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Thread: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

  1. Exclamation Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    OKC Zoo | Events

    Oklahoma Trails Fact Sheet
    March 10, 2007

    GRAND OPENING: March 10, 2007

    COST: 10.3 million (Design - $700,000; Construction - $9.3 million)

    FUNDING: 1/8 of a cent sales tax approved by Oklahoma City citizens in 1990

    SIZE: 7.7 acres

    ARCHITECT: Wilson, Darnell & Mann (WDM) - Wichita, KS

    CONTRACTOR: WL McNatt & Company - Oklahoma City, OK

    LOCATION: From the southwest corner of the Zoo to the west side of Great EscApe and Lion Overlook

    INSPIRED BY: The Great State of Oklahoma!

    EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION: Oklahoma Trails, set to open March 10, 2007, will showcase more than 100 different species of animals native to Oklahoma. Featuring naturalistic habitats utilizing landscape immersion and state-of-the-art technology, this exhibit will provide a unique encounter.

    Featured species include grizzly and black bear, cougar, paddlefish, turkey vulture, river otter, western diamondback rattlesnake, American alligator, roadrunner, bison, collared lizard (mountain boomer) and alligator snapping turtle.

    The state of Oklahoma has 11 distinct life zones (second to no others) in the awe-inspiring diversity of our natural environment. Contributing to the representation of these ecological regions in Oklahoma Trails will be big and little blue stem grass, redbud (Oklahoma's state tree), post oak, bald cypress, dwarf palmetto, Indian blanket (Oklahoma's state wildflower), yucca, rocky mountain juniper, pinyon pine and assorted ferns and woodland plants. The lush terrain accentuates the natural beauty of Oklahoma Trails, with over 700 trees adorning the landscape and 500+ plants garnishing the free-flight aviary.

    Inspirational graphics and rich educational experiences will provide enjoyable and fascinating conservation messages. Design elements contribute to a unique Oklahoma atmosphere to all of the buildings and structures enhancing the guest experience.
    Oklahoma Trails is the latest exhibit funded by a one-eighth of a cent sales tax approved by voters in 1990.

    Mammals: 28 species; 490 animals
    Reptiles/Amphibians: 55 species; 151 animals
    Fish: 18 species; 83 animals
    Birds: 39 species; 112 animals

    TOTAL: 140 species; 836 animals

  2. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    How much does it cost to get in the zoo these days. I just went last summer but cant remember. When I was in Dallas over the weekend I was looking at prices for their zoo and it's $8.50 for an adult. I was like WhaT?! Guess I never thought about the prices when I used to go when I was a kid. I'm glad there is a new exhibit opening up, the zoo could use a bit of something new. I've been told there isn't a dolphin show anymore...? Anyone know? I wish I didn't have to drive all the way to Tulsa to see a big aquarium, I was going to go to the Dallas World Aquarium but it was $16 a person to get in. That is way too high. I cant remember how much entry was to The Moody Gardens Aquarium in Galveston was but I really enjoyed it, it was a great memory for my honeymoon, I really wish we had one closer.

  3. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    The dolphin show was shut down by some PETA whiners...

  5. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    Lucky dolphins.. that tank was horriby small.

    Anyway, the Trails exhibit is wonderful!! I know they broke attendance records yesterday.. it was packed! I saw a lot of tourists and out of state license plates. The weather was fantastic, the day was just gorgeous. I was proud of the work done there..

    The trails are so nicely done. We upgraded our membership and if you are past members they give you a month extra free. Family of four is only $60 a year. that's nothing if you even go a few times it's paid for.

    Anyway, the exhibit boasts a nocturnal house where you can see bats, owls, and other cool animals.. they have a huge area with snakes, lizards, fish, frogs and if you get lucky like us, you can see them at feeding time.. the frogs and turtles, lizards were going crazy chasing the crickets .. and one turtle was happily munching a poor earthworm! The kids loved it.

    The grizzly exhibit is so cool.. I'm so happy they have a new home! I always hated the cramped enclosure by the aquarium... they have so much room to roam surrounded by waterfalls. I can't wait to go in a few weeks when the foliage and flowers start to bloom... they are still working a bit on the exhibit but it is really something to be proud of.

    Don't forget to visit the huge playground built by volunteers.. we volunteered a few years ago and helped and it still looks great and it is so fun for the kids.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    The normal adult rate at the zoo is $7.

    However, we went several times last year on Wednesdays for only $.75 per person! I hope they do something similar this summer.

    We can't wait to see the new exhibits. We thought about going yesterday, but figured the crowd would be huge ~ we are not crowd people.

  7. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    Yeah, we took advantage of the 75 cents last year too.. but I don't mind buying the membership as I hope it helps contribute something positive to the maintainence of the animals and the zoo.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    As I remember it, the dolphin show was shut down because the dolphins were getting sick from some virus that they couldn't control. Better no show than a dead dolphin show!

  9. Default Re: Oklahoma Trails Exhibit Opening March 10th

    I'm very excited to see the new exhibit. I will try to get some pics whenever I make it out there.

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