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Thread: OKCFest 2015

  1. #1

    Default OKCFest 2015

    According to pollstar.com, this is set for Friday, June 26th and Saturday, June 27th. The only artist listed is Lucas Hoge on Saturday. I didn't see any other information online.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Per their twitter account, they are announcing the headliners tomorrow at 10 am.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Such a garbage lineup. Count me as not attending for second year in a row. Can the guys running this not get a more relevant lineup? Sammy Hagar is your lead rock artist? This isn't 1985. I'm so disappointed, yet again..

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Sammy Hagar is 67 years old. Sixty seven.

    Hank Williams Jr. is 65.

    Of course, the two organizers -- Mick Cornett and Fred Hall -- are in their late 50's and early 60's, respectively.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Sammy Hagar is 67 years old. Sixty seven.

    Hank Williams Jr. is 65.

    Of course, the two organizers -- Mick Cornett and Fred Hall -- are in their late 50's and early 60's, respectively.
    you cant, " build a music community" when you are still living 30 years ago with headliners. Sammy Hagar sucked after Van Halen. The leaders of this event are lost, to put it nicely.

  7. Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Anyone know how long the sets are? I'd really like to see Drive By Truckers and Graham Colton on the 26th but I'm not going to pay a lot to see a short set.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by coov23 View Post
    you cant, " build a music community" when you are still living 30 years ago with headliners. Sammy Hagar sucked after Van Halen. The leaders of this event are lost, to put it nicely.
    I don't think OKCFest will ever be a SXSW-style music festival nor is it intended to be because its not even being targeted to that audience. The target audience for OKCFest is primarily rural, Southern baby boomers. Riverfest in Fort Smith, Arkansas is very similar as is the music portion of Speedstreet in Charlotte. These types of events are cheap to organize and they sell well with their target audience.

    There is a market in OKC for a real music festival targeted towards Millennials that will not be competition with OKCFest.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Anyone know how long the sets are? I'd really like to see Drive By Truckers and Graham Colton on the 26th but I'm not going to pay a lot to see a short set.
    i'd be real surprised to see either get more than 45 minutes. that's just me guessing based on it being a friday and probably starting late afternoon/early evening, and them billed as the first 2 to play.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Sammy Hagar and Hank Williams Jr are both musicians you might see at the Zoo Amphitheater or for free at Frontier City. I just can't imagine them drawing a huge crowd. Maybe I just don't understand OKCFest's target audience. Just for an example: Some of my friends saw Hank Williams Jr at the Texas state fair for free one year.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    They had lower attendance last year than anticipated, correct?

    If they want a successful music festival they need to bring in artists that people want to see. Sammy Hagar and Hank Williams Jr isn't going to cut it. I am sure there will be attendance, yes, but it will never be the kind of destination music festival the mayor had in mind if these are the kind of artists that will be playing.

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Cornett thinks big only when it's taxpayer monies. Do you think he'll play can't drive 55? That's my favorite MTV video.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    LOL what a joke. Get out of here with this nonsense.

    I'm sure this festival won't last past 7 PM because it will be way passed all attendees bedtime at that point.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    They had lower attendance last year than anticipated, correct?

    If they want a successful music festival they need to bring in artists that people want to see. Sammy Hagar and Hank Williams Jr isn't going to cut it. I am sure there will be attendance, yes, but it will never be the kind of destination music festival the mayor had in mind if these are the kind of artists that will be playing.
    this was a pic from last year on their facebook. not sure what day or time, but it's a pretty good-sized crowd.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	10343007_1515486375337352_6877965354517070993_n.jpg 
Views:	204 
Size:	101.0 KB 
ID:	10619

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Rascal Flatts plays at arenas like CHK, etc so I'm sure they will bring a large crowd. I agree that there should be more relevant acts.

    I only went on Friday last year, but wasn't the lower attendance due to a storm on Saturday? It was packed on Friday. And I believe that each band before the headliner played ~1 hour.

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    I will probably go to see Grace Potter Friday night.. she puts on a great show!..

  17. Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    I've seen Grace Potter a couple of time live, and agree that she's pretty fantastic. Would like to see Drive By Truckers, too. That said, the lineup for tomorrow night's ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest in Bricktown is frankly more inspiring, even with the headliners only being emerging artists from within the state. I'd really like to see OKC Fest model itself after ACL as far as bookings are concerned. Hoping they find their groove at some point.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I've seen Grace Potter a couple of time live, and agree that she's pretty fantastic. Would like to see Drive By Truckers, too. That said, the lineup for tomorrow night's ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest in Bricktown is frankly more inspiring, even with the headliners only being emerging artists from within the state. I'd really like to see OKC Fest model itself after ACL as far as bookings are concerned. Hoping they find their groove at some point.
    What is your gut feeling on why they have been so bad at finding artists that are currently relevant? I only ask because you seem to have a good pulse on music scene in okc.

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    The first year they had the excuse it was so late they could really only book what they could. This year I think people expected better, but with Hall's apparent connection to Nashville(I think) there should have be a better lineup of music. I don't think anyone here is saying to do a full pop concert or full country but its about find tons of bands and acts that find many types of music and creating a festival. Not a tribute to people who were relevant before a large percentage of the city was born.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by hfry View Post
    The first year they had the excuse it was so late they could really only book what they could. This year I think people expected better, but with Hall's apparent connection to Nashville(I think) there should have be a better lineup of music. I don't think anyone here is saying to do a full pop concert or full country but its about find tons of bands and acts that find many types of music and creating a festival. Not a tribute to people who were relevant before a large percentage of the city was born.
    Couldn't agree more. Their twitter and Facebook pages are brutal. OkcFest better make changes or they are going to be severely in the negative when they do their profits. No one is excited about the lineup. You can't have 60 year olds trying to find relevant musicians for a diverse population. You need your, energetic marketing staff to get a lineup for country, pop and rock. Make it 3 days and make it where fans of all ages will enjoy it. Not just those in their 50's and beyond. If they added the likes of the Eagles to go with Mumford and Sons and a Luke Bryan it would be a hit, regionally.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by hfry View Post
    The first year they had the excuse it was so late they could really only book what they could. This year I think people expected better, but with Hall's apparent connection to Nashville(I think) there should have be a better lineup of music. I don't think anyone here is saying to do a full pop concert or full country but its about find tons of bands and acts that find many types of music and creating a festival. Not a tribute to people who were relevant before a large percentage of the city was born.
    I agree with this. Even if they wanted to keep it country, booking old, has-been artists from 30 years ago has a "well, this is the best we can do" feel to it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Didn't they have Lady Antebellum last year?

    Way better and more relevant than anyone in this year's line-up.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Didn't they have Lady Antebellum last year?

    Way better and more relevant than anyone in this year's line-up.
    Agreed. This year is a step down from last year, not a step up. Any ideas as to why?

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Didn't they have Lady Antebellum last year?

    Way better and more relevant than anyone in this year's line-up.
    Yes, as well as Dierks Bentley and some other good acts. I'm not the biggest country fan but last year was a lot of fun. Don't think I would go this year even if the tickets were free...

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKCFest 2015

    Mayor Mick and Fred H. will be their.

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