I've been in Dallas for the past 2 weeks, so this is coming as a complete surprise. Didn't they just hire this guy? What's the deal?
OKC School Board To Discuss Porter's Future With District - Education News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City
I've been in Dallas for the past 2 weeks, so this is coming as a complete surprise. Didn't they just hire this guy? What's the deal?
OKC School Board To Discuss Porter's Future With District - Education News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City
I think it's a bunch of crap that the city and public agencies keep scheduling these meetings during working hours. As Porter said, a 5:30pm would accomodate more of the public's input than an 8am Monday morning meeting.
They are meeting in closed session @ 8AM.
If they take a vote, it would have to be in open session @ 5:30PM
Sounds like they are trying to cook up something in order to hang Porter.
I think they could have AT LEAST given him a year before they 'act so typical' AGAINST people of colour in high places. Shoot, why did they bring Porter in in the first place? Considering they wont let him do his job and lead the district as he sees fit.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
I'm sure they are glad you assume its due to his race...
You know, it is actually possible to hire someone and figure out they aren't who you thought they were within days even of hiring them.
Instead of playing the race card, how about you wait it out and listen to both sides?
Yes, we need to leave race out of the equation...particularly since of the 7 sitting board members (it seems District 3 is currently vacant) 3 are white, 2 are black and 2 are Latino. And of those members, all voted for the suspension except one who abstained (Thelma Parks who is black). But the other black member Joe Clytus voted for the suspension as did the 2 Latino members. So, 3 white people, and 3 of color voted for the suspension, and the other black abstained when she could have voted no. So...if it is racist from the board, then 3 people of color are also racist.
Sounds like, from the allegations, that there are some serious issues to do with misuse of taxpayer funds involved. How serious, I don't know... but they are there.
It's hard to read between the lines here but it seems like the board (especially Cliff Hudson) became very disenchanted with Porter early on -- lots of negative feedback from principals according to one report.
And expenses and the other claims are probably just trying to find something concrete that would justify getting him out ASAP.
Mon January 7, 2008
Superintendent suspended with pay
By Wendy K. Kleinman
Staff Writer
The Oklahoma City School Board voted this morning to suspend Superintendent John Porter with pay.
A previously confidential investigative report was released at that time. The report makes 21 specific allegations against Porter. Many are fiscal, but some relate to interpersonal matters.
The allegations include:
- Excessive turnover in key staff positions.
- Negative relationships with multiple principals.
- Inappropriate and abusive behavior with some employees.
- Failure to follow policies and directions from the school board, and failure to communicate adequately with the board.
A hearing has been set for Feb. 6, where the board will listen to evidence and determine whether to reinstate or to terminate Porter.
- Entering the district into a $365,600 contract without going through the process of competitive bidding.
- Seeking reimbursement from general and activity funds for first-class trips on personal business, for coach-class trips for his wife, and for an Admirals Club pass at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.
- Seeking reimbursement for apparent alcohol purchases.
- Misusing funds by requesting reimbursement for questionable meal expenses.
- Asking one or more district employees to perform personal work while on district time, as well as outside normal working hours that resulted in overtime payments.
- Failure to take vacation days while out of town on personal matters.
- Seeking reimbursement for questionable car expenses, including car rental, taxi receipts, parking receipts and gasoline receipts.
- Raising some employees' pay scale without authorization from the school board.
Sandra Park, former superintendent of Blanchard schools, was named interim superintendent.
Read the report, in the form of a notice adopted by the board this morning here.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Thanks for posting the update. I'm wondering though if some of the "interpersonal" complaints are really warranted. Perhaps he was trying to make necessary changes that have been neglected for years and others just didn't want to change. I could be wrong but that is something to at least think about and ask. We all know OKC Public Schools need a major overhaul and we're sure not going to get there doing the same old things.
I was sort of listening but not really (I was occupied doing taxes) to the news conference - I wish I would have paid more attention because it was heated and there were many outbursts.
Try to watch tonight - I'm sure it will be well televised.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
First off, if he's the superintendent, is it necessarily a misuse of funds to fly first class? Many people in that sort of profession have such a provision in their contract -- that all flights will be first class and that they'll have Crown Room/Admiral Club memberships, etc.
