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Thread: SoSA District

  1. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Yeh, that would definitely be a downer. As a homeowner in a current HPD, I'd recommend against it. Pluses and minuses, overall. But, for redevelopment (and that's really what is needed here), HP is not the answer. At. All. On a more personal note, I can't think of any one decently historically significant property in the SOSA area. Can anyone else? Keep these HP folks as far away as possible.

  2. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePlainsman View Post
    ...I can't think of any one decently historically significant property in the SOSA area. Can anyone else? Keep these HP folks as far away as possible.
    The out-of-town-expert-consultant determined that the MAJORITY of houses qualify as "Contributing to a Historic District." One that's slated to be demolished, is "Individually Eligible for the National Register." Let's hope enough voices are heard to squelch this nonsense...

  3. #203

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    a survey doesn't = a historic preservation district

  4. #204

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    I will be there dwells. I'm hoping for a strong roll out from neighborhood stakeholders and property owners. I feel SoSA has a strong argument against movement towards a HPD based on the quickly rising property values, accelerating redevelopment of the area and the number of existing HPD already established in the immediate area.

  5. #205

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    As a property owner in SoSa I will try to be there today to speak out against it as well. Dennis will you be there?

  6. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    I plan to make a very brief presentation to express dissent of the proposed historic district. Other concerned neighbors will also be speaking. Your presence and support will be very helpful, and very much appreciated... (Due to Project 180, and the Art Festival, parking will be very difficult... please allow extra time!)

  7. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    I think it's important here to not make any rash statements that others in the future can use to set a damaging precedent against HP. HP has its place, that place is just not SoSA. Make the argument that modern is what SoSA is supposed to be. It's working very well, and it has proven to be the only viable way to transform that district, as far from the Chesapeake Arena as it is. Why undo something that is working so well for something that would be much less meaningful?

  8. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    The URS report does identify a handful of buildings with true historic value… we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but we also don’t want an HP District where one clearly doesn’t belong.

    The UDC acknowledged this, and I believe the threat is gone.

  9. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    I can only think of two properties at this moment that I would like to see saved.

    Granted, I believe that the two townhomes renovated by Randy Floyd are also fairly historic?

  10. #210

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Anyone perhaps have pictures of the "historical" properties?

  11. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    FreeSoSA.com actually has them pictured.

  12. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    ...Granted, I believe that the two townhomes renovated by Randy Floyd are also fairly historic?
    The URS Survey included the two, NEW garage apartments in the alley behind those well done historic townhomes (these townhomes were completely gutted, and appendages added beyond the original building envelop). The circa 1970s Baptist Church at NW 8th & Francis is on the list, as is a house that was built less than 10 years ago. No one at the City checked the math on this "Study." It's inconsistent and ambiguous. It used a dilapidated house across the street from the townhomes to gerrymander a district shape that resembles an unfinished jig-saw puzzle...
    Last edited by dwellsokc; 04-26-2012 at 06:12 AM. Reason: grammar

  13. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I can only think of two properties at this moment that I would like to see saved.

    Granted, I believe that the two townhomes renovated by Randy Floyd are also fairly historic?
    The two buildings that Randy and Michael did are Territorial buildings over a century old, so they would easily be eligible for the National Register. Frankly they're older than more than 99.9% of the buildings in Oklahoma County. They also did much of their renovation to a very high HP standard.

  14. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    As a property owner in SoSa I will try to be there today to speak out against it as well. Dennis will you be there?
    What property do you own in SoSA? Not digging you, just curious..

  15. #215

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Making my quarterly request: Anyone know of any unlisted lots or mixed-use residential retrofits for lease or sale in SOSA or AA? Still looking for a urban residential space to rent or build. If not for the schools, we'd be out of suburbia already.

  16. #216

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    this 829 NW 7TH ST OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73106 house approved for demo by urban design

  17. #217

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by kdubinmo View Post
    Really enjoy this forum. It helps me keep up with things in the neighborhood. I purchased a lot in 2004 at 619 NW 7th and had a home built. I worked downtown and used to joke that on a bad day my commute could be upwards of 3 minutes. I have since moved to KC MO to be nearer my parents but still own the home and have it leased. I plan on using it as a retirement home in the future. I am excited by the construction going on in SOSA. I believe there are still lots to be had. I paid 20k for mine and it had previously had a burnt-out duplex and the city had torn it down. Keep up the great momentum in SOSA!
    I have the house at 619 NW 7th St as mentioned above and my tenants of 3+ years have purchased a house and are moving at the end of July. I will be leasing and if anyone is interested please email me at kenworth56@gmail.com. The house was built in 2005 and is 3 bedroom and 2 baths, 2 car garage and 3 covered porches. Like I mentioned i plan on moving back and using as a retirement home in 10 years or so. It would be great for someone considering SOSA to see what it is like to live there and perhaps be near a home under construction.

    Thanks, Ken

  18. #218

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Frustratedoptimist View Post
    Making my quarterly request: Anyone know of any unlisted lots or mixed-use residential retrofits for lease or sale in SOSA or AA? Still looking for a urban residential space to rent or build. If not for the schools, we'd be out of suburbia already.
    Dear frustruated , please see my post from today 7/4/2012


  19. #219

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    911 N. Shartel approved for demolition last week! So glad that the UDC shares the vision for this neighborhood and isn't afraid to go against the recommendations of the Planning Dept when they aren't based on anything solid.

  20. #220

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Thanks Ken - sent you a PM.

  21. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by huskysooner View Post
    911 N. Shartel approved for demolition last week! So glad that the UDC shares the vision for this neighborhood and isn't afraid to go against the recommendations of the Planning Dept when they aren't based on anything solid.
    Good to hear!

  22. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    More progress today!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0437.JPG 
Views:	193 
Size:	3.10 MB 
ID:	1913

  23. #223

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    We're next

  24. #224

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    An update on housing development in this area.


    Is there a better view than this from your living room anywhere in OKC?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cottage District.jpg 
Views:	176 
Size:	34.3 KB 
ID:	2012

  25. #225

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Wow, that's an amazing view, especially since it's not in any sort of high- or even mid-rise.

    That area is really coming along... I see more demo and design permits all the time.

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