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  1. #1

    Default Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Once again, Reuters does a great job of reporting on the things in Oklahoma the local media won't touch.

    We're lucky to have their presence but it would be better if we weren't doing things that keeps warranting their attention.


    When the oil boom went bust, Oklahoma protected drillers and squeezed schools
    By Luc Cohen and Joshua Schneyer
    Filed May 17, 2016, 1:37 p.m. GMT

    Oilmen won a big victory when legislators made permanent one of the juiciest tax breaks in the United States. Schools, meanwhile, are having to cut classes, administrators and teachers to make up a growing revenue shortfall.

    NEWCASTLE, Oklahoma – After intense lobbying, Oklahoma’s oilmen scored a victory two years ago. State lawmakers voted to keep in place some of the lowest taxes on oil and gas production in the United States - a break worth $470 million in fiscal year 2015 alone.

    The state’s schools haven’t been so fortunate. In Newcastle, 23 miles from the capital of Oklahoma City, John Cerny recently learned that the school attended by his five-year-old granddaughter, Adelynn, will open just four days a week next year. The Bridge Creek school district will slash spending because of a projected $1.3 billion state budget shortfall next year.

    Beth Lawton teaches first grade at Broadmoore Elementary in Moore, a city of 59,000 bordering the capital. In April, she and several colleagues were told their contracts won’t be renewed because of funding cuts. Broadmoore’s class sizes are expected to rise next year as a result.

    “I think our lawmakers have failed us, and I don’t understand how little they value education,” Lawton said.

    Oklahoma’s school-funding crisis is part of the pain inflicted by falling oil prices on energy-rich states across America that rely on natural-resources taxes to pay their governments’ bills. But the crisis in Oklahoma is especially dire, exacerbated by a legacy of large tax breaks bestowed upon oil companies.

    Before the recent 60 percent decline in oil prices, a drilling bonanza minted millionaires and billionaires in Oklahoma. The boom turned sleepy Oklahoma City into a thriving hub for drillers like Devon Energy, Chesapeake Energy and Continental Resources - the troika that lobbied hardest for the tax-break extension. The rebuilt downtown hosts top notch dining, hotels, arts venues, and a top NBA basketball team.

    But as private oil wealth created these emblems of prosperity, public services have come under severe strain. In contrast to other energy states, Oklahoma didn’t fill state coffers during flush years.

    Oklahoma taxed new oil and gas production from its prolific horizontal wells -- the big money-makers of the fracking industry -- at rates as low as 1 percent throughout the shale boom. In North Dakota’s giant Bakken oilfield, the going rate was 11.5 percent.

    The state actually began cutting back on funding for Oklahoma school children before the bust, and education funding is likely to contract much further, said Ryan Owens, a co-director at the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration, a professional association of educators.

    "Oil was $100 a barrel, and we still had less money per student. We had an opportunity and we missed it.”

    Ryan Owens, co-director, the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration
    “Oil was $100 a barrel, and we still had less money per student,” Owens said. “We had an opportunity and we missed it.”

    Shale regions are hurting across the country. Since 2014, the U.S. energy industry has shed more than 100,000 jobs. But during the drilling spree of 2008 to 2014, oil-rich states like North Dakota and Texas saw a sharp rise in oil-and-gas tax revenue and salted away a chunk of it for education. Over the same period, Oklahoma’s oil and gas production tax revenue slid 32 percent, in spite of soaring oil prices and a doubling of oil output.

    “The state legislature can’t help when oil and natural gas falls,” said David Morrow, the Bridge Creek schools superintendent. “What has got the state of Oklahoma, in my opinion, is everything we gave away.”

    Oklahoma lawmakers voted on Thursday to eliminate a separate subsidy for the worst-performing wells in order to help plug the budget gap. While barely utilized during the boom years, the cost of that tax credit grew to more than $130 million in 2015, as sinking prices made more wells unprofitable.

    Overall, Oklahoma’s $3 billion education budget has been cut by $58 million since January. Though next year’s funding remains uncertain, the state’s projected 18 percent budget deficit has schools preparing for the worst.

    Across the state, at least 100 Oklahoma school districts are considering shorter weeks or school years, and 1,000 school jobs are at risk, according to the Cooperative Council.

    Among the hardship measures being implemented, according to recent school surveys: bigger class sizes, teacher pay cuts and hiring freezes, cutbacks in arts, athletics and foreign language instruction, fewer offerings for special needs and gifted students, and a moratorium on field trips.

