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Thread: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

  1. #1

    Default Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    Nice job, Kim!

    Has some nice shots of the Legacy project and some others:

    NewsOK.com | Powered by The Oklahoman and NEWS 9

  2. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    Is it the urban housing on the rise in Bricktown?

    I have a few politically correct issues with such a headline, but oh well...

  3. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    Great job, Kim!! Thanks for doing what you do to promote downtown Oklahoma City. Some great things are happening and for someone who watched a dead downtown for years - it's all exciting.

    Spartan, Is it the "downtown" versus "urban" thing? I wasn't sure what you meant.


  4. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    No, it's everytime any downtown development is called Bricktown development. Same goes for when Kelly Ogle called The Centennial a Bricktown high-rise. The thing is not even a mid-rise...

  5. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    A friend recently mentioned the "botanical gardens in bricktown" and I had to correct her and remind her that Bricktown is east of the tracks, that she was thinking of downtown.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    That is weird. The actual piece was pretty accurate about the location of these developments, but as it clearly shows there is only 1 4-plex in development in bricktown. The Centennial (which seems to get a disproportionate amount of coverage these days) is the closest in lower Bricktown.

    As usual with the Oklahoman/News 9, it's hard to tell if that headline is assuming ignorance of the viewers or if they truly are ignorant themselves. I know that if I didn’t read this board it would be pretty misleading.

    Anyway, it was a decent piece highlighting some good things coming up in the city's future.

  7. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    Uhh...have you watched the news lately? Probably the latter, actually.

  8. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    Well I think most people would lump LB into "Bricktown" as a whole, but obviously all the other DT projects can in now way be considered Bricktown.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    have you watched the news lately
    Honestly, no. I can't stand to watch local news. I always feel dumber afterwards.

  10. Default Re: Kim Searls talks downtown housing (video)

    Ten points for BDP.

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