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Thread: Meeting or What?

  1. #1

    Default Meeting or What?

    Two weeks ago, when the most recent outing effort fell flat there was a mention about trying something this weekend, Jan 27 or 28. Has anyone thought any more about it? Seems like someone mentioned some happenings in El Reno or Yukon.

    Anyway, I got an invitation to join another group of folks I've never met before this coming weekend. I know a little more about you folks as individuals so I'd rather meet you face to face first. But that's an established group that meets regularly. I know they will get together. They do so monthly.

    So y'all let me know if you want to meet this Friday or Saturday. If it begins to sound like it will actually happen I'll be seeing you. Either way I'm gonna have a good time.

  2. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I'll be "working" some of the weekend at the Friend's of the Moore Library's book sale but I will be glad to go do something somewhere...the housemate's daughter plus his g/f and her 3 kids are all going to be at the house so I won't have any place to even stand let alone relax and enjoy my days off.
    So...I'm game

  3. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I'm game, too. whatcha wanna do?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Anyone up for the Loony Bin?

  5. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I should be able to attend something this weekend.

  6. #6
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I finally got the roof on the garage just today I finished, so I am free. LOL

    OOPS! I forgot---I am married.

    Youall have a great time tho.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki_Man5
    I finally got the roof on the garage just today I finished, so I am free. LOL

    OOPS! I forgot---I am married.

    Youall have a great time tho.

    Married doesn't matter. The more, the merrier.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    OK....I just called.

    Tomorrow shows are 8:00 and 10:30. The 8:00 is non-smoking.

    Two comedians....Alex ???? and Brandon ???? Ya know I can't write as fast as that lady talks so I have no last names.

    Reservations would be best but must be made before 9:30 tonight or after 2:00 tomorrow.

    Let me know for sure tonight. I'll check this thread until bedtime tonight and before work in the morning and make a reservation soon after 2:00 tomorrow. Let me know your preference for a show time. I can make either....of course if it's the early show, I'll be ready to do something more when we have to leave to make room for the 10:30 show....any ideas for that?

    PM me for my home phone, or email me at leontemp@cox.net if you have any questions.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Meeting or What?


    Tickets $10.00
    Don't stay away because of that, I'll cover ya if needed.

  10. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    If we do the 8pm show, I'd like to do dinner afterwards somewhere. What's everyone's thoughts?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Intrepid, you're the third 'for sure'.
    Dinner's OK by me, I'm always willing to eat!
    The Loony bin is near the NW Expressway....Plenty of places to eat there.

  12. #12
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I would love to go but it looks like my schedule is going to be full for the foreseeable future.

    My work and class schedule pretty much cover each other. If I am off work, I have school. If do not have class I have to work.

    I am a little excited about it. The classes I am taking are cool and the people in them are some good friends of mine I have met while attending school. I am taking on a new position at work that should be a lot fun.

    I had dinner and drinks with some classmates of mine at Cheeseburger In Paradise tonight. I recommend you guys go there to eat because their open late and the food is kick ass.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    OK....we have three. I can't check here or my email while at work. So I'll make reservations for six. I'll back them off when I get home at 4:30 if we have no more takers.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    would go but my weekend is filled and will be out of town on Sat myself :|

  15. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Hmmm...I would love to go except I've made plans. Perhaps if we try planning ahead by more than just one day next time? PLEASE?

    (Note, I responded on Tuesday saying I'd be game for hanging out this weekend, but nothing....)

  16. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I'm not going to be able to make it. Huge headache all day long. Going to sleep it off. Plus, I found out today that I have to be at work at 8am tomorrow for OT.

    Sorry all....

  17. #17

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Cancelling the reservation.

    Moving on to plan B.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Ya know folks, I'm not pissed off, really. But this somewhat feels like a slap in the face...a 'go away little boy'. That's my intuition talking. it's extremely discouraging. But life's experiences have taught me to listen to it.

    Over the past year I've suggested dozens of events to meet you people as a group. I've tried to pick places other than loud night clubs so we could hold conversations and maybe get to know each other better. I've not intended for them to be match-making events for us to 'hook up'...just a way for us all to increase our circle of 'friends' and not 'expect' anything from one another. I have repeatedly offered to cover the expenses for anyone who could readily afford it (college students, single parents) but to no avail. I had $300.00 set aside for you folks tonight.

    Without exception though every effort has fallen through except for one Redhawks' game which was rescheduled to a time I could not attend myself.

    Mr Anderson even attempted to set up a recurring monthly get-together. But that stuff can take a lot of effort especially when you can only expect one or two people to attend.

    I hold absolutely nothing against this group. I really like you all. I'd be more than willing to help any of you if you were ever in a time of need regardless of what it might be.

    However, I don't perceive that the feeling is anywhere close to mutual or even accepting.

    So, In my discouragement you should know now that if I was remotely considered to be the "Event Coordinator" I'm resigning that position now. I've been absolutelly 0% successful at it. And I won't try again...I believe it's fruitless.

