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Thread: 50 Shades of Crap

  1. #1

    Default 50 Shades of Crap

    Honestly can't understand why anyone would read the book or go see this.


    50 Shades of Crap: a Feminist’s View
    January 30, 2015Open Letters#EnglishTeacher, books, movies, rants

    Dear Film Goers and Readers Everywhere,

    February 13, 2015 will mark an important moment in American cinema, one which is a deplorable moment for our country and our world. In 1939, Gone with the Wind used the first swear word in a film, when Rhett Butler stuck it to Scarlett O’Hara, saying a well-deserved though sad “frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” While some might say that opened a door to the onslaught of immorality in films, I maintain that there’s a difference between that one word and the 554 times The Wolf of Wall Street f-bombed the world. But back to the point, there’s something that’s even worse happening on Valentine’s Day this year.

    Opening in theaters that day is 50 Shades of Grey, an erotic, pornographic film that has a disturbing story line accompanied by overt sexual exploitation. And no. It’s not okay.

    What’s additionally frustrating is that the people who are speaking against this, which was mostly done back in July when the film’s trailer debuted, are often labeled as “Christian” women, as if somehow being Christian invalidates their opinions; heaven forbid. I suppose only “Christian” women would be against such a book or movie; at least that’s what the label implies if not openly states. Well, as a feminist, Christian or not (which if you know me, you know which), I am wholeheartedly appalled that our country is diving to such frightening insensitivity.

    Two years ago, I asked a 16 year old student to stop reading that particular book in my classroom because “erotica is not a school appropriate genre” (I wanted to say that it wasn’t life appropriate if you want a long-lasting fulfilled life, but decided that would be going too far; and I better watch out! I’m probably about to be accused of censorship!)

    Fast-forward two years to yesterday, when two 17 year old female students asked me excitedly, “are you going to go see 50 Shades of Grey?!” I assume they were disappointed with my resounding “no.” Well, today was the last straw, when my YouTube advertisements accosted me; I had had it. Marketers are talented, don’t get me wrong. When The Theory of Everything took over all my ads, I definitely wanted to see the film more than ever, but I am angry that for the next two weeks, whenever I access YouTube, which I use frequently for movie clips for my Film Studies class, I will have to sit through the mini-trailer of 50 Shades of Crap before I can access my teaching materials. That world, is not my choice.

    I expect better of our country and of our people here and throughout the world. Since when is pornography not labeled correctly? Since when is it considered merely a “drama” and “romance” IMDB.com? Since when do we condone it publicly as well as privately? Pornography has gone from strip clubs to Playboy Magazine to Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition to Cosmopolitan’s sex advice articles to trashy fiction novels to HBO specials to online access. Where does it end? I guess it doesn’t anymore.

    Women–though I realize not everyone is against pornography, I would hope that you aren’t pleased that your significant others are accessing it (if they are)? And I hope you aren’t either, whether visually or in book form. I can’t think of an addiction that destroys self-esteem, confidence, meaningful sex, and all relationships more. Not that I’m undermining other addictions or downplaying them, but for my personal understanding of marital happiness, centered on mutual respect, trust, and fidelity, pornography has no place. And that is all 50 Shades of Crap is: sheer pornography exacerbated by sadism and dominance. It makes me sick.

    People have complained about the Twilight series praising a weak female in an abusive relationship. Well let the sirens loose because apparently the pornographic version (50 Shades) is about to take in tons of money at the Box Office. And at what cost? Human dignity?

    Men are worth so much more. Women, we are worth so much more. Marriage is worth so much more. We have a divine destiny and heritage, and yes, God wants us to be happy. That’s not to say that we can’t enjoy intimate relationships in our marriage, but that these relationships should build us up and increase our self-concept of worth and happiness. They should empower us not break us down.

    We buy the products and that’s why they keep being offered and pushed farther. We watch the Carls Junior commercials, we buy the magazines, we click the ads, and we pay for the movie tickets; that’s what fuels the blockbuster business. They give us what we’ve shown we want to see. From a business standpoint, that makes sense, but make no mistake: they are buying us, and we are paying them: willingly.

    Condemn the football players. Condemn fraternities parties gone wrong, but praise dominance and submission in films like this one. That makes total sense. (I want to clarify that I in no means agree with rape or domestic violence in any way, just in case you didn’t catch the sarcasm). Why would we claim sexual violence and dominance in a film as acceptable and desirable? It’s not.

    In case my frustrations weren’t convincing enough, here are some other voices to add to mine; I think they speak for themselves.

