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Thread: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Poker drawing more young people into addiction with gambling.

    On Dec. 9, 2005, a young man robbed an Allentown, Pa. bank of $2,871. While bank robbery is not unusual, the identity of the perpetrator made this instance unique.

    The robber, Greg Hogan, was a 19-year-old finance and accounting major at Lehigh University. He also was president of his sophomore class, a cellist in the university orchestra, an employee in the school chaplain's office and the son of a Baptist minister.

    One friend summarized the collective shock for the school newspaper, The Brown and White: "Nobody expected Greg would do something like this."

    What would cause a young man like Greg Hogan to rob a bank? The answer is simple but sad: gambling addiction. According to his lawyer, Hogan began playing online poker for fun and relaxation, and became addicted in the process of losing about $5,000.

    He began borrowing money to cover his debts, debts that eventually caused him to hand a bank teller a note claiming he had a weapon and demanding money.

    "This is one of the nicest kids I've ever met, but his gambling addiction led him to make a terrible, terrible mistake," his attorney said.

    If youth gambling trends continue, more desperate teenagers may be in the news, and adults are helping the process along.

    Until recent years, gambling was primarily an adult activity with a bit of shame attached. In many circles, that is no longer the case, and poker is where gambling often begins.

    Poker, as you probably have noticed, is wildly popular. Poker tables are sold in many furniture stores. Party stores sell poker party décor. Poker sets for children are found in toy departments.

    A search of an online toy store found more than 200 poker items, including a pink poker set for girls. Other discoveries include ladies' clothing adorned with gambling symbols and, the most shocking, gambling Christmas ornaments.

    Many parents see poker not as real gambling with serious consequences, but as a way for their children to learn skills in strategy, mathematics and human behavior--all while tucked safely away in the family room.

    The results of the 2005 National Annenberg Risk Survey of Youth suggest that these parents are naive. The annual survey of 900 young people, ages 14-22, found the monthly rate of card gambling had increased 20 percent between 2004-2005, with 2.9 million young people gambling on cards on a weekly basis.

    While this trend primarily reflects increases among young men, 17.9 percent of the young women surveyed reported gambling on cards at least once a month.

    The study also shows that gambling on cards often leads to gambling on the Internet; estimates are that 580,000 young people gamble on the Internet on a weekly basis.

    Dan Romer, director of the survey, said, "The rising rate of card playing and overall gambling is worrisome. Young people are more prone to addiction, and increased exposure to gambling during the adolescent years increases the chances of developing gambling-related problems." Indeed, 54.5 percent of the young people surveyed reported at least one symptom of problem gambling.

    Americans are not doing their young people any favors by making gambling more attractive and more available. Just ask Greg Hogan.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    When you cut/paste, you should really link your source and give credit where it's due.


    The article is written in a very misleading way. First, it starts by describing someone's criminal (and really stupid) behavior. It then paints this criminal as a victim. I find that to be offensive. This kid is a criminal who justified robbing a bank in order to satisfy his gambling addiction. Do you really think that the presence of a casino figured into this greatly? Oh wait, no.. he was playing ONLINE poker..

    So then you'd suggest we censor our internet like China or other communist countries? What a fantastic idea.

    The editorial then goes to try and make the case that there is a "problem" by saying that 1 in 5 young people gamble at least once per month. That isn't really all that convincing. Sorry.

    The editorial really bears its prejudice and hatred for freedom when it says things like "Until recent years, gambling was primarily an adult activity with a bit of shame attached."

    Surely, you can find better anti-freedom articles than this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Aren't almost all criminals described by people that knew them as a "good guy" and shocked that they would ever do something bad....Lot worse things youngsters could be doing than staying at a friends house playing poker for 10 bucks

    But in an ideal world all teens would be at church functions every Fri and Sat night

  4. #4

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    The interviewee was actually the guy's criminal defense lawyer, so yeah, slightly biased

  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    What ever happened to personal repsonsibility? Why is there this need to blame something other that oneself when we make a bad decision?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk
    What ever happened to personal repsonsibility? Why is there this need to blame something other that oneself when we make a bad decision?
    Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Baptists, apparently, do not.

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    What, you guys just now learning that Oklahoma Baptists are biased?

    Funny, but I remember when we voted on the lottery, I asked John Yeats, editor of the Baptist Messenger at the time, to give me Biblical proof backing their claims at the BGCO. They couldn't do it, and said it wasn't a Biblical issue, but a lifestyle issue. Huh?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Patrick, see the quote in my signature. I think it's on-point.

