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  1. Default Trying to find a church

    Me and my fiance plan on getting married in about a year or so, and with a new baby, i wanted to join a church, I figured it would be good, to have a religious background for the family. Any suggestions?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Trying to find a church

    What kind of church are you hunting? What area of town?

  3. Default Re: Trying to find a church

    somewhere in the north side, and im not quite sure whats out there! everything is a bit confusing

  4. #4

    Default Re: Trying to find a church

    The north side of Oklahoma City is pretty large and there are a lot of churches you can consider.

    It seems the theological positions of the church are not terribly important to you and your overriding concern is providing your child with a religious experience. I take it you don't have a lot of experience with churches. And you likely are fairly young since your family is young. Since you are asking on the forum I suspect you have already discounted opinions of any church going friends.

    I think you should probably hunt churches somewhere near where you live that advertise a contemporary service rather than a traditional service. Once you have identified a list of candidates then just visit a few and try to find one that feels comfortable. When you attend just shake hands with everyone you see and tell them you are visiting. Usually you will get a packet of materials describing the church and the various programs. Often there will be a special reception following the service for visitors and be sure and go to that and try to meet at least one pastor.

    You and your fiance will find a place you both feel welcome and will be a good environment for your child.

    Best wishes hunting.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Trying to find a church

    When I first moved to Edmond I looked through some church websites and called all the ones around my neighborhood and spoke with a pastor before attending. This allowed me to at least get a feel for the church before I tried it out. If they were warm and inviting on the phone then I would try it out. I also wanted to find out how the kids were divided up age wise and if they had a system in place that would make sure someone other than myself couldn't leave with my son. Also, find one you both enjoy. If you enjoy it, it's a lot easier to keep going back instead of just doing it because you think you should. Good luck to you!

  6. Default Re: Trying to find a church

    Thank you for the information , yeah i have no friends that go to church they think its dumb but again thank you, and ill take your guy's advice and call around.

  7. Default Re: Trying to find a church

    Check out Northwest Baptist Church. We have 2 locations on the north side.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Trying to find a church

    I go to Faith Church in Edmond (near the corner of 15th and Bryant). You can check out our website at faithchurchok.com

  9. Default Re: Trying to find a church

    Any suggestions?
    Don't go. I suggest reading the Bible to your family if it's a Christian lifestyle you wish to lead. There's nothing any preacher can teach which the Bible can't.

    Now, if you really need the support of your fellow Christians to help your walk with God then heed to my fellow writer's advice. You you may reconsider how strong your walk with God to begin with.

  10. Default Re: Trying to find a church

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Lied For You View Post
    Now, if you really need the support of your fellow Christians to help your walk with God then heed to my fellow writer's advice. You you may reconsider how strong your walk with God to begin with.
    It's called fellowship.

  11. Default Re: Trying to find a church

    An amusing find. My wife's church in Colorado had a really great pastor. I liked her and her husband a lot.
    She chose to move on, and we lost touch. I found out this week that they moved to OKC, and she teaches at OU, Religious studies and theology.

    It's a small world! Too bad she no longer pastors, I'd say you'd love her church.

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