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Thread: 9/11 Dad, Republican: 'The President's gone insane'

  1. #1

    Default 9/11 Dad, Republican: 'The President's gone insane'

    From NY Daily News:

    Peter Gadiel just doesn't get it. How, asks Gadiel, whose son James died in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, can a company owned by a terror-linked country get control of our nation's ports?

    "I'm a lifelong Republican and I think the President's gone insane," said Gadiel, 58, who heads 9/11 Families for a Secure America.

    Two of the 19 9/11 hijackers were citizens of Dubai, the Arab emirate whose bid to run ports in New York, New Jersey and four other cities was okayed by the White House even though investigators have found signs that money used to finance terrorism flowed through Dubai banks.

    "How the hell could this happen?" fumed Bill Doyle, 58, a retired Staten Island stockbroker whose son Joseph also died when the Trade Center fell.

    "We're not securing our country in any way by selling our ports to foreigners," he said.
    Gadiel and Doyle stood with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) yesterday at the harbor to express their outrage.

    Bruse DeCell, 55, whose son-in-law died in the attacks, said that homeland security should be the highest concern when approving the activities of foreign business interests.

    "This administration is putting the selling of our country on a fast track," he said. "There are a lot of loose ends that caused 9/11 to happen. I'm trying to close them."

    Only 5% of the cargo containers entering U.S. ports are inspected, said Schumer, who has called for upgrades in port security for years.

    Originally published on February 20, 2006

  2. Default Re: 9/11 Dad, Republican: 'The President's gone insane'

    Two of the 19 9/11 hijackers were citizens of Dubai, the Arab emirate whose bid to run ports in New York, New Jersey and four other cities was okayed by the White House even though investigators have found signs that money used to finance terrorism flowed through Dubai banks.

    One word "MONEY".

  3. #3
    Randy Guest

    Default Re: 9/11 Dad, Republican: 'The President's gone insane'

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe
    Shouldn't this be in the political forum? It looks like Scribe has made a mistake again. Maybe one of the mods will move this thread where it belongs.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 9/11 Dad, Republican: 'The President's gone insane'

    No. It was a news item. Wrong again, Randy.

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