    Internet Movie Database (IMDB): “Plot Keywords: bdsm, perversion, bondage, sex scene, sexual awakening”

    Internet Movie Database (IMDB): “Parents Guide: Rated R for strong sexual content including dialogue, some unusual behavior and graphic nudity, and for language.”

    Goodreads Book Review: ” Introducing an even more abusive and disturbing TWILIGHT! Now with whips and chains!”

    Wikipedia: “It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism (BDSM).”

    The Matt Walsh Blog: “If you are a feminist, I can’t possibly understand how a disturbing fantasy about a wealthy man physically dominating a woman could ever be considered acceptable in your circle.”

    My only consolation is that some people have recognized this film for what it is: filth. On Goodreads, a Facebook for booknerds, the top comments bash 50 Shades, and I love it. My husband is disheartened and disgusted by the degradation of the nation as well. And I am hoping that maybe just some men and women with self-respect and concern for where it would go from here, might think twice before investing in this sad Valentine’s Day event. While we all are free to choose, I hope some people will choose to pull back their support and money from this film and others like it. Until we stop paying for crap, it’s only going to get worse.

    Sincerely, Sarah (& Parker)

    P.S. Please comment and share if you agree with this sentiment. Maybe a few of us can at least increase the resistance out there in the hopes that someone needs to hear it and that film companies can at least be called out on it.

  2. Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I can tell I couldn't stand being in the same room with "Sincerely Sarah" for 5-minutes.

    Who cares if its 'filth' - at least its not pretending to be something it isn't. People who buy a ticket know exactly what they are buying a ticket to see. Those who are not interested won't ---- Wow, see how that works.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    She sounds like loads of fun.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    She needs to chill. I doubt this movie will come close to detailing everything that goes on in the book and still retain an R-rating.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Thread title cracked me up. There will probably be few guys dragged to this to please the Woman in their live. Guys will be waiting for the pron and Ladies will be seeing it as a exciting and dangerous love story. Don't really think it will get an Oscar nod next year.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I'm definitely not going to go see it.

    Do I think it should be censored? Absolutely not. The religious right should realize that we live in a nation of free speech and free press and that they are helping promote stuff like this by making a huge deal about it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    haha. What's that saying about protesting too much?

  8. #8

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Smart move releasing on Valentines weekend. so WOmen can request the movie and the guy is more prone to going along with it. but to complain it is trashy smut whatever is kind of like going to see " into the woods" and complaining its a musical. If it wasn't all those things then the people buying tickets to see it would be very upset because that is what they are signing up for.. I don't need to see this movie at all..

  9. #9

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I'm definitely not going to go see it.

    Do I think it should be censored? Absolutely not. The religious right should realize that we live in a nation of free speech and free press and that they are helping promote stuff like this by making a huge deal about it.
    Not too sure that the author of that piece was representing the "religious right."

  10. #10

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    Thread title cracked me up. There will probably be few guys dragged to this to please the Woman in their live. Guys will be waiting for the pron and Ladies will be seeing it as a exciting and dangerous love story. Don't really think it will get an Oscar nod next year.
    "waiting for the pron"? . . . did you mean "waiting for the prawn? Like, maybe during the visit to Red Lobster after the movie?

    Frankly, this thing should be called 500 Shades of Hype. (I can't remember when I've heard what is probably a POS movie being plugged every single day on The Today Show and a thousand other places.)

    Speaking of hardcore prawnography . . .

    I think he's coming up with a revised edition called "Red Lobster, White Trash, The Blue Lagoon and 50 Shades of Grey"

  11. #11

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    "waiting for the pron"? . . . did you mean "waiting for the prawn? Like, maybe during the visit to Red Lobster after the movie?

    Frankly, this thing should be called 500 Shades of Hype. (I can't remember when I've heard what is probably a POS movie being plugged every single day on The Today Show and a thousand other places.)
    Instead of POS, it should be POF, piece of feces. That sounds funnier.

  12. #12

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I give her post credit. I always wondered what the "BD" meant in BDSM. Now I know. Thanks.

  13. #13

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I saw the fertile mind behind this book interviewed on The Today Show this morning.
    At least I started to and then I changed the channel.
    Hey. It's a free country.

