Originally Posted by
Dad 1130
Well...it appears I was placing the blame for the youth soccer situation on the wrong shoulders. My apologies to Mr. Spens who may be the only one in Norman who is still trying to make Norman Soccer work.
The jersey change is a part of club unification. For those of you who know nothing about soccer take it from me...THIS IS A GOOD IDEA. The entire club having a similar theme at every level is important, and brings unity rather than division to rec and comp groups. Yes, the parents should have been notified of this, but apparently trying to explain it was an exercise in futility.
The hospital's contribution is the only thing saving a league that is hemorrhaging from every area due to a UTTER LACK OF COMMITMENT from parents.
I thought about just removing my original post or letting it die, but I would rather post my apology to Mr. Spens and Mr. Rother and a challenge to the rest of you. If you care about soccer in Norman then pick up a phone and lend a hand. The time has come for all of us to STEP UP.