    The Oklahoma oil industry is publicizing the role energy taxes play in helping fund schools. In March, a poster in the lobby of driller Continental Resources’ headquarters featured a smiling boy and read, “Oklahoma oil & gas produces my education.”

    “We don't have a revenue problem in Oklahoma. We have a spending problem.”

    Kristin Thomas, spokeswoman, Continental Resources
    Kristin Thomas, a spokeswoman for Continental, said the industry and its employees are the state’s largest bloc of taxpayers, while drillers pay billions more in royalties to landowners. She said tax breaks for other industries, such as wind energy, have hurt education funding.

    “We don't have a revenue problem in Oklahoma,” Thomas said. “We have a spending problem.”

    The wind industry received tax credits and exemptions worth $306 million from 2004 to 2015, the Oklahoma Tax Commission said. State revenue data reviewed by Reuters show the horizontal-drilling tax breaks topped $1 billion between fiscal years 2012 and 2015 alone.

    Oklahoma’s education spending per pupil fell by 24 percent between 2008 and 2016, the biggest drop in the country, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a Washington D.C. group that tracks budget and tax issues on behalf of low-income people.

    In North Dakota, where recent budget cuts have been less severe, spending per pupil grew 26 percent over the same period, the biggest gain in the country.

    Tax revenue on oil production helped North Dakota stash away more than $3.2 billion in an investment fund, in addition to $614 million set aside exclusively for schools. In Oklahoma, Governor Mary Fallin recently used the state’s $300 million rainy day fund for a $50 million “one-time fix” for public schools. Fallin declined an interview request. A spokesman said the tax breaks were created by her predecessors.

    A large portion of the tax on oil and gas production is funneled into Oklahoma’s General Revenue Fund, which provides schools with around half their funding. Many school districts also receive oil-production tax money directly, based on output in their counties.


    In 1994, Oklahoma began taxing new output from horizontal wells at just 1 percent, compared to 7 percent for conventional vertical wells. When the so-called incentive rates were first enacted, they were meant to be temporary support for what was then a nascent drilling technology.

    Horizontal wells have bores that extend lengthwise into reservoirs of oil and gas trapped in porous shale rock. The fossil fuels are typically unleashed by the process known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking - blasting the rock with a mixture of water and chemicals. Horizontal fracking wells have become central to the recent shale oil and gas boom in Oklahoma and around the United States.

    Over the years, Oklahoma’s lawmakers repeatedly extended the tax breaks on horizontal wells, even as the technology became common and far more productive, oil prices rose and output surged.

    State tax regimes are often complex. In Oklahoma, horizontal wells were taxed at a discounted rate in their first years but subject to the nominal 7 percent rate after several years of production. The incentive rates were set to expire in 2015, a scenario that would have made all wells subject to 7 percent taxes through their lifespan.

    But the biggest drillers were keen to protect the reprieve from the higher rates: Horizontal wells often pump out their bounty quickly, generating their highest production by far during their first few years.

    So in 2014, the three big drillers made a lobbying push for lawmakers to make permanent the favorable tax treatment on early production.

    They had to fend off warnings about falling state energy tax revenues from critics of the breaks, such as Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser.

    Kaiser, whose interests include drilling, banking and philanthropy, urged lawmakers to let the tax breaks expire as planned. The benefits mainly went to out-of-state shareholders in oil companies, he told them, while ordinary Oklahomans paid the price through underfunded public services.

    Some lawmakers agreed. Mark McCullough was one of the few House Republicans to oppose extending the incentive. Horizontal drilling technology “is now very mature and widely used,” he said during the 2014 debate. “Is it really an incentive anymore? Or are we now getting into something else?”

    Today, McCullough says, it’s clear that the enduring tax breaks were disastrous for state revenues, but a majority of lawmakers were quick to side with drillers during the boom.

    “Oil and gas has a ton of weight, and by darn they wanted their credit,” McCullough told Reuters. “By golly they got their credit.”

    RAINY DAY: Gov. Mary Fallin recently tapped the state’s $300 million rainy day fund for a $50 million “one-time fix” for public schools. REUTERS/Mike Theiler
    “Oil and gas has a ton of weight, and by darn they wanted their credit. By golly they got their credit.”

    Mark McCullough, Oklahoma state representative
    To help win over lawmakers, Devon hosted dozens of them in its Oklahoma City skyscraper before the 2014 floor vote. The company had several talking points, according to state legislator Pat Ownbey, who attended the meeting. Among them: Higher taxes would only hurt state revenue, by prompting frackers to abandon Oklahoma for other states.