  9. Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Baptists, apparently, do not.
    So. You are saying Baptists are liberals? That is a laugh. Most are so conservative they make Rush Limbaugh look liberal.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Well look at the facts Anderson. They believe that the government ought to tell you whether you can or cannot gamble.

    Believing that the government ought to control ever facet of others' behavior sure as heck ain't conservative.

  11. Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Well look at the facts Anderson. They believe that the government ought to tell you whether you can or cannot gamble.

    Believing that the government ought to control ever facet of others' behavior sure as heck ain't conservative.
    So. You are saying most Baptists are liberals?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Sure. Why not? They support government intervention in our private lives, so in that respect, they may very well be liberals.

  13. #13
    GodsComedian Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Sure. Why not? They support government intervention in our private lives, so in that respect, they may very well be liberals.
    Actually, you are incorrect. You haven't got a clue. Are you a baptist? No, you are catholic. Baptists don't support goverment intervention in our private lives, any more than any other denomination.

    I'm not a baptist, but I am very familiar with their doctrine. They are in no way close to being liberal, far from it. They are called liberal by some people, only because they don't see eye to eye on many things.

    Reading many of these posts tells me that there are many baptist bashers. That's ok, because baptists have learned to turn the other cheek.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by GodsComedian
    That's ok, because baptists have learned to turn the other cheek.
    Now, that is funny. You really are a comedian... I knew not to take you seriously, but that's hysterical.

  15. #15
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    So. You are saying most Baptists are liberals?
    Under the strict definition of "liberal", I'd agree. Most Baptists want government to intervene in people's lives, forcing religion on people through prayer in school, through mentions of religion in public policy matters, etc.

    A conservative by definition wants small government and less intervention in people's lives.

    Really, today's Democrats have more conservative tendancies than today's Republicans, for the most part. Dems are still big on programs for the poor which is liberal though.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by GodsComedian
    Actually, you are incorrect. You haven't got a clue. Are you a baptist? No, you are catholic. Baptists don't support goverment intervention in our private lives, any more than any other denomination.

    I'm not a baptist, but I am very familiar with their doctrine. They are in no way close to being liberal, far from it. They are called liberal by some people, only because they don't see eye to eye on many things.

    Reading many of these posts tells me that there are many baptist bashers. That's ok, because baptists have learned to turn the other cheek.
    Let's see.. Baptists are for alcohol prohibition.

    They're for making alcohol illegal.

    They want to make any sort of sex-industry act illegal (stripping, etc.)

    They're for forcing kids to pray in schools

    They're against the separation of church and state, so on and so forth.

    More intervention, larger government, etc. Yes, that tends to make them liberal.

    You might be uncomfortable with that word, but it's no less true.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Southern Baptists = The Fun Police :tweeted:

  18. Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Let's see.. Baptists are for alcohol prohibition.

    They're for making alcohol illegal.

    They want to make any sort of sex-industry act illegal (stripping, etc.)

    They're for forcing kids to pray in schools

    They're against the separation of church and state, so on and so forth.

    More intervention, larger government, etc. Yes, that tends to make them liberal.

    You might be uncomfortable with that word, but it's no less true.
    Alcohol consumption and sales. More conservatives beleive in prohibition than liberals, however, this one is not a good example because of the stereotype beer guzzling redneck conservative.

    The adult entertainment industry. Very right wingers want the entire industry criminalized. Liberals (for the most part) want it legalized and regulated.

    Liberals (again, for the most part) are suers when it comes to religious rights. Reports surface frequently about some bleeding heart suing over the ten commandments or something. That "something" includes prayer in school (which you already have. It is called SILENT prayer).

    I have seen liberals use Churhes for campaign headquarters. That is NOT seperation of Church and State.

    Larger "Government." Liberals hand bums money like it was water. When that bum crosses the street and walks into the corner bar instead of the clothing store or a job service, the liberals take a blind eye.

    What YOU described may be typical a Baptist, however, it is NOT liberal.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Alcohol consumption and sales. More conservatives beleive in prohibition than liberals, however, this one is not a good example because of the stereotype beer guzzling redneck conservative.

    The adult entertainment industry. Very right wingers want the entire industry criminalized. Liberals (for the most part) want it legalized and regulated.

