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Thread: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

  1. #1

    Default 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    I wanted to start a thread to discuss our home state and what we want and/or will do to try and be more involved within our communities and strengthen the fabric of this state.
    I know many people are skeptics, cynics, and wish they could move out of this state yesterday. But, that doesn't change the fact that while we're here, there are things we can do to make this a better home for all of us and for people moving here. Whether it's something daily, weekly, or monthly, I believe we can and should try to strive to help develop Oklahoma's potential.

    Remember, "be the change you want to see" or something like that


    2016 - I would like to volunteer with environmental efforts to clean up Tulsa. There is one group called the Oklahoma River Warriors that just started and their primary objective is to keep the Arkansas River free of trash, along with connected streams and creeks.
    This is the first thing I want to start with and plan on contacting the aforementioned group to discuss opportunities.

    Let's hear it from everyone else! And here's to a great year in Oklahoma with less negativity and loathing.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    I want to get involved in the Classen Boulevard project; really appeals to me and I live very near one of the first areas that would likely be addressed. Plus, I have always had an affinity for Classen and it has tremendous potential to link a lot of our urban neighborhoods.

    Plan to join the ULI as well.

    One small thing I do and I want to promote: Pick up trash!

    I walk a lot and am constantly picking up trash and holding it (usually not very long) until I find a bin.

    With Project 180 downtown, there are now receptacles everywhere so it's an easy thing.

    For every picture I take and post I can almost promise you I picked up trash in that particular area.

  3. Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    Just want to say...the mere fact that someone even started this thread of discussion makes me proud to live here. This kind of spirit is so hard to find it seems. Gives me hope and makes me grateful to be an Oklahoman.

    I pick up litter along a mile stretch of road I drive everyday at least once a quarter...sometimes more frequently if a large/unsightly item warrants it. And I love doing it, weirdly enough. I think it is from my days as a custodian at Walt Disney World in college. You know when they train their cast members (employees) there, they tell even the salaried, white collar workers that everyone is a custodian first here at WDW--so pick up trash whenever you see it. So i can appreciate what you do, Pete, even when you're out on photo recon missions!

  4. #4

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    My very first small step is to help my neighborhood restart our neighborhood association. Past that, I'm not sure, but I do want to become more actively involved in things here

  5. #5

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    Just want to say...the mere fact that someone even started this thread of discussion makes me proud to live here. This kind of spirit is so hard to find it seems. Gives me hope and makes me grateful to be an Oklahoman.

    I pick up litter along a mile stretch of road I drive everyday at least once a quarter...sometimes more frequently if a large/unsightly item warrants it. And I love doing it, weirdly enough. I think it is from my days as a custodian at Walt Disney World in college. You know when they train their cast members (employees) there, they tell even the salaried, white collar workers that everyone is a custodian first here at WDW--so pick up trash whenever you see it. So i can appreciate what you do, Pete, even when you're out on photo recon missions!
    "I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."


    I think 2016 is a good year for us to take a nice, deep, fresh breath of air and actually do something.
    I'd love for this thread to stay active all year round, but we'll see how it goes.

    And of course it's open for any type of discussion people may deem worthy of helping the state and local communities. Eventually it'd be nice to share progress, contacts, groups, etc. that we may come across.
    If we want change, we need to drive it and not sit and wait for these politicians to do it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    I consistently use my turn signals when I drive. It's not much but it does help.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    I consistently use my turn signals when I drive. It's not much but it does help.
    You know, technically anything goes in this thread. That's a step in the right direction.

    I've long held the notion that Oklahoma doesn't have bad drivers, per se, rather, just really stupid ones. Which in turn creates bad driving.

  8. Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    Got elected as president of the neighborhood association in which I work. I'll see what I can do.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    There you go! Change can be offered and impacted from such a position. Even monthly or bi-annual neighborhood cleanups, etc. are simple and can help out an area.

    BTW, the Oklahoma River Warriors are meeting January 30th at Keystone Dam to start another day of cleaning. Starting at the source will help with the trash that flows down the river. I plan on attending this time.

    I'm also keeping an eye out for other volunteer opportunities around town that I think will be beneficial for the community. The next one I find I'll post.

  10. #10

    Default Re: 2016 - What Will You Do to Make Oklahoma a Better Place?

    Since I can't move out of state again (gawd, how I wish I could, and actually out of the USA), I will spend my time emailing/writing/calling the various idiots and offices in OK (senators, reps, city councilman, OKC, Scott Pruitt, ODOT, etc.) that do stupid, unconstitutional, ridiculous, money-wasting, "Christian" things that should not be done (SB 973, HR 1037, lawsuit against CO, etc.), as well as to push for things that *should* be done. I also need to get on some committees, attend meetings, etc. in order to get more involved in the OKC social-political fabric.

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