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Thread: Max Weitzenhoffer

  1. #1

    Default Max Weitzenhoffer

    This is a very interesting interview by the Oklahoman with Oklahoma native, Max Weitzenhoffer, who is a true heavy weight in the London theater.

    Parties Extra! Video---Max Weitzenhoffer---Harry Potter and the Cursed Child---Palace Theater in London | NewsOK.com

    He is discussing the new theatrical production of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" which will open in his London theater next year. Max is an OU graduate and was a member of my OU fraternity. He is a few years older than me but I met him a few times when he came back to our house for Homecoming events. He is a fascinating man and his family has made major donations to OU in the past.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Max Weitzenhoffer

    Unfortunately, as an alumni of OU's Pride, he is also behind the entire Pride debacle from the past couple of years. He might have done some great things, but as someone who is on the Board of Regents for Art at OU, he really doesn't care about certain schools within it, or students. But all that has been rectified and we can just sort of forget about it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Max Weitzenhoffer

    I love how evertime something good is pointed out, someone invariably quickly chimes in with a negative "oh yah". Max has been very instrumental in raising OU's quality and prestige nationally in the performing arts world. He has been hugely generous with his money, time and influence.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Max Weitzenhoffer

    Not to be a Troll, but Max's $$ comes with his influence. I am so thankful Brian Britt is home.
    D Rinner, Moore OK Pride 71-73

  5. #5

    Default Re: Max Weitzenhoffer

    Doesn't make him a good person. Bottom line, he acted totally unprofessionally in regards to the employment of the Pride of Oklahoma director. Between the firing of Mr. Britt, the horrible negotiations with Debra Traficante (oops, I mean Dr. Traficante), the hiring of Justin Stolarik, and his inability to listen to the Pride student body, he should not be on the Board of Regents. He is a horrible representation on what the student body wants/needs. He's made it big? Good for him. He's from Oklahoma? Good for him. He handled this entire thing terribly. Based on that, I'd have to say he's a bit of a jerk.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Max Weitzenhoffer

    I'm also a former member of the band and disagreed with what happened. I still admire him and can easily separate the positive things he has done for OU from the one misstep. For people to label him as a jerk because of this is totally off base. He was hardly the only person responsible for the band debacle.

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