Yes, folks grandma's dead...not my grandma, but rather the mother in-law of the woman who takes care of my 2 year old son. After my wife told me the story I was floored.
It seems she was very elderly and was being taken care of at home...the home of her daughter in-law (my baby sitter). The deceased made it clear that she did want to be embalmed and wanted to be buried in a pine box (which her son made). So tonight, she lays in cold storage…so to speak on the back porch waiting for transport to Colorado in the AM. She is being transported in the back of her son’s pick-up all the way to Colorado. Now that’s Ford tough…
According to my wife as explained to her this is called a "Green Burial" and is perfectly legal.
For some reason, I can just picture Chevy Chase pulling up in the family truckster with quad headlights throwing grandma on the luggage rack and strapping her down.