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Thread: SoSA District

  1. #176

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    There are several great vacant lots which have become available in SoSA lately! But I am finding resistance with banks wanting to lend money on doing anything on them. In better times this neighborhood would be so much further by now! The only way to make any money today is working with a private investor! Even those are few and far between now! Frustrating!

  2. #177

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    First Mortgage (in the TAP building on Broadway) does a lot of the downtown mortgages and may be able to help.

  3. #178

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Thank you Betts! Have not spoken to them yet!

  4. #179

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Notice Red Andrews Park got a much needed mini-makeover!

  5. #180

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Great pics!! Thanks, Metro!!

  6. #181

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Such exciting things happening throughout this area! Can anyone speak to the neighborhood structure? Are there organized neighborhood meetings or anything like that? Is this a group of people all doing something on their own which is working or a movement fueled by a group?

  7. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    I think a lot of the organization is through the local architects that personally reside in this neighborhood (Fitzsimmons especially). I suspect there may also be some recruiting of new residents underway. Many of the people who have broken ground on new homes, like Dr. Lovallo or Bill Bleakeley, are fairly prominent locals.

  8. #183

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Nothing official. It's all been individuals on heir own for the most part. We've tried to organize as a neighborhood association a few years back but it never materialized. It's the modern mans modern architecture land run if you will.

  9. #184

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Anyone know who the builder is on this one? I really like it - I have been watching it go up....Slowly....

  10. #185

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Well I like the choice of materials, aluminum windows, concrete block, stucco, etc. I also think that it is a concrete home and I am interested in alternative building.

  11. #186

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    My wife and I just closed on a piece of property in the neighborhood and we're very excited. Thanks for the great input from the posters on this board including One Dot Less Than Nine and MidCenturyModOKC.

  12. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Congratulations! Can't wait to learn more...

    (PS: There're at least 3 tear-downs slated for the next few months.)

  13. #188

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Thanks Dwells! My mistake for leaving you off - your encouragement was paramount! We will talk soon.

  14. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by huskysooner View Post
    My wife and I just closed on a piece of property in the neighborhood and we're very excited. Thanks for the great input from the posters on this board including One Dot Less Than Nine and MidCenturyModOKC.
    Congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood!!

  15. #190

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Congratulations! I am selling a piece of property right now near Nichols Hills in order to get the capital to make it down your way! Such an exciting neighborhood!!

  16. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Is it too early to express surprise at how successful SoSA has been, and could continue to be?

  17. #192

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Yes Spartan! Don't get too excited.....yet.

  18. #193

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Is it too early to express surprise at how successful SoSA has been, and could continue to be?
    Spartan, you're always surprised when anything here turns out to be successful. LOL

  19. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Spartan, you're always surprised when anything here turns out to be successful. LOL
    No I'm not, when it comes to downtown matters, you guys know that I'm a "true believer" when things are done right, even in the face of people's reasons why something won't work. Sometimes I end up regretting being a "true believer" (ie., MAPS campaign) but usually not.

    As for this area, SoSA, I would invite you to time travel back to the year 2000, when we were fighting to keep Saint Anthony put. Not only was Mid-town in bad shape (Mid-town had some clear potential back then, however), but the ancillary areas surrounding Mid-town were much, much worse. Particularly SoSA. A certain kind of vision can recognize greatness in areas like A-Alley or Mid-town or Bricktown, or more likely I'd call that just not being blind to what's in front of you. It's completely different to be able to recognize greatness in areas like SoSA and NW 9th, and all I can say about that kind of transformation is wow.

    Granted, most cities today are now capable of pulling off this kind of transformation (a la, South Dallas, South Austin, East KC, etc). It just speaks volumes that that's where we're at in OKC.

  20. #195

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by MidCenturyModOKC View Post
    There are several great vacant lots which have become available in SoSA lately! But I am finding resistance with banks wanting to lend money on doing anything on them. In better times this neighborhood would be so much further by now! The only way to make any money today is working with a private investor! Even those are few and far between now! Frustrating!
    I was just discussing this with an aquaintance who said he might be interested in doing exactly these kind of investment loans. If you're interested I could reach out and see if he'd like to discuss it with you. I have no idea what sort of structure he has in mind.

    I find myself the proud owner of three lots in SOSA. I purchased two adjacent lots with the idea of building on one and selling the other. Then the lot I originally wanted became available so I jumped on it. I'll be selling the first two now. I looked for at least two years with no luck and now I'm lot poor!

  21. #196

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Quote Originally Posted by mdla View Post

    I find myself the proud owner of three lots in SOSA. I purchased two adjacent lots with the idea of building on one and selling the other. Then the lot I originally wanted became available so I jumped on it. I'll be selling the first two now. I looked for at least two years with no luck and now I'm lot poor!
    Do you know how much will you be asking for your 2 lots?

  22. #197

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    Digisats, you have a PM.

  23. Default Re: SoSA District Update

    SoSA's reputation as an edgy, eclectic zone of coolness is being threatened by historic preservation missionaries. A new Oklahoma City Historic Preservation Survey (completed by a San Fransiscan/Dallas megafirm) is proposing historic districts for large segments of SoSA (http://www.okc.gov/planning/planning...ign/survey.pdf). This survey has identified structures that are "Contributing to a Historic District." This designation is intended to stymie development of contemporary architecture... it requires "respect of the historic significance," and discourages design freedom. I don't object to historic preservation in general, but I do object to this special neighborhood being threatened by myopic zealots that can't seem to appreciate the special nature of this one, tiny neighborhood that just wants freedom of design. The majority of these "Contributing Structures" are actually dilapidated pieces of junk that should be allowed to die a graceful death. There are some true gems worthy of preservation (IF the owners so desires), but imposition of Historic status will make it harder for the edgy stuff to happen.

    This issue will be discussed at the next Urban Design Commission meeting, this Wednesday April 25, 3:00 PM, 3rd Floor of City Hall, 200 N. Walker. Please consider attending to express dissent for this counter-progressive threat.

  24. #199

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    There is no way I will be able to attend this meeting, but I agree with you on the SOSA District. I think that HP needs to stay away from SOSA, there are so many other neighborhoods that could use more of HP but SOSA isn't one of them.

  25. #200

    Default Re: SoSA District Update

    I wonder how much URS was paid for those 61 pages...

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