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Thread: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

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  1. Default Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    In Pictures: Best U.S. Housing Markets - Forbes.com

    I saw this today on Yahoo! Finance. Oklahoma City came in #2, just behind Seattle. I doubt Oklahoma City has ever been this high on a list like this. I guess I bought my house at the right time-- 13 months ago!

  2. Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market


    12% is good for OKC.. good timing.

    The rest of the nation is feeling the pain but of course they had phenominal gains... we're just trucking along, slowly but surely.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    Excellent news for Okc.

    I do wish that we could get some of the large growth that other areas of the US had, such as Arizona, California, and Florida.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    That's strange-- I was looking at my house on zillow.com the other day and it showed that my house has gone down in value about 20k over the past six months. (still worth more than I paid for it, so I'm not complaining...)

  5. Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    There was a period when Zillow was seriously overvaluing houses in this area for some inscrutable reason. They finally cleaned up their act; their results are now somewhat closer to what the Assessor finds.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    But it seems like one thing to keep in mind that this is basing the facts of the #2 best housing market based upon return on investment. Meaning it's a good sellers market. If you look at it from the buyer's perspective, you're getting less for your money than you were a year ago,etc. These out of state investors are infiltrating our market and inflating our real estate values as a whole. I predict we will see more of a divide between upper-middle, upper class vs. lower class because of this.

  7. Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    I bought my house 5 years ago...Now thanks to this thread...Uh...Anybody want to buy a house?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    Here is some more good news on the Oklahoma market In Pictures: 10 Hottest Real Estate Markets - Forbes.com

  9. #9

    Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    then the Sonics will only have to step down one notch, when they move to O-City!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Forbes: OKC is #2 Best US Housing Market

    Seattle, we're on your hills again!!

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