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Thread: Clear your calendar for the 2008 Festival of the Arts.

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  1. #1

    Default Clear your calendar for the 2008 Festival of the Arts.

    And if you happen to be there on Saturday, 26 April at around 7:30 to 9:00pm, stop by the Deck Stage and watch your's truly perform a fingerstyle display similiar to that of Edgar Cruz.

    I'll be performing at the FOA for the first time in nine years, when I was 17. Now that I'm back in OK for good, I'm looking forward to making my regular appearances at local festivals to helps support the arts.

    I hope to see your there.

    Jake (AFCM)
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  2. Default Re: Clear your calendar for the 2008 Festival of the Arts.

    Yay Jake!

    I'm so proud of you.. you should post your YouTube guitar videos here.....

    * He's an awesome guitar player!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Clear your calendar for the 2008 Festival of the Arts.

    Thanks. Most of my performances lately have been private gigs (IE weddings, retirement ceremonies, banquets, etc). I'm excited about getting back to a larger stage where I have a chance to share my passion with as many people as possible. Plus, when I play privately, I'm hired and I feel like I'm only there to make money and be background music. I enjoy public performances the most because I can really interact and share my love of music with the audience.

    Since I moved here Feb of 2007, I missed the contract deadline so I had to sit out a whole year. This year, I was able to remake a demo and send it in on time.

    I'll post some videos as soon as I can get around to making better ones. The videos I've uploaded to the net aren't great quality. They're pretty much just experiments. I'll be sure to do some better ones later.

    Thanks Karrie, and I hope to finally meet you at FOA.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  4. #4

    Default Re: Clear your calendar for the 2008 Festival of the Arts.

    Good for you Jake! Looking forward to seeing you.

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