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Thread: University Town Center

  1. #326

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Its seems like the retail development in UNP is in full swing, but the office development is still on the boards. I think its time for the City of Norman and the NEDC to take a step back and revisit the office park development, and take a more conservative approach.

  2. #327

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Building permits have been issued for the construction (which has started) of the following businesses next to Academy Sports in the UNP:

    Michaels Arts & Crafts

    Also, White House Black Market is coming to Brookhaven Village.

  3. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Looks like 2nd area location for DSW, the other being up on Memorial.

    With Home Goods it appears to be their first location in the state - HomeGoods | Blog | Unique Home Decor and Affordable Home Furnishings

    Michaels I assume is going to relocate from Ed Noble Pkwy.

  4. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Man, eventually everyone is going to relocate from Ed Noble Parkway and then that will be a bunch of ugly, empty storefronts. What's wrong with their current location?

  5. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by ShiroiHikari View Post
    Man, eventually everyone is going to relocate from Ed Noble Parkway and then that will be a bunch of ugly, empty storefronts. What's wrong with their current location?
    As I've said many time, I would like to see the Ed Noble area, including Sooner Mall, transformed into more of business park area. That way you can concentrate all the retail major retail in one area.

  6. #331

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by ShiroiHikari View Post
    Man, eventually everyone is going to relocate from Ed Noble Parkway and then that will be a bunch of ugly, empty storefronts. What's wrong with their current location?
    I believe that Michaels and Ulta are the only two stores to relocate from Ed Noble Parkway and Kirkland's is the only store (I believe) to relocate from the Sooner Mall to University North Park. Some time back, I recall the developer of University North Park stating that the number of stores relocating to the UNP from other places in Norman has been lower than they initially thought at this stage of the development.

  7. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Problem is, they seem to make a new "concentrated retail area" every 15 years or so. I remember before Ed Noble, there were a lot of businesses on Main Street. Then everything moved from Main to Ed Noble. Now everything's moving from Ed Noble to UNP. It never ends.

    It's true that only a couple of businesses have relocated to UNP, but a lot of others on Ed Noble have straight-up closed rather than relocated, such as SouperSalad and Marble Slab, and as I recall there were a lot of other small shops out that way that closed as well. The Ulta building was never re-used and has been sitting vacant this whole time.

  8. #333
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Here is an interesting article about the long-rumored business park area of University North Park. I guess the "deal" they had with the advanced manufacturer fell through because the article states they're still negotiating with a potential client.

    I wonder what this will look like...?

  9. #334

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    They have been producing articles about this project for years, but no dirt has turned. I will get excited when I start seeing earth movers and cranes.

  10. #335

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by vaflyer View Post
    I believe that Michaels and Ulta are the only two stores to relocate from Ed Noble Parkway and Kirkland's is the only store (I believe) to relocate from the Sooner Mall to University North Park. Some time back, I recall the developer of University North Park stating that the number of stores relocating to the UNP from other places in Norman has been lower than they initially thought at this stage of the development.
    OLD NAVY to Sooner mall, SPORTS CLIPS to UNP as well.

  11. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Here is an interesting article about the long-rumored business park area of University North Park. I guess the "deal" they had with the advanced manufacturer fell through because the article states they're still negotiating with a potential client.

    I wonder what this will look like...?
    There is actually a picture of it in today's Transcript (print edition). I really like the setup. Best way to picture it is Rock Creek on the South, 24th NW on the west, Airport on the East. Pond right in the middle of that plot with 6 corporate buildings surrounding the lake making almost a * shape with green space between all the buildings. Parking completely surrounding those buildings on the edges of the property. Then on the east side at both the north and south corners would be airplane hangars to provide direct access to the airport.

  12. #337

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Any chance you could take a picture or scan it, venture?

  13. #338

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

  14. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    There we go. I didn't really want to scan the pic from the paper with that whole copyright thing out there. Plus it probably wouldn't have been as clear as those above.

  15. #340

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Awesome, thanks. So they are expecting a March groundbreaking on the whole smash, or it will be phased?

  16. #341
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Hmm, the black on the windows is ugly, and why does it have to be surrounded by parking every which way?

  17. #342

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    I am really not too fond of the design or layout either, it should be more dense with larger buildings. More glass, less brick, something like this, notice less surface parking lots:

  18. #343

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    G.W. nailed it.

  19. #344
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Yep. Definitely something more like what GW posted. I was thinking of something like the Woodlands, but I guess I should have remembered that we're in Oklahoma and we build things that look like 70s office parks still instead of nice office parks.

  20. #345

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Lifestyle center indeed.

    We have to decide how we want to live because a city is only a means to a way of life. - Enrique Penalosa

  21. #346

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Just an FYI, the design plans that they have for the new office park are nothing new, these plans and designs have been in place since 2007 when University North Park was on the drawing boards, its just now coming to fruition 6 years later. Which even leads me more to wonder why they don't go back and revisit design plans and programming.

  22. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Just an FYI, the design plans that they have for the new office park in nothing new, these plans and designs have been in place since 2007 when University North Park was on the drawing boards, its just now coming to fruition 6 years later. Which even leads me more to wonder why they don't go back and revisit design plans and programming.
    Agree. I wonder though if they would be willing to ease off the brick requirement for the buildings. I have a feeling they are wanting everything to look the same hence less glass and more brick. Honestly though it shouldn't matter and would much rather see glass everywhere. Would also think they could make it feasible to eliminate the surface parking by having it in a micro parking garages that can be topped off with soil, grass, and trees.

  23. #348

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    The NEDC can do anything they want, it will just cost them more time and money, but in this world, time and money is everything. It seems they want this rushed out as soon as possible since its been a long delay in getting this project started. They should also consider adding a residential component to the area, that would work wonders. Live, Work, Play

  24. #349

    Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    OLD NAVY to Sooner mall, ...
    Having a semi-senior moment. Old Navy space at the mall was at one time Service Merchandise. But was it something else in between?

    One corner of the brain says yeah, it was ... oh darn, what was it. Other areas are telling me no way just shush up, go back to your nap and stop bothering folk.

  25. Default Re: UPDATE! University North Park

    Valliance Bank has no brick and its the best looking building out there.

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