    “While some may think that raising taxes on the oil and gas industry could provide additional funding for education, drilling less wells in the state will end up decreasing total revenue traditionally designated for education in the long-run,” Devon wrote in a later public statement.

    On April 29, 2014, three weeks before lawmakers voted to extend tax breaks, Fallin and Oklahoma’s finance secretary, Preston Doerflinger, held a private meeting at the governor’s mansion with Devon’s chairman and the chief executives of Chesapeake and Continental. The topic was oil production taxes, Doerflinger’s spokesman said.

    Those same companies were hoping for a 2 percent tax rate on horizontal wells for their first four years in operation, according to local media reports.

    The following month, a 2-to-1 majority of Oklahoma lawmakers voted to tax all horizontal and vertical wells at 2 percent for the first three years of production. That’s when horizontal wells yield the most oil - and the most potential tax. After three years, output from a typical horizontal oil well in the state has declined by 86 to 89 percent from peak levels, according to industry consultant Drillinginfo.

    Drillers cheered the outcome, which was similar to their own proposal. For the first time, the vote would make the tax breaks permanent. Though it lifted the tax burden from 1 percent to 2 percent during a well’s early years, oil companies were now guaranteed some of the most driller-friendly rates in the country.

    Chesapeake declined to comment for this story. Devon referred Reuters to an industry trade group, the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association.

    Its president, Mike Terry, said the low production taxes kept Oklahoma competitive and have helped make it “the most resilient in the nation at weathering the downturn in oil prices.” The number of rigs exploring for oil and gas in Oklahoma has fallen by 59 percent since late 2014, compared with a decline of 66 percent nationwide, he said.

    The legislative record shows that oil companies found a sympathetic audience at the capitol.

    “I find it odd that we’re thinking about castigating our number one industry instead of getting down and thanking them,” state representative Leslie Osborn said during a legislative debate before the vote. “I would have been happy to keep this at zero percent.”

    Osborn's district includes Oklahoma City, which in March announced plans to lay off 208 teachers and in April said it would fire 92 school administrators. The steps will save about $13 million a year.

    Osborn didn’t respond to requests for comment about the school cuts.


    Over Oklahoma’s boom period, energy production tax revenues fell instead of rising. The opposite happened in North Dakota and Texas, which saw big increases in revenue. In 2014, Oklahoma’s take was $860 million, down from a $1.3 billion peak in 2008.

    That’s partly because over time, more and more of Oklahoma’s production came from horizontal wells, taxed at the far lower rate.

    To be sure, lower natural gas prices also explain part of Oklahoma’s revenue crunch. Between 2008 and 2014, gas prices fell by around 50 percent, even as oil prices frequently topped the $100 a barrel mark.

    Still, the tax breaks alone cost Oklahoma around $800 million over the same period, according to the Oklahoma Policy Institute, a Tulsa think tank that draws some of its funding from Kaiser.

    Driller tax breaks have taken a toll in some other states. Louisiana exempts horizontal wells from tax for up to two years if drilling costs aren’t recouped first. The state’s Legislative Auditor said the breaks cost $1.1 billion from 2010 to 2014. But Louisiana hasn’t cut school funding as sharply as Oklahoma has. Per pupil spending is down 1.4 percent since 2008.

    In Inola, Oklahoma, 30 miles east of Tulsa, 37-year-old machinist Jack Foster has four young sons enrolled in public school, where four-day weeks are already in effect. The family is unhappy about the cost cuts, and has to make alternative plans for the boys once a week.

    “I pay my taxes,” said Foster. “I want my kids to have a good education.”

  2. Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    This is painful to read.

    I'm sorry it isn't true because it wasn't posted in the Oklahoman.

    And Google Fiber will never come here.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    The state budget, taxes, education funding and healthcare spending have been on the front page of the Tulsa World nearly every day for months.

