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Thread: Marcel Proust - are there any devotees?

  1. #1

    Default Marcel Proust - are there any devotees?

    Are there any readers of Marcel Proust at OKC Talk?

    I'd like to discuss the writings of Proust, and particularly "In Search of Lost Time".

    I don't want to have a "Google" discussion. If you don't read Proust please
    don't reply.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Marcel Proust - are there any devotees?

    I apologize for interrupting, on a thread regarding Marcel Proust, but I just finished watching The Return of Downton Abbey from wherever it's been and it reminded me of that Monty Python sketch involving Marcel Proust . . . I think it was called . . . something along the lines of . . . give me a moment . . . Oh! Yes!: It was "The Quoting Marcel Proust Contest." That, or "Waiting for Godot--or whomever, perhaps Guffman?".

    At the risk of hijacking a thread--and thereby creating more lost time for which to search--This reminds me of one of the top ten comedy punchlines ever: It was c/o Jay Leno in his early days. Jay said: "My Scottish Grandmother was so frugal that she would say to me, 'Ach, Jaime . . . Don' be puttin' food in the refrigerator! It'll use up all the cold."

    Did Marcel Proust have a similar observation?
    In regard to the search involving time wasted?
    My guess would be yes.

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