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Thread: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

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  1. Default What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    A discussion hosted by the folks aspiring to organize a central Oklahoma chapter of the Urban League Institute will take place 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Full Circle Books. This will not be a typical author's signing or speech, but rather an exchange on where Urban Renewal went wrong in the 60s and 70s. This is the first of three discussions relating to the Urban Renewal era through MAPS, and will include a rarely seen 1967 Urban Renewal propaganda film.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    A discussion hosted by the folks aspiring to organize a central Oklahoma chapter of the Urban League Institute will take place 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Full Circle Books. This will not be a typical author's signing or speech, but rather an exchange on where Urban Renewal went wrong in the 60s and 70s. This is the first of three discussions relating to the Urban Renewal era through MAPS, and will include a rarely seen 1967 Urban Renewal propaganda film.
    That's pretty aggressive... you are going to dissect the past forty years worth of Urban Renewal in three individual sessions? Have you considered hiring a consultant to make sure that your group doesn't make the same mistakes of the folks that lacked the vision back then?

    And, just so we all know, when and where are the next two meetings going to be after the intial group take on the failure of the OKC brain trust?

  3. Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rifleman2C View Post
    That's pretty aggressive... you are going to dissect the past forty years worth of Urban Renewal in three individual sessions? Have you considered hiring a consultant to make sure that your group doesn't make the same mistakes of the folks that lacked the vision back then?
    Who is "you"?? Your tone confuses me.

  4. Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Someone should have smacked Pei with his blueprints and told him to get lost.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Man, I'd like to attend but I already have plans. Steve, make sure to keep us posted on anything that comes out of the meeting as well as if there will be any following meetings. I'd love to help shed more light on OCURA.

  6. Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Thanks Metro. As I mentioned, this is being hosted by a group of individuals interested in forming a local chapter of the Urban Land Institute. Two more such discussions will take place in November and December. Come with an open mind... I think this is an important part of our history that is misunderstood by many.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Steve, thanks, however you threw me off, your first post said Urban League Institute (which I'd never heard of), but then you now mention Urban Land Institute. I thought OKC formed a Urban Land Institute chapter a few months back with Grant Humphrey's and crew? Is this the same chapter or are you looking to establish another chapter in OKC?

  8. Default Re: What really happened with the Pei Plan?

    Late night post, Metro, no editor. Shows how dangerous I can be without adult supervision! Yes, it's the Urban Land Institute. And yes, it's the same people who were working with Blair Humphreys.

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