When I tried to log on about an hour ago, I got a message that I didn't save ... something about having to install Zend Optimizer ... as directed, I went to Zend's website, registered, and then tried to figure out WHAT to download and install.

Being clueless, I 1st tried version 3.x something ... got nowhere after the install (which I did 3x ... uninstall ... install), read some things in Zend's user forum ... got nowhere.

Then, doing another uninstall, I then installed the "earliest" version of Zend Optimizer available, version 2.x something, and this time it apparently took.

Trust me, a LOT of okctalk people are NOT going to be able to figure this our or take the time to get it done ... over 1 hour for me this morning.

Or, did I miss something? What's going on?