5 months ago a cartoonist from denmark put a silly picture of mohammed with a tubine that looked like a bomb in the paper. now the rest of europe is getting in on the action it seems. the whole muslim world is in an uproar, rioting and the like. rioters burn the danish consulate in lebanon. violent protests evrywere. protesters are shown holding signs like "freedom go to hell", and " europe take some lessons from 9/11."
people are calling for the danish cartoonist to be beheaded and for osama bin laden to reak havok and for the streets to run red with blood, all praise allah. these are the same peacful people the rioted after the false story of their holy book being flushed down the toilet at guantonimo (?). is europe finally going to wake up or will they do nothing like they did in the forties when hitler steamedrolled over the country, and then do something. these are the peacful people that if you become a christain you are killed. are we going to do something? or do the tree loving hippies have to much of a grip on us. lets all get in a big circle and hug and rationalize with each other.
someone said this was a clash between civlilazations. wrong. a clash between cultures but not cilvilazations. it is not civil when people cry out for the blood of europeans because of a cartoon.
everyone says 90% of muslims ARE good. maybe so but when the other 10% is 102 mill. people that wants to kill everyone that isnt muslim and wants the whole world a muslim state, we need to do something.
go here for a news article.