are really the only place that true reporting is still done (and everyone else just talks about what the papers report) we need them to stay strong.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    The irony is that the Tulsa World won "Best Website" just this past Saturday night from the Oklahoma Society for Professional Journalists. But, I with you agree for the most part. In some ways, I think Newsok has become too busy. Ads everywhere, the "floating ads" (which I hate) and a lot of junk that doesn't make it look "clean." But, it is very content-rich and the videos are sometimes pretty good.

    Pete, you might be interested to know they advertise Newsok all the time on the cable channels here in OKC. Pushing all their features like news alerts to cell phone, the webcasts, etc.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    Pete, was talking to my contacts at OPUBCO the other day. They've dedicated 4 floors of their tower as a recording studio for these podcasts, etc. They realize the days of print as we know it are numbered and that if they want to stay alive they will have to have a stronger web and video presence. You'll continue to see more and more of these streaming video's in the future. Also, they recently just launched wimgo.com as a local events source. They haven't had an official push for it yet, but check it out.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    Don't forget about their latest feature, WIMGO, which is an amazing "what's going on," events site and calendar.

    The casual reader would never know it, but they have really gone above and beyond with helping small non-profits and other local organizations whose events and activities many members of these boards attend, and have made it really easy for us (the organizations) to post.

    Not only that, but they have an entire department dedicated to making this a "one-stop" shop calendar for all of the events in town. Even the chamber, CVB and Downtown OKC, Inc. will be pulling events for their calendar off of WIMGO.

    If you haven't been there yet, it's definitely worth checking out. They have made it interactive, so people can not only post about whether they are going or not going to an event, but even made comments.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    FritterGirl, I mentioned wimgo if you read the second to last sentence of my post above yours. Yes, you are correct several nonprofits will be streaming the events to their websites, including many more you didn't mention.

  8. Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    My company and I had two stories in the paper last week (that is me on the front page of the business section Thursday). As part of the write up I took a tour of the pubco building. I didn't see 4 floors dedicated to multimedia - only one. But on it is the equivalent of a small television station production studio. They also have a nice recording booth for the podcasts.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    Newsok.com is great, especially the mobile features, but when you want BREAKING news about OKC, this is the place to visit. I'll see stuff here days before it ever makes the rounds on newsok. Plus, this site fosters an environment in which people can break a story with complete bias and passion, offering enthusiastic input from everyone else. Bravo, OKCTalk!
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  10. #10

    Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    well said AFCM!!!

  11. Default Re: Kudos to newsok.com

    Great thought Pete. I very much agree. The Oklahoma is too often bashed for things that either aren't that big of a deal, or are common to most newspapers.

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