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Thread: Olie Apartments

  1. #1

    Default Olie Apartments

    Looks like the old WEST and Hideaway Pizza buildings have finally found their new owners.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Olie Apartments

    This is a completely separate property from the old West and Hideway properties.

    This empty lot was bought last December by Rob McLaughlin, a local investor. West and the old Hideaway were just bought by Clay Farha.

    They are planning a 43-unit apartment complex with one commercial space for lease on the northwest corner (facing Olie). Interestingly, the property was sold with covenants prohibiting, 'breastaurants' (Hooters, Twin Peaks, etc.), weed or CBD, tattoo parlors, and adult bookstores.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Olie Apartments

    “breastaurants” that is hilarious. I have never heard that term before. And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I never realize until now what type of restaurant twin peaks was because I’ve never been in one. But now it all makes sense.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Olie Apartments

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    “breastaurants” that is hilarious. I have never heard that term before. And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I never realize until now what type of restaurant twin peaks was because I’ve never been in one. But now it all makes sense.
    I went into Twin Peaks once, around Christmas.

    All the waitresses were beyond 'scantily clad'. A couple of them were literally wearing g-strings, so their entire arses were hanging out.

    And there were a bunch of families with kids in there. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Olie Apartments

    I mean, I’m a guy who loves women, but I’ve never really seen the appeal of these types of restaurants. Even Hooters a couple times I’ve been, the food is mediocre, but the women are obviously very hot, it just almost seemed like a strip club without women stripping, but who just serve you food and beer. I guess it’s a niche market. But that is interesting for a family to take their kids there. I can’t really recall whether or not I noticed that when I was at Hooters.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Olie Apartments

    Twin Peaks is the best place to watch a game. Hooters not so much

  7. Default Re: Olie Apartments

    I drove down Western earlier this week and dirt work has already started on this apartment building.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Olie Apartments

    Here is what Clay Farha / BD Eddie purchased. The same group already owns the strip center south of the old Hideaway.

    Not sure of their plans but I've heard they may demo both restaurant buildings. All they really do is retail strip centers and some small office parks, so I would expect something similar.

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