Second, the "questionable" uses of funds... If it's "questionable," then it only has the appearance of possibly being wrong. It's not per se wrong.
As to the contract, $365K is no minor oversight. That's the only thing on the list that really bothers me.
The nonfiscal stuff? Who cares. When you're the big cheese, you don't have to play well with others. He's the boss of these principals, it doesn't matter if he comes to their school on a daily basis just to yell at them. Bosses often deal negatively with employees and other subordinates. My only question here is this: Does the man get results?
Some of the other allegations are enough to raise an eyebrow, but really, they're pretty ticky-tack. If those things were done with malice, I say can him. If those things were just little mistakes, warn him and get him to start documenting things a little better.
Only been in for a few months and he has to answer to 21 allegations....Any business would thank him and have someone let him clean his desk out and show him the door
Out of 21 I have to think at least half are legit...Way too many to retain someone in my opinion...Pretty dam* disappointing
The $365k purchase and the one about having employees performing personal work on company time are definitely the two biggest offenses and either one alone can get you fired. In a government position criminal charges could possibly even be filed.
While I'll agree that some of the charges are at the worst picky, like the fact that some of the principals don't like him, some of these things he needs to answer to. The council made the right decision in suspending him while investigating some of these charges further. It would be dumb to fire him now without making sure all of these charges actually hold water, but he does need to explain himself.
And thats another thing, explaining himself in the media means nothing. He conducted interviews on all four major news stations as well as the DOK. It may be nice to have everyone in the public on your side, but the only people's opinions that matter are sitting on that school board. Maybe he worry about talking to Cliff Hudson instead of Kelly Ogle.
Its all very sad. I thought MAPS for Kids was really cleaning up OKCPS. This ordeal has already left a huge black eye.
He says the $365K purchase was from a company which the state has identified as a sole provider (even though that company listed 4 competitors in their application).
The question there seems to be whether a bureaucratic designation means more than reality... Is it the superintendent's role to change that designation?
Yeah, right...like he can have a buddy-to-buddy chat with good ol' Cliff.
Still corrupting young minds
I agree bandnerd... I thought this student from Douglas High School said it best when KOCO interviewed him live at the Board Meeting at 5:30pm. He said something to the effect " I've seen Dr. Porter several times at our school working solutions to our problems, but I've never seen Clif Hudson come to Douglas High School". I thought that was pretty funny.
As far as 'trying his case to the media' goes, I think this is different. The people who he's adverse to, the school board, are elected officials. Making sure any adverse proceedings where they're involved are public is actually a fairly good move... and since those people are elected officials who are accountable to the people, I don't have a problem with any grandstanding done by either side.
Our children's education is of supreme importance. This is something everyone should pay attention to. Here's a unique chance to find out just what kind of school board we really have.
Sorry...but as someone who works in government, I have enough common sense not to charge this stuff. If he's a superintendent, he's certainly been doing this awhile and should know better as well.
I do not feel that the expenses are nitpicky at all. I find it pretty sad that he started running up these bills within weeks of being hired.
If you feel this is being nitpicky, remember that the hundreds of dollars he is misusing (potentially on alcohol or his wife's airfare) is YOUR money.
What does the school board have to gain from randomly firing this guy? This is so silly to claim that its a "lynching" when you take into account that the same people hired him that suspended him.
It does not make the school board look any better that they are suspending a guy that they hired, so I have to think that they didn't have much choice with what allegations are there.
I think as long as the investigation confirms the accusations, he should be out of there. There are no excuses if he did what he is accused of doing...a grown man with common sense should know better...and I hope our superintendent is someone with common sense (at least).
I have read all sorts of posts on this matter all over the web...yep, it has gone national...not to the extent it has on some local news websites, which stands to reason.
With all the allegations, accusations, denials, name-calling, mud-slinging, and so forth...I would still like to hear from the individual(s) that reviewed and approved the payments? That is, IF payments have actually been made to Dr. Porter yet?
I'll repeat something my boss said about this...basically as the top guy, its not likely that someone would say to him *ahem* you can't charge this... He just does it, and of course someone isn't going to call him out on it as he is the boss...thats why it has taken so long for someone to blow the whistle on him. (In other words, if they give him a hard time about it, they would have to worry about their own job).
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