    Liberals (again, for the most part) are suers when it comes to religious rights. Reports surface frequently about some bleeding heart suing over the ten commandments or something. That "something" includes prayer in school (which you already have. It is called SILENT prayer).

    I have seen liberals use Churhes for campaign headquarters. That is NOT seperation of Church and State.

    Larger "Government." Liberals hand bums money like it was water. When that bum crosses the street and walks into the corner bar instead of the clothing store or a job service, the liberals take a blind eye.

    What YOU described may be typical a Baptist, however, it is NOT liberal.
    Which clearly demonstrates you do not know the true definition of liberal versus conservative. You've accepted the propagandized re-defining of these terms with little consideration for accuracy.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Alcohol consumption and sales. More conservatives beleive in prohibition than liberals, however, this one is not a good example because of the stereotype beer guzzling redneck conservative.
    Which are you?

    The adult entertainment industry. Very right wingers want the entire industry criminalized. Liberals (for the most part) want it legalized and regulated.
    Which is more intrusive/controlling?

    Liberals (again, for the most part) are suers when it comes to religious rights. Reports surface frequently about some bleeding heart suing over the ten commandments or something. That "something" includes prayer in school (which you already have. It is called SILENT prayer).
    Ah, so the "liberal" as you call it is wanting to have the government *not* do something, while the "conservative" is wanting the government *to* do something. Got it. So far, your distinctions make soooo much sense

    I have seen liberals use Churhes for campaign headquarters. That is NOT seperation of Church and State.
    The Christian Coalition -- 'nuff said.

    Larger "Government." Liberals hand bums money like it was water. When that bum crosses the street and walks into the corner bar instead of the clothing store or a job service, the liberals take a blind eye.
    You're sure about that? Most "conservatives" (myself included) say "screw the bum, he's not beneffiting society in any way, until he decides to, assuming he's of sound mind and body, let him starve." At least I have the intellectual integrity to admit that the Bible would definitely disagree with me on this point. I'm not so sure where Jesus would fall on government mandated "giving," but I am positive that he'd most likely side with the liberals as to health and human services type programs (which is one of the inconsistancies I find the "religious right" to have which is the most amusing).

    What YOU described may be typical a Baptist, however, it is NOT liberal.
    Then you don't know what a liberal is.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    ^ Exactly.

  22. #22
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Sure. Why not? They support government intervention in our private lives, so in that respect, they may very well be liberals.
    That is the silliest comment I've heard all day. What are you smoking?

  23. #23
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by 111_Brad_Street
    Which clearly demonstrates you do not know the true definition of liberal versus conservative. You've accepted the propagandized re-defining of these terms with little consideration for accuracy.
    That's because you haven't recognized that the definitions of conservative and liberal have changed with societyin the 21st century. The definitions aren't what they were in your parents' generation. Conservative now means low taxes, Christian, national security. Liberal means gays, welfare, anything goes, high taxes.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by ChristianConservative
    That is the silliest comment I've heard all day. What are you smoking?
    Why is the comment silly? Liberals want government control in our everyday lives. Wantint to reach into people's lives and force them not to gamble is interference. If liberals are in favor of bigger government and more regulation whil conservatives are against regulation and for the free market, etc., which is which here?

    Christian conservatives of course have a lot of very strange positions which don't necessarily jive with their religious beliefs. For example, most are against gambling because it's against their religion, Jesus wouldn't like it, etc.

    How would Jesus feel about torturing prisoners of war?

  25. #25
    ChristianConservative Guest

    Default Re: Poker Causing Gambling Addiction...

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner
    Why is the comment silly? Liberals want government control in our everyday lives. Wantint to reach into people's lives and force them not to gamble is interference. If liberals are in favor of bigger government and more regulation whil conservatives are against regulation and for the free market, etc., which is which here?

    Christian conservatives of course have a lot of very strange positions which don't necessarily jive with their religious beliefs. For example, most are against gambling because it's against their religion, Jesus wouldn't like it, etc.

    How would Jesus feel about torturing prisoners of war?
    You are operating off old definitions of the words liberal and conservative. Read the post above yours.

    Jesus would approve of torturing prisoners of war, especially when they hault the spread of Christianity, and bring evil to the world. After all, he told his chosen people to annihilate the infidels in Israel, as they returned from Egypt. He destroyed everyone in the world except Noah during the great flood. In the end, He will destroy non-believers by casting them into the lake of fire. Must I go on?

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