Do you drink beer? What are your favorite brands? Why do you drink? How often?
Do you drink beer? What are your favorite brands? Why do you drink? How often?
Yes. Up until 2 days ago, it'd been a rare occurance. Can't say as I had but maybe one beer in November? After my first semester of law school was over, however, I now have a decent stock in the fridge!
My first purchase which I have yet to work through consisted of 12 Spaten Lager.
I personally think beer is gross. Wine is as well. Give me a pina calada or something sweeter, and I'm game.
Interesting you brought this up. I am just starting to get into beer appreciation and different kinds of beer (my wife calls it "weird beer"). I'm not too adventurous yet and have only tried a few "non-macro" brands. I usually have a beer or two on the weekend, and with the occasional party I'll drink a few more.
These are a few I like:
Negra Modelo (Mexican dark beer)
Sam Adams Black Lager (my first really dark beer - its very good, not too "hoppy".
Pete's Wicked Ale
Anchor Steam - a little hoppy, but still good
Shiner Bock
Warsteiner Premium Dunkel (a decent German beer)
Ones I didn't like:
Any India Pale Ale (Waaayy too hoppy for my palate)
If you haven't already, you might check out the Beer Advocate's web site. They have a lot of really good articles and I've learned a lot from them.
If you know of any good liquor stores that carry unusual/hard-to-find items, post it. There's a nice selection at NW Liquor on NW Expressway and Rockwell if you are in that area.
Never did drink, and never will.Originally Posted by Patrick
Never been a fan of beer. Now, cocktails are another story...
Thats too bad. You miss out on things if you never try it.Originally Posted by Keith
I'm a Guinness guy myself, but I don't really drink very often at all (maybe 3 times a year)
I like most beers to be honest, but I drink alot of Labatts. As far as moxed drinks goes it's Gin and Tonic and as far as whiskey goes it's Jack Daniels straight up, rum would be Captain Morgans spiced also straight up. I think I drink too much. I know I did last weekend when I was in town. But had a good time at Toby's bar.
I've found that the majority of people that don't like beer have never given it much of a chance.
Budweiser < real beer;
Natural "Natty" Light < real beer;
Michelob < real beer;
Busch < real beer; and
Anything you can buy at the gas station < real beer.
If you are basing your hatred for beer based on these "beverages", then you clearly need help. Typically, the more heavily marketed the beer, the worse it is. Also, nearly every single beer out there has a completely different flavor (except for the stuff you buy in the gas station, hard to tell the difference).
Germans make the best dark beer (Guiness is only good for "black and tans"; for a wheat beer, try Boulevard Wheat (many like it with a squeaze of lemon); stay generally away from Mexican beer (it's okay); for a smooth and sweet beer, try an "amber" -- shiner blonde ain't bad.
If you don't like beer, or at least don't think you do, and are willing to give it a second chance, go to Bricktown and spend some of your hard earned money at Tapwerks. It will be an eye-opening experience!
I sorta agree with your statement. When I went to Germany a few years back, my dad gave me a sip of Beck Beer and it wasn't too bad.
Some people simply don't have a liking for the taste though, regardless of how much they drink.
Its definitely an aquired taste; no doubt about it. Its a lot like wine appreciation. There's an amazing variety of beers available (though not all here in OK) as I'm just now discovering. I've got a good friend up in Wash St. who is an expert on the subject (and brews his own). Unfortunately, many of his suggestions for me aren't available locally and I don't believe that you can legally ship beer to OK (but I'm unsure of that).
It is absolutely an aquired taste and some are more flavorfull than others. I think the worst beer I ever tried was actually an Ale, called Broken Putter Ale, nasty in my oppinion. We have a store near me that has hundreds of different beers from all over the world and I do like to try different beers now and then. I used to be a Michelob Light drinker 20 years ago, then I switched to Miller and then Miller Light, Now I usually either buy Labatts or Molson Golden. I like the Canadian beers. Actually Red Stripe is pretty good too, so is Tacate. I also found about any beer with a slice of lime makes it better, not just Corona. But no matter what, the best beer is always free beer![]() I have developed a great appreciation for this fine classification of beverages, and have tried as many different types as possible. When I lived in Dallas several years ago, one of my favorite places to go was "The Flying Saucer", and they had a very nice selection of different types from different countries.
My first beer was Sam Adam's Cherry Wheat. Holy cow...that was some good stuff. Another former favorite was "Fat Tire". I'm also a fan of the Negro Modelo.
I just passed that up on my last purchase. I'll have to pick it up and try it based on that glowing recommendation.Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
I haven't had it in a while, but I always loved it. One of the great things about it is its seasonality, so you aren't as likely to get old beer. (Some liquor stores seem to be really bad about that!) I hope you enjoy it!Originally Posted by MadMonk
I have never been able to drink beer because it taste so bad to me. I use to drink about 3 to 4 times a year sweet mixed drinks that tasted more like candy than alcohol. I decided that there wasn't any point to drinking alcohol even on special occasions anymore. I use to drink when I went out just to help relax me so I could be more social in public and a few drinks always helped me to get the nerve to dance. I love dancing. But now I have decided that I should be able to have a good time without thinking I need a couple of drinks. I don't think I will ever drink again because I don't see the purpose of it and mainly because its not good for me due to health reasons as well.
When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!
Fat tire = great beer. Unfortunately, it's very rare (I think unavailable) in Oklahoma.Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
Yeah, I remember being able to buy it when I was in Michigan and Texas, but haven't been so lucky here. If I do find it, I'll let you know.Originally Posted by Midtowner
Corona w/salt and lime mmm mmm good
I looked for Fat Tire beer the other night here and they told me they dont sell it east of Chicago. He said they may stretch it as far as Kalamazoo, here in Michigan. Where did you get it Daisy? near Ann Arbor?Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
Hmmm...maybe I was visiting somewhere that had it. Bummer. I could swear I saw it in a grocery up there...oh well...
I used to HATE beer...but thanks to a certain person in my life (you know who you are) I have come to appreciate good beer. Yes, I can be seen with my 89cent draughts at Hudson's with my friends...stupid Bud light...but I would much prefer a good German beer (had some while I was there last god, what a difference!) or a wheat beer. Bricktown Brewery makes an excellent wheat. I also enjoy the Boulevard, which I have found to be a very "girl friendly" beer and have convinced some of my non-beer drinking girlfriends to enjoy it.
I also enjoy a good cocktail, or sweet martini, or even a good glass of wine. I'm not *that* picky anymore, now that I have aquired the taste for alcoholBut like Midtowner, most of the people I know who complain about the taste of it haven't had anything really good!
I love Fat Tire...used to buy it in Portland, OR. Thought I might have seen it at Byron's on NW 23rd.
I also like Boulevard, Red Stripe, Modelo Especial and have discovered Kronenbourg 1776 from France (YUMM) and a Costa Rican beer called Pilsen.
My fiance likes Fat Tire, we've gotten it a few times while visiting Texas. Something about a labeling issue keeps it from being distrubuted here, I think...don't quote me on that, though. I might not have been paying close enough attention heh.
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