to my OKC friends:
Many of you are aware of the constant whining that there is nothing to do in Oklahoma City. I personally disagree, and although I hear this less these days, I still hear it often.
Since the mid-nineties, OKC has has a one cent sales tax that has paid for the MAPS Projects as well as MAPS for Kids. Without MAPS we would have no Bricktown, no improved Civic Center Music Hall, no downtown library or Art Museum. The Oklahoma River would still be a ditch and our arena options would the the state fair and the Myriad. Without MAPS as a catalyst, we would not have seen the major private investment in downtown, midtown, and the surrounding area.
On Tuesday, we the citizens of OKC have the choice to extend that tax for 15 months. This 1% sales tax will go towards improving the Ford Center, which was built bare bones as an original MAPS project. It also will fund a city-owned NBA practice facility in the event that we get a team. These improvement will make the arena a stronger competitor for events in the region as Tulsa completes it's 200-million dollar arena, Wichita preps to build one, and Dallas and KC already have 300-million dollar arenas. This $115 million dollar upgrade will make the FC nicer aesthetically, improve functionality, and provide more and better amenities. These improvement are not only good for the general use of the arena, but they are also necessary to secure an NBA team for OKC--something that will stimulate our economy and put OKC permanently in the national eye for positive reasons.
The opposition will tell you that this is "maps for millionaires" and that the city shouldn't be giving away it's money to the wealthy owners of the Sonics, who could pay for it themselves. This is misleading, because it is impossible for the Sonics owners to pay for arena upgrades when they have not yet been given permission to move the team from Seattle. Also, the arena is city-owned, so the city must pay for improvements. They will also tell you that we don't need this to get the NBA. This is a lie. Clay Bennett himself has gone on record saying a NO vote means NO NBA.
Please go to the polls on Tuesday and vote YES to improve the Ford Center. YES for the NBA. YES for more great events at the Ford Center. YES for more entertainment options in downtown and Bricktown. YES for OKC's continued progress.