    I dunno if there's an issue with Leon....maybe. But I'm sure the next coordinator will have more success....it couldn't be any less.

    In the future you'll see less and less of Leon around here. And the few posts I make will be much lower keyed. I believe I'll just fade away 'til my membership runs dry then be gone all together.

    BTW: If anyone decides to coord a Looney Bin outing, tickets are $10.00 plus one purchase;; 15% gratuity for groups of six or more. They don't provide seperate tickets. And you need to arrive together to guarantee sitting together...and arrive as a group 45 mnutes before showtime.

    Bye All.

    Audie AKA Leon

  19. #19
    Oki_Man5 Guest

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    To an extent, I know what you mean, Leon.

    I was having a great time here posting what I thought was harmless tidbits of whatever, and all the while,I thought my posts went along with the issue.

    Then, I got my warning that I was hijacking threads, and some of the members were apparently afraid I am stalking them to the extent that I had to be warned.

    What a crock! But it surely broke my spirit, yet I still log onto this board as I do many others that are just about as active as this one is, it is tough to get myself to make a post for fear that I will ruin someone's day.

    I guess I am hijacking your thread here in relating this info rather than sticking to the topic of whether there should be a meeting or not, but in my mind, the two are inseparable---it should all be geared to the increased activity of the board.

    I will apologize for my comment that I had finished the roof, and I might be available for the meet; then, disclaiming that by my being married, and I could not go. That post was meant to be said in jest, and I hoped it was evident; maybe it was, but it now has me concerned that I may have contributed to the problem.

    For all who think I am here to stalk you, let me assure you that I am a happily married older gentleman who has all the intimacy he wants or can handle even for that matter right here at home, you should not use me to bolster your ego that someone out there wants you. If I did concern you, you can rest assured that you have retaliated and got even by ruining my chances at having a good time here.

  20. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Leon, let me express something to you that I have learned many years ago when I first started going online and making friends. It is amazingly hard for members to give up their anonymity. They are afraid of letting you see the real person - they are afraid of letting people see the real person and want to maintain the mystique. This happens over and over on message boards and email exchanges.

    Leon, I applaud your efforts and I too was saddened watching all of your efforts to get together fall apart. It is hard to see how many people are lonely and wanting friends and dates and then let the fear overtake them. It probably isn't even conscious in a lot of ways.. a little reason comes up and they bow out. It is not directed at you in any way. It is hard for some people to take the first step - they probably feel vulnerable. This may or may not be true for all members, but I have experienced this repeatedly - even on cruise ships message boards when you've been talking to people for more than a year - we plan on meeting and only one or two people show up! And it's on a cruise ship! Where can you hide? LOL But I don't take it personally. I just grab my umbrella drink and do the conga .. and you should too!

    My point is please don't take it personally either. Spring is right around the corner and there will be plenty of opportunities to get together..

    Oki Man5, as a moderator, I am privvy to posts being reported.. typically this is not the place to discuss issues such as this. But, to clear this up and put it to rest, I have to say that I do not recall one mention of what you are implying. No one said anything to the effect of stalking in any way, shape or form. The report was in reference to hijacking threads and having possibly inappropriate posts in the wrong thread. Please PM me or othermods if you need more details or want to discuss it further.

    We all enjoy this board but is a public board & there does have to be rules and limitations on what & where things are posted.

    Keep posting guys. We all appreciate both of your insights.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  21. #21

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    I still dont understand why no one can make the effort to get together.Obviously I cant, but if you can give people a weeks notice it seems to me that at least two or three can at least do something. Leon and Oki-Man I also enjoy reading your posts and wish you would not stop posting. I myself dont post alot also for obvious reasons,alot of what I have to say is irrelevant because I dont live there so I have no idea on what is going on there sometimes, but rest assured I am here alot reading. Sometimes I just have to do my homework a little more before posting when I dont have all the facts about things.Anyway back to the topic, I think it's kinda sad that Leon tried so many times to get something together and it falls apart. A headache can be taken care of with asprin, and being to work the next morning should not affect going out for a few hours the night before, there are times when I am out or up until 1 or 2 in the morning, but still go to work at 7 a.m.There will be plenty of time to sleep when I am older.

  22. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    I still dont understand why no one can make the effort to get together.Obviously I cant, but if you can give people a weeks notice it seems to me that at least two or three can at least do something.
    This is a very good point, mariner. I would agree that a few people should be able to get together.

    While I feel badly for Leon that things didn't pan out yesterday, I don't see why there is so much stress about the situation. What's wrong with two or three people making it out to an event? Sometimes it has to start that way before it becomes anything of significance to others. Not everyone wants to be a leader...they'd prefer to join in after something is established.

