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Thread: Florence Birdwell

  1. #1

    Default Florence Birdwell

    This was a very interesting segment on KFOR news tonight featuring legendary OCU music instructor, Florence Birdwell. She is on a trip to New York City to see her two students, Kristen Chenoweth and Kelli O'Hara compete against each other for a Tony award Sunday night.

    She seems to still be very feisty in her 90's.

    Watch: Legendary Oklahoma voice teacher heads to the Big Apple | KFOR.com

  2. #2

    Default Re: Florence Birdwell

    Nothing is understated by Birdwell. Woman is just a massive personality.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Florence Birdwell

    Congrats to Kelli O'Hara for winning her first Tony tonight. She gave a mention to Florence Birdwell in her acceptance speech.


    An Oklahoma City University graduate, O’Hara, 39, beat fellow OCU alumnus and Oklahoma native Kristin Chenoweth to earn the Tony for best leading actress in a musical.
    The so-called “Oklahoma smackdown” between O’Hara and Chenoweth was one of the most-watched contests of the theatrical awards season.
    O’Hara said throughout the season that she saw the nominations for her and Chenoweth not as a "smackdown" but as an opportunity for both OCU graduates to pay homage to their legendary vocal teacher, Florence Birdwell.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Florence Birdwell

    She gave a great speech.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Florence Birdwell

    Great speech! I remember watching her on the live TV Peter Pan show and thinking she was really talented not knowing she was from Oklahoma.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Florence Birdwell

    We know she and her family and just top notch! great accomplishement for her. She came and did a fundraiser for Deer Creek HS last year to open their new Performing Arts Center and was fantastic and raised a lot of money. Took time out of her trip home to do that. Class act!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Florence Birdwell

    This is a more extensive perspective on this inspirational woman.

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