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Thread: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

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  1. #1

    Default 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Phil Ray Gage, 40, of Oklahoma City ran into trouble Friday when he mowed his yard at 4:30 a.m., drawing complaints from at least one neighbor.

    BY MATT PATTERSON mpatterson@opubco.com
    Published: August 30, 2011

    Lawn-mowing in the early hours of the morning isn't something most neighbors would appreciate, and an Oklahoma City man found that out the hard way.

    Phil Ray Gage, 40, was arrested on a complaint of disturbing the peace after a neighbor called to report him for mowing his lawn at 2529 NW 33 at 4:30 a.m. Friday, Oklahoma City police said. He was released by police at the scene after he signed a citation for disturbing the peace.

    According to police reports, Gage became argumentative when officers arrived and asked him to turn off his mower. Gage told police he goes to work at 6 a.m. and because of that he can mow anytime he wants.

    Read more: http://newsok.com/430-a.m.-mowing-le...#ixzz1WZULldSQ
    Whatever happened to being a good neighbor?

    This guy should have waited until he had a day off or did this after work when people were not sleeping. I never understand why the police have to be called on this. I think it's shameful somebody didn't have the guts to just walk out their ask the guy to stop.

    Honestly, I think people need to grow up and deal learn to deal with adults like adults. Calling the police just makes the situations like this worse. You always know who calls the cops on you. Now Ray will be targeting the neighbor and looking at way get even. It all goes down hill at that point. Police and city inspectors are called on every little issue. Sometimes it gets worse were property is vandalized or people are assaulted.

    I have never had much respect for people that tattle and hide behind authority figures like children hiding behind their parents. If you have a problem with someone be civil and try to settle it on your own. In most cases you make a new friend in the end.

  2. Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    This is just tragic. He should sue the police department for unlawful arrest. First, we need to find out if there are a law or regulation that forbid mowing at 4:30am. If nothing, then sue the police department and the neighbor for harassment.

    Mowing = Disturbing the Peace = LOL!!! A sad joke. :-(

    Many people are actually mowing very early in the morning in this sensational Heat Wave that is now bringing us raging wildfires.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    This is just tragic. He should sue the police department for unlawful arrest. First, we need to find out if there are a law or regulation that forbid mowing at 4:30am. If nothing, then sue the police department and the neighbor for harassment.

    Mowing = Disturbing the Peace = LOL!!! A sad joke. :-(
    The law he broke was not about mowing specifically it was about the level of noise he was making, mowers are generally one of the loudest things people own at home, and most every city has restrictions on how much noise you can make starting sometime around 10 PM going to 6 AM. Depending on the density of the neighborhoods that is keeping from dozens up to around a hundred from sleeping, which is why their are codes against it.

  4. Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    This is just tragic. He should sue the police department for unlawful arrest. First, we need to find out if there are a law or regulation that forbid mowing at 4:30am. If nothing, then sue the police department and the neighbor for harassment.

    Mowing = Disturbing the Peace = LOL!!! A sad joke. :-(

    Many people are actually mowing very early in the morning in this sensational Heat Wave that is now bringing us raging wildfires.
    Aren't you deaf?

  5. #5

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    This is just tragic. He should sue the police department for unlawful arrest.
    Another uninformed and silly thought. If the complaining party wants to sign a citation the offier CANNOT REFUSE AND MUST ALLOW the citizen to sign. So to properly inform you the citizen arrested the neighbor NOT the officer. As usual the current is not running your way.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Whatever happened to being a good neighbor?
    I think this is the key question. The poor neighbor here is the insenstitive clod that was mowing his lawn that early in the morning. Hiding behind the police? If this guy was thoughtless enough to mow at 4:30AM, he would have just flipped off anyone who questioned him. THis is how fistfights get started. If he doesn't want to get cited, don't do something so stupid as mowing at 4:30AM. He got what he should have gotten.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I think this is the key question. The poor neighbor here is the insenstitive clod that was mowing his lawn that early in the morning. Hiding behind the police? If this guy was thoughtless enough to mow at 4:30AM, he would have just flipped off anyone who questioned him. THis is how fistfights get started. If he doesn't want to get cited, don't do something so stupid as mowing at 4:30AM. He got what he should have gotten.
    I agree, mug. We don't know anything about what the relationship of these neighbors was before this incident. I suspect, however, that this was an intentional way to annoy or irritate his neighbors. He knew exactly what kind of problem he would cause.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    He must have had his yard well lighted to mow. Or do some people think they can mow in the dark quite well, or maybe with some assistance from moonlight?

