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Thread: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

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  1. #1

    Default World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    This is not set in stone but rumor has it and their is a good chance that, if it happens, what will be the World's Largest Carousel will be near the banks of the Oklahoma River. It would be imported from Europe and give us a Coney Island type area along the river. Like I said, its not official but is in the works as a possibility for the Centennial.

  2. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    oh Metro, that would be incredible! Crossing fingers!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Karried, wouldn't you and the rest like to know what other unannounced and some already underway projects I know about!

  4. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    Karried, wouldn't you and the rest like to know what other unannounced and some already underway projects I know about!


    give us some hints

  5. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Waiting with abated breath! Where's your blog?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #6

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Big in terms of circumference or big in terms of height, with big horses or whatever's on it to ride?

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Sounds like great news. We need to create a carnival type atmosphere somewhere along the river, to bring back the nostalgia of OKC's historic past along the river.

  8. #8

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I am assuming big as in probably wide, this in turn might cause it to be the biggest as in tall as well, I don't know at this point. I'm no carousel expert.

  9. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    And all of you thought I was a tease.
    And Metro is right. What's to come is far better than what we've seen so far.

  10. #10

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Come on, don't do this...

  11. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I can't take it ... let us know what you know or I'll have to get the info the hard way and pull out your fingernails one at a time with pliers (oohh that's gross).

    A carousel would be really cool because you could tie in so many other related activites and features such as a mini family/child train ride along the river or other mini rides, invite a carnival type atmosphere with musicians or any type of carnival entertainers - lemonade, hot dog stands, cotton candy stands etc - something for the entire family to enjoy and something for tourists to take pictures of (the Carousel) and buy souvenirs ....
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    I can't take it ... let us know what you know or I'll have to get the info the hard way and pull out your fingernails one at a time with pliers (oohh that's gross) ....

    i laughed at this. but you are soooo right. come on guys tell us!
    i think they do this because it makes them feel powerful to know that they have that much control on what info they have and when they release it.
    yeah, sit there in your chairs and laugh at us underlings.

  13. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    A carousel with buffalo and covered wagons??? I'm there, no matter what it's made of.. I love carousels!

  14. #14

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I'm no carousel expert.
    Pffft. Then what are we listeing to you for?

  15. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Or maybe they know nothing, as anyone can say they know these things. So I think they should prove it by letting us know what they know...at least some of it.

  16. #16

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    nice try Immortal, I think my posts have spoken for themselves in the past as well as my blogs on www.downtownokc.blogspot.com . now i'll just have to keep you waiting for more unannounced projects. hehehehehehe

  17. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    lol fair enough. I do believe you though. i know my own various things about unnanounced Edmond projects as well. it is just OKC's are more exciting usually.

  18. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Anybody here familiar with the place with carousel, small rides, lots of restaurants near Houston? It's called the Kemah Boardwalk in Kemah, TX. This place is booming! When I read carousel and thinking of the river, I immediately thought - that's what we need at the river, a BOARDWALK! The carousel would be the awesome anchor. Look at what they've done south of Houston:

  19. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    A boardwalk like that, overhanging the water with restaurants, shops, and the carousel would be awesome. I think it could really help the river take off.

    Metro, any chance that you can spill the beans on any of those other projects?!? Or is it still too early?

    If you can't tell us about the projects, at lest tell us this, are any of the projects being proposed Large-scale projects? I'm talking on the scale of several condo high-rises around the ballpark, or a large riverfront development...something way up in the millions or hundreds of millions?

  20. #20
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I really think we need to focus on multiple uses for the river.....housing, recreation/parks, offices, and a casino area.

  21. #21

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    If I told ya I'd have to kill ya, no I wouldn't do that but I wouldnt keep you in suspense if I told you now. I'll slightly share some of them piece by piece little by little over the next few weeks and months

  22. #22

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Metro is there any info on this project.

  23. #23

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    When will we know if it is final? Will it be soon or in 25 years? lol

  24. #24

    Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    I'm going to need a little proof of past performance. Can Metro point to a project that he had secret advanced notice on that actually was proposed/built. Not dubting that you are telling the truth - just would like a little performance review.

  25. Default Re: World Largest Carousel near downtown?

    Well actually this makes a lot of sense. Metro will need something gigantic with which to take a random handful of topics for a spin.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I am assuming big as in probably wide, this in turn might cause it to be the biggest as in tall as well, I don't know at this point. I'm no carousel expert.
    Oh, but it's what you want us to believe so badly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuclear_2525 View Post
    Oh but he loves you. Hook, line, and sinker.

    Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy View Post
    And all of you thought I was a tease.
    And Metro is right. What's to come is far better than what we've seen so far.
    Isn't this also metro? I didn't know that the downtownguy was back since giving his account over to a few faithful OKC Talkers.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    nice try Immortal, I think my posts have spoken for themselves in the past as well as my blogs on Downtown OKC . now i'll just have to keep you waiting for more unannounced projects. hehehehehehe
    I find it hard to believe you wrote the posts at that link. Two of the posts actually go into some depth as to the emotional challenges I've had to overcome with my despised and allegedly-competing urban discussion board. For example:

    Hackers and grafitti vandals are annoying me this week.
    Don't they have anything better to do?

    Anyway, Doug points out a hacker ruined the Oklahoma Urban Forum site.
    It's not as well known as www.okctalk.com, and early on, there was friction between the two chat sites. But they are different. OKCTalk is a community board, diverse in interests, filled with debates, conversations and personalities.
    Urban Forums was much more oriented toward urban planning issues, much more academic and very pro-downtown.
    The old site is hacked, so here's the new site:
    (OFFLINE) Board Offline

    I'll create a new link later this week.
    Of course that was the temp forum that was established in the mayhem that followed so we wouldn't loose members. But you get the point. He even called the forums that I've ran "more academic and very pro-downtown" and compliments don't come like that very often. I need only provide some links to some very different things written by metro as smear tactics lately. So you very plainly see that this is not the blog of metro.

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post
    Anybody here familiar with the place with carousel, small rides, lots of restaurants near Houston? It's called the Kemah Boardwalk in Kemah, TX. This place is booming! When I read carousel and thinking of the river, I immediately thought - that's what we need at the river, a BOARDWALK! The carousel would be the awesome anchor. Look at what they've done south of Houston:
    Macromedia Flash Detection HTML Example
    I do love Kemah. I have an event up at Rice this summer and I'm planning to do a whole lot of photographing ... hopefully I get down to the part I once owned a timeshare in. Kemah was great. Part of what makes Kemah so great is the originality of the boardwalk. It's truly a real boardwalk, with real boardwalk development, and newer development where it fits. It's a very Seaworld-ish place, too; needless to say it is on the sea. I am not sure if this would be very reminiscent of an Oklahoma project. Or a lone carousel for that matter. We're building our riverfront very differently and in peace-meal fashion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    I really think we need to focus on multiple uses for the river.....housing, recreation/parks, offices, and a casino area.
    Bingo, Patrick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flatlander View Post
    Metro is there any info on this project.
    Of course not.

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