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Thread: Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

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  1. Cool Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

    Exactly what I would do if I were the mother 15 children.........

    Mia Farrow has offered her freedom in exchange for that of a respected Darfur rebel figure, virtually imprisoned for more than 13 months.

    Farrow, who was once married to Frank Sinatra, is a goodwill ambassador to the U.N. children's agency UNICEF and has visited Darfur twice. She has 15 children, 11 of them adopted.

  2. Default Re: Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

    I think it's pathetic that celebs have bastardized the entire war ala Paris Hilton's designer animals. If any of them really cared about the situation, if any of them really put their money where their mouth is (literally), then many of them could personally finance a drastic change in the situation.

    According to IMDB, Angelina Jolie's last three big movies have paid out $40 million dollars all together. How much of that, even invested, could have stable water sources, housing, security, or education for Darfur in 2-3 years? One also should consider how many celebrities have jumped on the Darfur bandwagon. How many of them could have personally stabilized the entire situation, maybe even through doing a charitable feature film?

  3. Default Re: Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

    Quote Originally Posted by SpectralMourning View Post
    I think it's pathetic that celebs have bastardized the entire war ala Paris Hilton's designer animals. If any of them really cared about the situation, if any of them really put their money where their mouth is (literally), then many of them could personally finance a drastic change in the situation.

    According to IMDB, Angelina Jolie's last three big movies have paid out $40 million dollars all together. How much of that, even invested, could have stable water sources, housing, security, or education for Darfur in 2-3 years? One also should consider how many celebrities have jumped on the Darfur bandwagon. How many of them could have personally stabilized the entire situation, maybe even through doing a charitable feature film?
    They could throw 100 million at the problem, and $99,992,314.72 would go into pockets other than what was intended.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

    You're right on target Spectral. Activism has become a fashion statement. Not to mention all these stupid little concerts they have to raise money for Katrina etc. I'm a normal joe who provides for his family but by no means is rich and I have these millionaire, no billionaire celebs asking me to send money. Forget the concert. Save the money and effort it takes to put on and televise them and just give a portion of your millions yourself. The rest of us may not always give monetarily because we may not be able to but we give of our time, our effort or we take in those who need it for the time.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mia Farrow offers her freedom for Darfur rebel

    I'm certain that's a really serious offer. Can we find her in a public place and tell her her offer has been accepted just to see the look on her face. Her next phone call, "Woody, can you watch the kids... well you're already watching one. I have to go be a hostage in Darfur." I like to think that some of these stars have real concern, but so much of it seems desgined to generate publicity that like others, I'm a bit jaded.

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