    Personally, I really would've liked to have gone last nite. however, like I stated before, posting a suggestion one day before and expecting a huge turnout is not reasonable. On Tuesday I was asking "hey, whatcha wanna do? I'm in". As a single woman who is desperately trying to get out and do more, I cannot leave both of my weekend nights open in hopes that someone will plan something. I kept checking the thread on Tuesday and Wednesday to see if there was a response. Unfortunately, I had tons of work on Thursday and into the evening, so I don't think I even got online...that's when the post was finally made.

    Leon, I successfully met with two of the other single gals, but I believe we started planning about 2 weeks in advance? We specifically put the evening aside so we could meet and greet and enjoy each other's company.

    I've already spoken with Kellekokid about trying to do comedy club in a couple of weeks. (I believe the 10th) Leon, if you know your schedule and will in town that day, etc., please PM me & Kellekokid. If that will not work for you, give us a different day. Any other singles who would like to get together, PM me. I will set it up. If you decide at the last minute you don't want to come, well sorry for you. My happy ass is going to the comedy club.

    No stress, guys! This is supposed to be fun. I don't think there's any fear of stalking or anything else, and if someone's trying to turn stalker, think twice, cuz I'll kick you in the shin.

    Group hug to all my single brethren out there!!!

  23. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    And though I'm setting myself up for a warning from the mods, I just want to say that I enjoy your posts, Okiman. You're a hoot and though a little random sometimes, I enjoy the fact that you sometimes diffuse some situations through your posts.

    Maybe try to stick to the topic a little better so you don't get "told on", but continue posting, darlin! I get a kick out of you!

    BTW, congrats on finishing your roof! I know you must be very pleased (and just in time, considering we FINALLY got some rain! WHOO HOO!)

  24. Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Don't give up, I am one that will feel like I want to go but don't why I don't post to go to meetings, but can I suggest that a meeting be set, and day and time set then those that want to go and show up do, those that don't, well it was there lost. It maybe better when it gets warmer, and could plan picinics, or a trip to the lake for a day. I useally don't go to the city, if its anywhere past 59th. I don't like driveing in the city and really don't like when I am trying to find a place that I don't know where its at. Because of my depression and axiety I would like to try and get out, but its hard to go to a unfamiler place, I get uncomfortable and can't have a good time. What about planning something that is in moore or norman and switching it around to make it easier to attend. I kinda would like to help but don't know what to do to plan anything. I would mind have a get together here at my place and maybe have a hamburger cookout or something. Don't give up, plan a outing, and say this is where I am goin got be if those want to join they will show up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leon
    Ya know folks, I'm not pissed off, really. But this somewhat feels like a slap in the face...a 'go away little boy'. That's my intuition talking. it's extremely discouraging. But life's experiences have taught me to listen to it.

    Over the past year I've suggested dozens of events to meet you people as a group. I've tried to pick places other than loud night clubs so we could hold conversations and maybe get to know each other better. I've not intended for them to be match-making events for us to 'hook up'...just a way for us all to increase our circle of 'friends' and not 'expect' anything from one another. I have repeatedly offered to cover the expenses for anyone who could readily afford it (college students, single parents) but to no avail. I had $300.00 set aside for you folks tonight.

    Without exception though every effort has fallen through except for one Redhawks' game which was rescheduled to a time I could not attend myself.

    Mr Anderson even attempted to set up a recurring monthly get-together. But that stuff can take a lot of effort especially when you can only expect one or two people to attend.

    I hold absolutely nothing against this group. I really like you all. I'd be more than willing to help any of you if you were ever in a time of need regardless of what it might be.

    However, I don't perceive that the feeling is anywhere close to mutual or even accepting.

    So, In my discouragement you should know now that if I was remotely considered to be the "Event Coordinator" I'm resigning that position now. I've been absolutelly 0% successful at it. And I won't try again...I believe it's fruitless.

    I dunno if there's an issue with Leon....maybe. But I'm sure the next coordinator will have more success....it couldn't be any less.

    In the future you'll see less and less of Leon around here. And the few posts I make will be much lower keyed. I believe I'll just fade away 'til my membership runs dry then be gone all together.

    BTW: If anyone decides to coord a Looney Bin outing, tickets are $10.00 plus one purchase;; 15% gratuity for groups of six or more. They don't provide seperate tickets. And you need to arrive together to guarantee sitting together...and arrive as a group 45 mnutes before showtime.

    Bye All.

    Audie AKA Leon

  25. #25

    Default Re: Meeting or What?

    Very well said Daisy. I mean a days notice is not much sometimes for even just two people to get together. But a week should give two or three people enuff time to plan sumthin.It cant be easy being an activity coordinater so why have just one? I mean if something comes up just let everyone know about it, does not have to be one persons job. Working can make it hard for just one person to make all the arangements, espicially if you cant use the phone much or use the computer much at work. I work in a shop environment so it's sometimes hard for myself, but again that does not relate to this because I cant join ya'll anyway.Then you all could have the group of freinds I have...what a boring bunch of people, everytime I do suggest anything to do no one wants to do it so here I sit alot of nights dreaming about my Harley...LOL.

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