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Thread: Downtown Light Rail

  1. #1

    Default Downtown Light Rail

    I know this has been discussed before but with the mayor indicating he would like to see state funding for a light rail and commuter rail system in OKC in the next legislative session I thought I'd bring it up again. What are your ideas for where this line should be located? Should it be more like a streetcar system that runs along with the cars or have its own right-of-way on the streets?

    This is my plan for the 'starter' line, take it for what it's worth. It basically has fixed-guideway light rail trains in their own dedicated lanes going down NE 10th from the OUHSC to Broadway, and then down Broadway to E.K. Gaylord and then down the new blvd. (that will replace I-40) to Walker. It also shows the proposed Edmond-Norman commuter line in gray and potential stops at the Santa Fe Depot and at NW 10th. Future lines could continue through midtown down NW 10th up to Classen or Western in the Asian District and a line down Walker from the river up to NW 10th would serve the westside of downtown and the Arts District. What do you think?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    I think th city already has the routes planned.

    I would liek the cuty to adopt a hub and spoke system that ties the entire transit system together. Rial stations would serve as intermodal facilites where buses would run circulator routes through surrounding neighborhoods. Areas of the city not served by rail woud still have a bus transit hub. Express Main Line buses (44-50 seats) would connect the bus transit hub with the nearest rail station. Circulator buses would be smaller (10-12 seats) and would run very short routes with high frequency. There should not be any circulator route more than 20 minutes long. This kind of system would provide good data for future expansion of the system and alow the city to better service the people at a lower cost (atleast on the bus portion).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    Here's a quick Photoshop of the commuter line that could connect to the LRT line(s) downtown. I included obvious stops like Edmond, Santa Fe Depot/downtown, Moore, and Norman. I also included

    - Britton in north OKC for people in that area (could be a catalyst for revitalization with a TOD around old town Britton)
    - NW 23rd by the state capitol complex (lots of state workers and access to 23rd Street corridor/Paseo)
    - NW 10th with easy access to the OUHSC and midtown
    - SE 25th at Capitol Hill (dense population and high transit ridership)
    - Crossroads by the mall (could be what is needed to transform the dying mall into a mixed-use neighborhood, also would serve that area of OKC and people from Midwest City and Del City)
    - University of Oklahoma (could mainly be used for football gamedays or more often if more student housing was built around the station as a TOD, or if the basketball arena is moved to campus by the stadium)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    Lets do it! I just hope they can act quickly with a great design. This will provide good national PR and show we are in the majors. Does anyone know when this is expected or percentage of it really happening? and has /will the old railyard south of I-40 will def be destroyed?- hate destrying our history(still hate pei- except for the myriad gardens).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    Look for this plan to be part of MAPS III. Along with a new basketball-only facility if the Sonics/Hornets relocate soon.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Look for this plan to be part of MAPS III. Along with a new basketball-only facility if the Sonics/Hornets relocate soon.
    I would personally love to see both proposals be a part of MAPS III, the light rail 'starter' line in downtown and the commuter line in OKC, with additional support from Oklahoma County, Cleveland County, Edmond, Moore, Norman, and the state, possibly even the federal govt. I know Dallas received federal money to build DART, why can't we do the same?

  7. Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    Well, you asked why.

    .: United States Senator Tom Coburn :: Welcome :.
    Wouldn't spend a penny of govt money to save his life.

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  8. #8

    Default Re: Downtown Light Rail

    Inhofe is an embarassment to our state. Everytime I see that man I cringe from what comes out of his mouth.

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