    This was yesterday

    Tulsa World Editorial: Throughout the state, schools are cutting millions, but the Legislature still hasn't done what needs to be done

    It’s been a difficult week.
    Let’s review the news:
    • On Monday, the Broken Arrow School Board voted to cut its budget for next year by $7.39 million. The district will eliminate 66 positions, including the jobs of 29 teachers.
    “It’s maddening and saddening,” said board member Theresa Williamson.
    • That same night, the Union school board cut $5.2 million out of its budget. That’ll cost the jobs of 48 people, including 25 teachers. Class sizes, already too high, will go up, said district Chief Financial Officer Debra Jacoby.
    • Also Monday, the Bixby school board OK’d a $1.7 million cut. Thirty jobs. Previously, the board had accepted a plan to cut the school year short by six days this semester because the state failed to meet its budget promises.
    • On Wednesday, we learned that Oklahoma City Public Schools was cutting $10 million from its budget by delaying textbook and uniform purchases, reducing contracts with outside vendors and eliminating free student testing. Previously, the district announced the elimination of 208 teaching and 92 administrative positions. Another $30 million in cuts are coming, officials warned.
    • On Thursday, Jenks Public Schools rolled out a $3.7 million cut, which will result in the elimination of 29 jobs, including 10 teaching positions.
    Those are just the latest iterations of what has become a horrifying story in this state.
    Sand Springs: 51 jobs eliminated.
    Tulsa Public schools: 270 job cuts, including 142 teachers.
    Tulsa World reporter Andrea Eger added it all up at week’s end. Local school districts have cut $30.63 million and 546 jobs to deal with a pending state budget disaster.
    It shouldn’t be that way. It doesn’t have to be.
    Ask almost any legislator what the state’s top budget priority is, and the answer you’re almost sure to get back is: Schools.
    That reflects the public’s thinking. Again and again, polling shows Oklahoma voters want better state school funding.
    Last week, the leadership of the Tulsa Regional Chamber paid a visit to the Tulsa World editorial board. The chamber’s top legislative priority: education funding. That’s not just because it’s where we ought to be spending money, although that’s true, they say. It’s also the investment the state has to make to ensure its future prosperity.
    And yet, with two weeks to go in the regular legislative session and the better part of a $1.3 billion budget hole still looming over everything, we have no answers from the state Capitol on education funding.
    The solutions aren’t easy, but they are obvious:
    • Take money from the constitutional “Rainy Day” fund.
    • Take more money from state agency cash funds.
    • Raise state fees.
    • Do a better job collecting the taxes that are already on the books.
    • Cut state costs where that’s possible.
    • Use bond money to spread out capital costs, especially transportation costs.
    • Solve the state Medicaid budget crisis by raising the state cigarette tax $1.50 a pack and accepting available federal funding to underwrite private insurance for the poorest Oklahomans.
    • Reform the state tax code. Eliminate economically unproductive tax incentives, especially those that are bleeding state tax money to big out-of-state wind companies and wealthy oil producers. Eliminate the double deduction for federal income taxes paid.
    • Reverse poorly thought out income tax rate cuts and, for goodness sakes, don’t let another planned rate cut go into effect.
    We said it a few days ago. We’ll say it again.
    Attention, lawmakers: Do something. Do your jobs.
    Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to remember what Jenks Chief Financial Officer Cody Way told his school board members on Monday: “Remember what’s happening in November — elections.”

    It's time for the people to be VERY angry. This state is not run in our interest. And the Daily Oklahoman is a big part of the problem.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Of course most of what the Tulsa World is saying needs to be done was proposed by the Governor, and is on the table.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Of course most of what the Tulsa World is saying needs to be done was proposed by the Governor, and is on the table.
    Fallen and the tea partiers at the legislature have taken us down this path with their misplaced priorities and they darn well should be proposing some reasonable remediation....then should resign.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Fallen and the tea partiers at the legislature have taken us down this path with their misplaced priorities and they darn well should be proposing some reasonable remediation....then should resign.
    Eh, Fallen and the Tea Partiers weren't in office when most of the tax cuts were passed and signed by Brad Henry. If anything, they've failed to act quick enough.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Fallen and the tea partiers at the legislature have taken us down this path with their misplaced priorities and they darn well should be proposing some reasonable remediation....then should resign.
    She has actually proposed some decent legislation, but her downfall was she would rather follow every order from OCPA and ALEC like a mindless foot soldier. And all she has to show for it is one of the lowest approval ratings in the nation. She should send them a thank-you card.

    Louisiana is as red as Oklahoma and passed on electing an incompetent ALEC clone. I do no understand why this state did not do the same when it had the opportunity.

    OKC is blessed to have much better leadership on a local level, and yet one has to wonder if it will be enough to shield us from this crisis.

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    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    She has actually proposed some decent legislation, but her downfall was she would rather follow every order from OCPA and ALEC like a mindless foot soldier. And all she has to show for it is one of the lowest approval ratings in the nation. She should send them a thank-you card.

