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Thread: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

  1. #1

    Default To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Spirit Of Oklahoma? Oklahoma Owned?

    Yet, they refuse to air the anniversary ceremony in favor of broadcasting a rerun of Regis and Kelly (minus Regis).

  2. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Seriously, how many people, this many years later, would really sit down to watch the aniversary ceremony? I know, I know, several bleeding hearts here will proudly proclaim they would. That's great. But obviously Ch9 felt otherwise and I agree. At some point the anniversary has to become a footnote and not a ceremony. Yeah, I'm heartless.

  3. #3

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Disclaimer-I am not an employee, nor am I in any way affiliated with NEWS9 other than a couple of friends among the on-air staff.

    That said, I know a decision to offer alternative programming was not made lightly. There are many (recall any story in the past 5 years about HHS employees) who are still struggling to come to terms with the tragedy of
    April 19th, 1995. I choose to give Griffin Communications the benefit of the doubt and assume they are offering "comfort food" in a quick escape to "brainless TV" should watching meorial services on the other local channels become too overbearing.

  4. #4

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Call it what you want. Say we all need to pack up and move in (very thoughtful, by the way). But I call a ceremony honoring (not grieiving) the 168 Oklahomans and/or Americans that lost their lives that die special. I'll let you tell the family members and friends of those 168 victims that there might be some people in this state that would rather watch THAT mindless dribble KWTV ran today.

  5. #5

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    If the memorial is that important to people, they should attend the ceremony. Nothing about that KWTV's programming decision changes that they are Oklahoma owned.

  6. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    I know many that were effected by the bombing. For one, I lived in the Regency tower.

    It is not like the ceremony was not covered. Why on Earth would every channel need to cover it? It is not like Ch9 is ignoring completely.

    FYI: I have no problem telling some family member who lost someone that I have no problem with Ch9's decision.

  7. #7

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    I've got to disagree. Anytime a discussion of the local affiliates is started someone always brings up the point that KWTV is locally owned. However, they can't (won't) bring us a ceremony that marks the most disasterous yet (spiritually speaking) triumphant day in our state's history.

    More often than not, KFOR gets railed against because it is currently owned by the New York Times. But local KWTV blows off the anniversary ceremony in favor of a show that airs FROM New York.

    Just sayin'.

  8. #8

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    You're really making a major mountain out of a molehill.

    Just sayin'.

  9. #9

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Agree to disagree.

    I just know if the roles had been reversed and KWTV had run it and the other two hadn't, there would come a day when someone would comment that it's because KWTV cares about Oklahomans and KFOR/KOCO doesn't.

  10. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    I think most people that would watch it will be at it.

    You have to understand the expense of sending a crew down there with a multi-camera set up to broadcast this would be very expensive. This is not a ten year or a 15 year, so I just don't think it would be worth it to them. Most people are working that time of day anyway.

  11. #11

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I think most people that would watch it will be at it.

    You have to understand the expense of sending a crew down there with a multi-camera set up to broadcast this would be very expensive. This is not a ten year or a 15 year, so I just don't think it would be worth it to them. Most people are working that time of day anyway.
    Believe me, I know the expense (or lack thereof since most of the A/V was a pool feed).

    As far as anyone that actually wanted to see it would go down there, we'll see when today's ratings come out.

  12. #12

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBorn1973 View Post
    Agree to disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBorn1973 View Post
    I just know if the roles had been reversed and KWTV had run it and the other two hadn't, there would come a day when someone would comment that it's because KWTV cares about Oklahomans and KFOR/KOCO doesn't.
    So your real gripe is not that KWTV didn't cover it but that people on this board didn't get their panties in a wad because KWTV didn't. So you exploited the memorial to score a cheap argument that some people on here are hypocrites. Nice.

  13. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBorn1973 View Post
    Believe me, I know the expense (or lack thereof since most of the A/V was a pool feed).
    Somebody had to pay for the equipment and the crew. If it wasn't them, then they would have to pay whoever did shoot it.

  14. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    My opinion is there's no reason to broadcast the event. It's been twelve years.


  15. #15

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by PUGalicious View Post

    So your real gripe is not that KWTV didn't cover it but that people on this board didn't get their panties in a wad because KWTV didn't. So you exploited the memorial to score a cheap argument that some people on here are hypocrites. Nice.
    No. I don't have a gripe at all. I just thought it would be nice for the proud citizens of Oklahoma City on this board to actually give praise to KOCO and KFOR for allowing everyone to witness the ceremony as opposed to the ritual kissing up to KWTV that appears to be the norm. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to ruffle a little feathers to make your point.

  16. #16

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    I give praise to KWTV for not covering the event and give no props to KOCO and KFOR for exploiting the event for their own gain.

  17. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBorn1973 View Post
    No. I don't have a gripe at all. I just thought it would be nice for the proud citizens of Oklahoma City on this board to actually give praise to KOCO and KFOR for allowing everyone to witness the ceremony as opposed to the ritual kissing up to KWTV that appears to be the norm. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to ruffle a little feathers to make your point.
    I would have never noticed this or who was airing it and who was not if it hadn't been brought up by you. In fact, It took me a while to figure out what anniversary you were even talking about.

  18. #18

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by PUGalicious View Post
    I give praise to KWTV for not covering the event and give no props to KOCO and KFOR for exploiting the event for their own gain.

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I would have never noticed this or who was airing it and who was not if it hadn't been brought up by you. In fact, It took me a while to figure out what anniversary you were even talking about.

    Double Wow.

  19. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBorn1973 View Post
    Double Wow.
    I'm sorry I'm at work and not home flipping channels to see what stations are airing the memorial service.

  20. #20
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    How many memorial services for Pearl Harbor preempt normal programming? I'm sure there will be a news story about it, but I think start-to-finish coverage of the ceremony is a bit much. At some point the majority of the populace moves on. For the remainder, they should go down there and attend in person.

  21. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    If the fact that they didn't cover the memorial service bothers you, don't watch the channel. I don't really see what the big deal is about a local station not covering it. They chose not to - end of story. There were alternate channels to watch if you wanted to see the memorial. Just because NEWS9 didn't show it live and complete doesn't mean they are "bad"; it just means they didn't find it particularly newsworthy. That's fine - go watch channel 4 or 5. I for one am not going to change my news viewing habits just because of this.

  22. #22

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    It doesn't matter who did or did not cover it. The fact is, each station made the decision based on MONEY. News9 didn't air the ceremony because they felt they could make MORE MONEY from airing alternative programming. Its unfortunate that a station that markets itself as locally owned would blow off a ceremony that means so much to so many Oklahomans but this is a business and MONEY has the ultimate voice.

  23. #23

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Maybe all TV should cover the War in Iraq with nonstop coverage. We have military men and women dying daily over there and it barely makes the news.

  24. #24

    Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I'm sorry I'm at work and not home flipping channels to see what stations are airing the memorial service.
    How well does Griffin pay, anyway?

  25. Default Re: To All The Channel 9 Apologists

    I am not on his payroll. You'll have to ask him.

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