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Thread: Man Zaps Grandma

  1. Default Man Zaps Grandma

    What a pansy.. first he hits a seventh month old defenseless baby and then uses a Stun Gun on a 79 year old woman.. how honorable. How manly. How disgusting.. I hope he gets a nightly visit in prison, just when he feeling pretty defenseless himself.. what goes around comes around. I know that sounds mean but I hate bullies.. and that's what he is.

    NORTH BONNEVILLE, Wash. (AP) - A man who said he used a stun gun on his wife's 79-year-old grandmother was arrested for investigation of domestic assault.

    Aaron de Bruyn, 26, was cited with fourth-degree domestic violence assault Wednesday and released from the Skamania County jail Thursday, Police Chief Calvin Owens said. The grandmother wasn't injured.
    De Bruyn said he was arguing with Rosemary Garlock, who accused him of abusing his 7-month-old son when he swatted the boy's diapered bottom to stop him from grabbing electrical wires.

    When she refused to leave, he said he shocked her on her right shoulder as she sat on the living room couch.
    "She yelped, because getting Tased hurts," de Bruyn told The Columbian newspaper.

    De Bruyn said he had the 50,000-volt Taser X26 energy weapon to protect against burglars. He said he called authorities, saying he had a relative in his house who would not leave.
    De Bruyn's stun gun was confiscated.
    "If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't," he said.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Man Zaps Grandma

    Kinda sounds like Grandma did some bullying herself.

  3. #3
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Man Zaps Grandma

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Kinda sounds like Grandma did some bullying herself.
    I agree. Grandma wasn't very nice.

  4. Default Re: Man Zaps Grandma

    How did Grandma bully anyone? She defended a baby! A baby who was being hit! Who knows if dad had 'swatted' this child before... a swat he calls it - who knows what it really was.. hitting a baby is just wrong, a swat, a slap, a punch.. wrong. Anyone with any intelligence knows not to hit a baby (or electrocute a senior citizen). Obviously this guy is lacking in that area.

    She sat on the couch and refused to leave.. I agree, that was wrong but how is that being a bully by coming to the defense of a baby. She was trying to protect the baby.

    Trust me, I have relatives that drive me insane and yes, there are times when I might be tempted ...but that is the difference - I don't run over and zap granny because she made me mad! Thank God he didn't have a shotgun in his possession.

    How many other ways could he have handled this situation that didn't involve tazering an elderly person? A Stun Gun? Would you use a tazer on your own grandma?

    He could have easily killed her. He was worried about the baby touching electrical wires which he thinks might have hurt the baby (which should have been baby proofed long ago anyway- outlet covers and cord storage) and then he turns around and zaps Granny with electricty!

    I'm not the only one who agrees about him being a bully... he was arrested and charged with fourth-degree domestic violence assault.


    noun One who is habitually cruel to smaller or weaker people ( such as a baby or elderly person).
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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