  14. #14

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I don't know why the guys would bash it. The book went through my circle of friends and every one of my male friends were extremely happy during the evenings their wives were reading the book. There is nothing wrong with a little additional spice in a marriage as long as the marriage isn't dependent and both partners are willing participants. (btw...I am speaking of the erotica although nothing wrong with the other stuff)

  15. #15

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Not reading it, not going to the movie. I'm sure it's a modern version of "The Story of O", a piece of literary garbage that was making the rounds when I was in high school. I made the mistake of reading that one and I'll not waste another couple of hours of my time like that again.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I was helping out at a local quilt shop when the book first came out and made such a ripple It absolutely cracked me up that so many elderly ladies (the far back side of middle age) would come in asking where we kept the "grey" fabrics because their guild had picked as a project, "Fifty Shades of Grey." I am absolutely certain most of these ladies had no earthly idea what the book was about. They were just in a quilting contest where the rules required that they used a certain number of different shades of grey (I doubt it was actually as high as fifty). I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Granny trotted out her "fifty shades of grey" quilt as a wedding gift for her grand daughter.

  17. #17

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I was helping out at a local quilt shop when the book first came out and made such a ripple It absolutely cracked me up that so many elderly ladies (the far back side of middle age) would come in asking where we kept the "grey" fabrics because their guild had picked as a project, "Fifty Shades of Grey." I am absolutely certain most of these ladies had no earthly idea what the book was about. They were just in a quilting contest where the rules required that they used a certain number of different shades of grey (I doubt it was actually as high as fifty). I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Granny trotted out her "fifty shades of grey" quilt as a wedding gift for her grand daughter.
    Bub but but...

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  18. #18

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Not reading it, not going to the movie. I'm sure it's a modern version of "The Story of O", a piece of literary garbage that was making the rounds when I was in high school. I made the mistake of reading that one and I'll not waste another couple of hours of my time like that again.
    TLDR the top post but scanned enough to get the general idea. When I saw something in that post about a teacher telling students what not to read, I thought immediately of when The Story of O was in theaters, which was also while I was in high school.

    I went to see the movie and ran into my high school biology teacher with his date out to see the same movie.

  19. #19

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    TLDR the top post but scanned enough to get the general idea. When I saw something in that post about a teacher telling students what not to read, I thought immediately of when The Story of O was in theaters, which was also while I was in high school.

    I went to see the movie and ran into my high school biology teacher with his date out to see the same movie.

    I thought the book was much better than the movie - hated the contrived ending.

  20. #20

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post

    I thought the book was much better than the movie - hated the contrived ending.
    I never read the book. The main thing I remember about the movie all these years later is it was way too long for the amount of sex and nudity. But I was 17 at the time.

    I read Venus in Furs a couple of years ago. (Followed by Lolita.) I think I'll skip 50 shades.

  21. #21

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Don't like the book don't go see the movie. Not exactly rocket science.

  22. #22

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Not reading it, not going to the movie. I'm sure it's a modern version of "The Story of O", a piece of literary garbage that was making the rounds when I was in high school. I made the mistake of reading that one and I'll not waste another couple of hours of my time like that again.
    Was that the saga of how Overstock Dot Com was founded?

    (sorry . . . when I was in high school it was all about "Candy" . . . "Tropic of Cancer" . . . and "Lady Chatterley's Lover" plus a couple of others. =)

  23. Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    I read her entire diatribe, and when she was finally finished, I thought long and hard.

    And I came to the conclusion of...

  24. #24

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    LOL my thought's exactly.

    There was recently an article about how Fandago is seeing HUGE interest in the movie from states down south (Mississippi, Tennessee) or the Midwest (North Dakota and Iowa). Oklahoma was not one of the top 10, thank God. All these places are socially conservative states with probably a lot of sexually repressed people. Oh, these people may be right there with Sincerely Sarah and decry "smut" and "filth" like FSG in public....in private? Watch out. A lot of closeted freaks in the Bible Belt.

    My thing is, if you're itching to see two people get it on, why go blow $25-50 on a movie when you can stay home and fire up PornHub for free? Don't say its the acting; Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson have barely hidden contempt for each other in each interview I've seen. I caught an interview with them on Today and both seem genuinely embarrassed they are even associated with this mess. Not what I would consider a rousing endorsement to go see FSG.

    But the "naughty" factor will be enough of a draw for all the starved housewives out there. I'm sure this will be a smashing box office success.

  25. #25

    Default Re: 50 Shades of Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    TLDR the top post but scanned enough to get the general idea. When I saw something in that post about a teacher telling students what not to read, I thought immediately of when The Story of O was in theaters, which was also while I was in high school.

    I went to see the movie and ran into my high school biology teacher with his date out to see the same movie.
    I'd be Curious . . . yet too Yellow, to venture into an "Art Theater" plus I'd be late for my Last Tango In Paris lesson. Dude: I was, like, 17. I've been 17 about 4 times now . . . I'd be afraid they would ask me for my I.D. =) Is Debbie still doing Dallas? I didn't think so.

    Chalk that up to 51 Shades of Crap.

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