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Thread: Who is SRG?

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  1. #1

    Default Who is SRG?

    Does anyone know who SRG is and does he/she post on here by chance under another name? On a recent thread on Skyscrapercity.com, he/she referenced an upcoming announcement of a Headquarters Hotel with 800-1,000 rooms for OKC. He/she said it would be in conjunction with the announcement of a new convention center. Does anyone know anything about this potential announcement, is it for real or is this person just blowing hot air on that board?

  2. Default Re: Who is SRG?

    What is a "headquarters" hotel?

  3. Default Re: Who is SRG?

    I don't know if this is a match, but "SoonerRiceGrad (SRG) was once the same person here as Soooner & Rice Grad, who later and more currently became Spartan at Okc.met ... Oklahoma's Forum - Index ... at one time days gone by he was a prolific poster here but he may not be the same person, but might be ... just guessing ...

    He currently posts here under the name, "Spartan," and I assume that he will chime in about that. In the main, he often has a heads up about developments ... I'm not one to discount what he says, even if I view it cautiously as do I any prospective development information from any secondary sources. No discredit to him ... or others ... just the way that I am.

    His posts are often on the mark.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Who is SRG?

    SRG says a "Headquarters Hotel" is one attached to a convention center that is needed to attract large groups wanting to keep all of their people in one facility.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Who is SRG?

    As Doug said, it's "Spartan". Although it may happen within a few years due to MAPS3. I wouldn't expect to hear an announcement soon. He often posts his leads from here on his site. I think OKCTalk and the main posters here including myself have enough inside information to know if this is fixing to happen or not. Just my two cents...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Who is SRG?

    The Mayor said last week that the city is starting to look at a replacement for the Ford Center, a new convention center, and an adjoing convention hotel in the 800-1000 room range. It was an in an artical related to the Soncis. The Mayor is not a OU and Rice grad is he?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Who is SRG?

    He basically said he knows that that is what it will take to take OKC to the next level. He knows if we get the Sonics, etc. it will be demanded. The majority of OKC citizens and people in the know, also know this. So to say the mayor says he knows we need this isn't new or breaking news. Now if he said to hear an announcement soon, then that would be. Odds are, these things won't happen until a MAPS3 is at least passed. I seriously doubt the announcement of a new convention center and adjoining convention hotel will come to pass BEFORE a vote of the people. My bet is that the taxpayers of OKC are paying for the new convention center, not a private developer. Yes, once that part is announced, it's almost a giveaway that at least one convention center hotel will follow. I still think we're years away from an announcement.

  8. Default Re: Who is SRG?


    P.S. There were a lot of things that happened under the SRG moniker on here that I think it's fair to say a LOT of us aren't very proud of. So you all can call me Spartan LOL.

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