I happen to be flipping through the channels last night and caught the replay of the Lawton high/ PC original high school girls game. It was close so I thought I would watch. At the 4 min mark something happened that made me drop my beer. I tick/tack foul was called on number 23, what happened next was crazy. She proceeded to drop some f bombs and other 4 letter words at the ref. Apperantly the ref didnt hear her or see what came next. She flew the bird at the ref. The coach for PC did nothing, didnt pull her out of the game or anything. The ref not seeing these acting didnt do anything either. The color person, remarked saying she is a firey player, but that isnt good sportsmanship. Not a minute later the ref stopped the game and threw out a fan. I believe it was her father. So i guess the apple didnt fall to far from the tree. If this wasn't her father I apologize. Now granted I talk smack and run my mouth sometimes playing sports. But my problem was with the coaching staff of PC. For the head coach to let her players act this way was beyond me.