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Thread: Jack in the Box

  1. #1
    Jack Guest

    Large Chain Jack in the Box

    I've heard rumors that Jack in the Box (a great burger joint) is returning to OKC. Anyone know when?

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I remember them when they were on 23rd St. Didn't they close down after repeated health-related "issues"? Its been a while so my memory is fuzzy.

  3. #3
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Yeah, they closed because of an E. Coli outbreak in their undercooked food. But, I've heard since that they're thinking about re-entering this market.

  4. #4
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I think that'll be a tough sell. People have a long memory when it comes to that sort of thing - even if its a little fuzzy like mine.

  5. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack
    I've heard rumors that Jack in the Box (a great burger joint) is returning to OKC. Anyone know when?
    I would suggest that you take a look at your use of the word "great" in the context of describing the offerings at a Jack In The Box. I also think that "joint" usually has some inference of charm and quaintness when used in the description of a place to eat.

    If they are coming, I hope they don't plop their store down in a location that could be well used by an establishement that sells actual food.
    The Old Downtown Guy

    It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
    downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
    dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
    to observe and participate in the transformation.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I have to agree with Jack on this one...and I'm not much of a chain or fast food fan. I remember the whole "E Coli debacle", yet still eat there every time we go to Texas. Yum!

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I agree. I think they're better than any McDonalds around. Although, landing Jack in the Box isn't something to celebrate.

  8. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    The first e-coli happened here in the Seattle area, yet no stores closed!

    Im not sure why OK gets so "jumpy" when things happen. Yes, it happened but nothing closed down here. Why did Jack leave OKC to begin with?
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    yes, i posted this info almost a year ago. they are finalizing their site selections currently.

    Mods can we merge the two Jack in the Box threads?

  10. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    The Arby's location in Moore used to be a Jack In the Box. I really do not recall eating there when I was younger.

    I just remember the joke that they were serving kangaroo meat as to why they closed down. LOL

  11. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Although, landing Jack in the Box isn't something to celebrate.

    Heck, I'd celebrate it. It's without a doubt my favorite fast food place. I've even driven to Ada a few times just to get an Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger.

  12. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I love that sandwich (with probably 10,000 grams of fat), that has Canadian bacon, ham, swiss cheese and everything else that clogs the arteries. But wow, that's a good little sandwich. McDonald's can't touch Jack In The Box in my opinion. Though, I would agree with those that say it's nothing to "celebrate" per se. But, I am hungry now with no way for a JITB fix. Seriously, that's one good sandwich.

  13. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I don't care what anyone else thinks but I'm definately celebrating if Jack in the Box comes here. It's way better than McDonald's or just about everything else in my opinion (well except White Castles or some true coney joint, but that's a different story). I'd like some now.

    Now, I understand that JITB isn't a "high end" resturant that "enhances" a city like OKC and makes people want to visit and can understand that line of reasoning, but it is a different choice for that late night crave (That is if it's going to be open 24 hours like they should be).

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    I think it's official: Jack In The Box is better than McDonald's. Way to go Jack!

  15. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Downtown Guy
    I would suggest that you take a look at your use of the word "great" in the context of describing the offerings at a Jack In The Box.

    i agree. jack in the box not very good. it ranks only a hair above mcdonalds.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    2 Words,
    Fried Tacos

  17. #17

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    When I first moved to California, I always preferred Carl's Jr. to Jack-in-the-Crack (Gag-in-the-bag, Jack-in-the-crotch, etc., etc.).

    Carl's doesn't seem to be doing very well there and I suspect it's due to taking over all the old Hardee's locations and not really doing much to them.

    The Carl's out here are generally clean, bright and have some a nice salad bar and are certainly nicer than Jack.

    I suspect if you guys had ready access to Jack you'd grow tired of it pretty quickly.

  18. #18
    cedbled Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    any new news on this yet??? i'm sorry, but this topic is VERY serious business to me.... i appreciate any recent developments on this

  19. #19
    cedbled Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Hey, for those of you that like the fried tacos, I want you to know that there are 2 Burger Kings in Metro OKC that do serve their version of them.

    I know there really is no comparison, but I'll list the locations anyway:
    N.W. 23rd & Meridian
    I-40 & Meridian

    Apparently these 2 are under different ownership than all of the others

  20. #20

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Actually they are not under different ownership but my guess is that there is a larger hispanic population in those areas, seems to me that there is, that they would change their menu up a bit.

  21. #21
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner
    When I first moved to California, I always preferred Carl's Jr. to Jack-in-the-Crack (Gag-in-the-bag, Jack-in-the-crotch, etc., etc.).

    Carl's doesn't seem to be doing very well there and I suspect it's due to taking over all the old Hardee's locations and not really doing much to them.

    The Carl's out here are generally clean, bright and have some a nice salad bar and are certainly nicer than Jack.

    I suspect if you guys had ready access to Jack you'd grow tired of it pretty quickly.
    Hey, hey, hey. Watch it bud.

  22. #22
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by cedbled
    Hey, for those of you that like the fried tacos, I want you to know that there are 2 Burger Kings in Metro OKC that do serve their version of them.

    I know there really is no comparison, but I'll list the locations anyway:
    N.W. 23rd & Meridian
    I-40 & Meridian

    Apparently these 2 are under different ownership than all of the others
    Jack in the Box ought to move into the old BK locations.

  23. Default Re: Jack in the Box coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner
    I suspect if you guys had ready access to Jack you'd grow tired of it pretty quickly.
    There was a "Jack in the Crack" right around the corner from my place in Dallas and I ate there quite often. LOVE Jack in the Box! They have (had?) yummy eggrolls, too! That's a place with enough variety in their menu to never tire of it! (Though I wouldn't eat it every day.)

  24. #24

    Smile WE'RE GETTIN A JACK IN THE BOX!! proof inside

  25. Default Re: WE'RE GETTIN A JACK IN THE BOX!! proof inside


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