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Thread: Man Commits Suicide Live On Webcam

  1. #1

    Default Man Commits Suicide Live On Webcam

    Is this the virtual world that some are "looking forward" to?

    Teleford, England -- Aman who apparently committed suicide while using an Internet chat room with other people died of hanging, police said Friday.

    The body of Kevin Whitrick, a father of two children, was found Wednesday night after a chat room user contacted police to report that the 42-year-old had "self-harmed" while online via a Webcam.

    Whitrick, of Telford, a town in central England, was found hanged at his house after police were alerted to the tragedy. (more)

  2. Default Re: Man Commits Suicide Live On Webcam

    How can it be virtual if he's really dead? The two environments are not related, except for the minor point that both involve some computer use.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Man Commits Suicide Live On Webcam

    They are related in that some people cannot distinguish the two... and some don't want to.

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