So... after Mr(s). Cools was busted about a month ago, Ziggy's was targeted and hit by the AG. Unlike the info on Mr(s). Cools, it was instantaneous and we knew why. A week after Ziggy's gets busted, and i'm finding nothing new about it. They didn't say why they were busted except for the assumptions of synthetic marijuana.
Anyone know anything? Was the AG targeting Ziggy's on false intel?
I'm not for the sale of synthetic marijuana, but I am against any business being targeted by the federal government without just cause. If Ziggy's was in fact selling it, after it was illegal, then by all means, bust them. I have been inside Mr(s). Cools and Ziggy's, i've seen the "potpouri" / "incense" / "K2" etc that they have sold before the list of chemicals and ingredients were outlawed. When that happened, the formula was changed to produce the same or similar affect of it's now outlawed predecessor and still following under the same name. This process repeats until we start getting into more dangerous chemical concoctions.
I'm worried how far the prohibition of marijuana will continue to produce such items that are killing people. As far as I know, you can't OD on marijuana. To take that a step farther, when I have children, if they were every to try a drug with friends by peer pressure or whatever, (and my parental power of persuasion didn't cross their mind) i'd much prefer to find them smoking something that wouldn't actually kill them vs trying some synthetic, meth or huffing off a neighbors AC unit.