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Thread: I-40 Barrier

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  1. #1

    Default I-40 Barrier

    Anyone who drives I-40 between Morgan and MacArthur may agree with me. Why is the barrier taking so long!! I watch them when I drive to work, and see them gone when I come home. It seems like on a daily basis, no progress is made. Suddenly one day they decide to work, and a lot gets done. It's getting frustrating!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    I feel your pain I drive it every day too. It is getting a little ridiculous and now that I was a passenger and really had a chance to look at the concrete work it is terribly shoddy. It should be a nice smooth even continous surface but it looks like something my 4 and 6 year old formed with Play-Doh.

  3. #3

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    Hey only the best for Oklahoma roads.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    I have a friend who used to work in the road construction business. One day I asked him the same question about another stretch of road. His answer was brilliant:

    When have you ever seen anything connected to the gov't (state or federal) move quickly/efficiently on a daily basis?

  5. #5

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy1807 View Post
    I have a friend who used to work in the road construction business. One day I asked him the same question about another stretch of road. His answer was brilliant:

    When have you ever seen anything connected to the gov't (state or federal) move quickly/efficiently on a daily basis?
    Go to Texas or Florida, they construct quality roads almost overnight.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    I remember the Kirkpatrick going in seemed to really move along once it finally got started.

  7. Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    Thats the difference between the DOT doing work, and the Turnpike Authority.

  8. #8

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    Yep. The quicker you build the turnpike, the quicker you can reap the rewards of all that toll money.

    No money to be made from improving the interstate.

  9. #9

    Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    I agree with you all about the government being involved in most work. During a conversation with a few politicians I have known over the years, stated that they must take the lowest bid. This means that quality of work and/or time means nothing when choosing a bidder, ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY.

    To: Matt; there is a lot of money to be made from having a great interstate system. Oklahoma has two major corridors, that connect all of the country. So you are talking Gas Tax which is .13 to .18 cents per-gallon and any sales tax revenue. That can total upwards of 5 to 7 bucks by the time you pass through the state. Turnpike if you go from Tulsa to OKC is only 3 bucks.

  10. Default Re: I-40 Barrier

    Got this from the people that drive the roads the most. Along with the article, they have the rating for best and worst. Top 5 in each area. Only list we make, "WEAKEST ON TRUCK INSPECTIONS", we really should do something about that one.

    Worst Roads: Southwestern Wonder - Overdrive

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