  9. #9

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    He must have had his yard well lighted to mow. Or do some people think they can mow in the dark quite well, or maybe with some assistance from moonlight?
    My John Deere mower has headlights. I never like to use it when it's dark but it's possible.

  10. #10

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    If he got argumentative with the cops, what do you think he would have done with a neighbor? My guess is he would have been arrested for a lot more than disturbing the peace.

  11. #11

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    And here I was wondering if my neighbors would mind when I started at 9ish the other morning. By comparison I'm a prince.

  12. #12

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    And here I was wondering if my neighbors would mind when I started at 9ish the other morning. By comparison I'm a prince.
    I think 9AM is reasonable. Most people should be up and about by that time. Most likely, if you aren't up by 9AM you won't be up by noon either.

  13. Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    That was one of the things I loved about my rechargeable electric mower - I wake up around 4:30 a.m. and I'd often mow around 5:30 a.m. - but the mower was so quite you had no idea it was on except for the slight noise of the leaves and twigs being ground up. Sadly it only lasted a couple of years. Now mowing is my Sunday morning ritual (9a.m.ish).

    I agree, the only bad neighbor was the dip mowing with a gas mower that early in the morning. I seriously doubt this was the first time he did this and there would have been no arrest/citation had he simply stopped mowing and waited for an appropriate time.

    People who make these comments annoy the heck out of me....
    I have never had much respect for people that tattle and hide behind authority figures like children hiding behind their parents. If you have a problem with someone be civil and try to settle it on your own.
    Its a no win situation. If you confront the neighbor who obviously has no common sense or respect for his fellow neighbors and the situation gets out of hand then people will yell he should have called the police. If he calls the police then people say he's a "tattle tale."

    While in this case the neighbor claims he's been doing this for 10-years with no negative response from neighbors. Common sense should have told him otherwise. He also claims he was friendly as could be and not argumentative with the cop. Who knows - I can see it going either way. People lie about their interactions with cops and cops lie about their interactions with the public.

    Regardless - doesn't change my opinion in this circumstance. Call the cops and let them handle this type of situation.

    I personally have zero tolerance with neighbors who are showing disrespect. Each instance dictates how you should handle it. I have a neighbor I respect that used to start up his motorcycle at 5:30 a.m. when heading to work. I told him it wakes my wife up (our bedroom window is right next to his driveway). He agreed to start the cycle in the garage and then open the door and coast into the street. No more issue.

    Another neighbor had a dog that would bark at night wanting to go inside. We tried complaining to the neighbor and it almost resulted in a fight. The only fix was to call police and sign a ticket on one occasion (cop didn't hear the dog) and the other occasion the cop did his own ticket because he witnessed the noise. After costing him a few hundred bucks he took care of the issue.

    In this case I'd call the cops too. I'm not getting up (if still asleep) getting dressed and confronting a neighbor that has to know what he is doing is insensitive and doesn't care. Let a cop see it, make a report and handle it however is necessary.

    Also, calling the cops puts a neighbor in a much better situation should the confrontations continue. This way you have a record of ongoing issues.

  14. #14

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    1) If the guy would quit wasting drinking water watering his lawn during a drought he probably wouldn't have felt the need to mow it.