    Louisiana is as red as Oklahoma and passed on electing an incompetent ALEC clone. I do no understand why this state did not do the same when it had the opportunity.

    OKC is blessed to have much better leadership on a local level, and yet one has to wonder if it will be enough to shield us from this crisis.
    No, it won't.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Louisiana is as red as Oklahoma and passed on electing an incompetent ALEC clone. I do no understand why this state did not do the same when it had the opportunity.
    That hasn't always been the case. In fact maybe until recently was solidly democratic I thought?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by bradh View Post
    That hasn't always been the case. In fact maybe until recently was solidly democratic I thought?
    Wikipedia says Democrat for decades until 2010.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    OKC is blessed to have much better leadership on a local level, and yet one has to wonder if it will be enough to shield us from this crisis.
    Unfortunately the state has dug a hole so deep it will take years, if not decades, to get out of even with good leadership in OKC. The state finances are in complete disarray and things like education and health, already ranked at the bottom in the country, will continue to suffer.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Of course most of what the Tulsa World is saying needs to be done was proposed by the Governor, and is on the table.
    No, the important items do NOT overlap. The World wants the recent income tax breaks back, which Fallin has said she is against. They want to reduce tax breaks for oil companies which she has not proposed and has not said if she would sign or not. These tax breaks benefit the wealthy for the most part. Instead she is for eliminating the low income sales tax credit, eliminating the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, all of which impact the poor.

    There’s a theme here if you look.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    No, the important items do NOT overlap. The World wants the recent income tax breaks back, which Fallin has said she is against. They want to reduce tax breaks for oil companies which she has not proposed and has not said if she would sign or not. These tax breaks benefit the wealthy for the most part. Instead she is for eliminating the low income sales tax credit, eliminating the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, all of which impact the poor.

    There’s a theme here if you look.
    Here's the list...

    Take money from the constitutional “Rainy Day” fund.
    Proposed by Fallin.

    Take more money from state agency cash funds.
    Proposed by Fallin.

    Raise state fees.
    Proposed by Fallin.

    Do a better job collecting the taxes that are already on the books.
    Proposed by Fallin.

    Cut state costs where that’s possible.
    Not specifically proposed, but always on the table.

    Use bond money to spread out capital costs, especially transportation costs.
    Proposed by Fallin.

    Solve the state Medicaid budget crisis by raising the state cigarette tax $1.50 a pack and accepting available federal funding to underwrite private insurance for the poorest Oklahomans.
    Proposed by Fallin (the first part) and being considered in the house (the second part).

    Reform the state tax code. Eliminate economically unproductive tax incentives, especially those that are bleeding state tax money to big out-of-state wind companies and wealthy oil producers. Eliminate the double deduction for federal income taxes paid.
    In on the table and in discussion. Last part, you guessed it... Proposed by Fallin.

    Reverse poorly thought out income tax rate cuts and, for goodness sakes, don’t let another planned rate cut go into effect.
    Ok, you got one. I stand by my comment.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Here's the list...

    Proposed by Fallin.

    Proposed by Fallin.

    Proposed by Fallin.

    Proposed by Fallin.

    Not specifically proposed, but always on the table.

    Proposed by Fallin.

    Proposed by Fallin (the first part) and being considered in the house (the second part).

    In on the table and in discussion. Last part, you guessed it... Proposed by Fallin.

    Ok, you got one. I stand by my comment.
    Jerry you have done a good job of bringing clarity to the discussion on tax cuts and how they were enacted in the previous administrations. Of course the huge reduction in production tax cuts were made under her administration as well as making permanent the reduction for horizontal wells. Contributing to this revenue failure though was the massive uptick in tax credits that were enacted during her reign. These tax credits are every bit as contributing to the failure as the income tax cuts. Additionally while Pruitt is not releasing where the AG is spending their money and how much, I dare say his tenure has seen a huge uptick in expenditures by his office tilting at windmills with nothing or very little to show for it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    Yeah this hurts, can't say I'm surprised.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Reuters: OK helped drillers and squeezed schools

    I hope Gov. Fallin gets booed even louder the next time she gets put on Kisscam.

    Blaming her predecessors is irresponsible after she approved of tax cuts which benefited oil companies and corporations in 2014. Corporate income taxes were cut from 7 to 6%. Doing this was supposed to attract much more business and industry to the state, resulting in higher tax revenue, but it didn't happen. Corporate welfare also played an important role to make sure it didn't happen.

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