    2) I wonder what the result would have been had the guy been exercising his "right" to trespass on other people's eardrums by cranking up the thumping bass--backed by obscene urban jungle chants--on his car stereo. (Probably not even a warning by the authorities.)

  15. Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    1) If the guy would quit wasting drinking water watering his lawn during a drought he probably wouldn't have felt the need to mow it.

    2) I wonder what the result would have been had the guy been exercising his "right" to trespass on other people's eardrums by cranking up the thumping bass--backed by obscene urban jungle chants--on his car stereo. (Probably not even a warning by the authorities.)
    I know an OCPD officer right now that has a citizen complaint being investigated because he approached some dingbat in a parking lot at a children's sporting event and told him to turn his music down after other parents asked if he could do anything about it. According to the officer the kid was blasting some sort of rap type music that had lots of expletives in the lyrics and the parents found it too loud, a nuisance and obscene.

    The kid turned it down. But then as he left he cranked it back up and peeled out. Later he filed a complaint and said something to the effect the music was a reflection of his culture (white kid FYI). The kid didn't even get a ticket, so he should consider himself lucky.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    But then as he left he cranked it back up and peeled out.
    I had a friend who got a $250 exhibition of speed ticket for doing just that.

    As for the lawnmower man (crappy movie btw) - maybe a bb gun and a grassy knoll would have been in order.

  17. #17

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I had a friend who got a $250 exhibition of speed ticket for doing just that.

    As for the lawnmower man (crappy movie btw) - maybe a bb gun and a grassy knoll would have been in order.
    Hmmm good idea

  18. #18

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Actually, it is a good thing that the young, culturally clueless, moron filed the complaint: Now he has turned himself into a target for a ticket for every minor traffic violation known to man. (At least in the world where I am both Chief of Police and Mayor. You know . . . Like in Mayberry. Or Mayfield. =)

    Of course, the early morning landscaper could solve the whole problem--except for the water wasting--by using a mower such as one pictured below.

    (And the StereoScofflaw could be sentenced to "Community Service" by mowing all of the local right-of-ways using the same type piece of equipment! Without headphones or earbuds!)

  19. #19

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Sometimes you have no choice other then to get the police involved. I just think people should make an honest effort to solve a problem on their own. I see this many times around my work place. People will take their problems to a supervisor without even saying a word to the person(s) creating the problem.

    The guy should have known better and waited for a time most people are awake. I am willing to bet both him and the officer was annoyed over the fact the police were called over mowing the lawn at an odd hour. At that hour of the night most police officers are taking advantage of downtime by catching up on paperwork or making patrols in areas that normally don't see police coverage because of call volume.

    Bottomline both parties in this situation (Caller and Lawnboy) should have just had a polite conversation and moved on. It always works in your favor to be a good neighbor.

  20. #20

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    LOL @ having a "polite conversation" with the asshole next door who's mowing the yard before the crack of dawn. Yeah, right.

  21. #21

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    It didn't say in the article but I wonder if he and his neighbors have had problems before. If he got argumentative with the police then the chances of him being a jerk to his neighbors is pretty good.

  22. #22

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    If he got argumentative with the cops, what do you think he would have done with a neighbor? My guess is he would have been arrested for a lot more than disturbing the peace.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    It didn't say in the article but I wonder if he and his neighbors have had problems before. If he got argumentative with the police then the chances of him being a jerk to his neighbors is pretty good.
    According to him, he didn't exactly get "argumentative":
    “When the officer came up to me she asked me if I knew it was illegal to mow at that time of day,” Gage said. “I thought she was cracking a joke. Then she told me to get up against the car, and she put cuffs on me.”

  23. #23

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    According to him, he didn't exactly get "argumentative":
    The two sides of the story are often different, and frequently are selective on details.

  24. #24

    Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Reel mower.

  25. Default Re: 4:30 a.m. mowing leads to Oklahoma City man's arrest

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    Reel mower.
    This. I can mow anytime I want.

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