Are there any readers of Marcel Proust at OKC Talk?
I'd like to discuss the writings of Proust, and particularly "In Search of Lost Time".
I don't want to have a "Google" discussion. If you don't read Proust please
don't reply.
Are there any readers of Marcel Proust at OKC Talk?
I'd like to discuss the writings of Proust, and particularly "In Search of Lost Time".
I don't want to have a "Google" discussion. If you don't read Proust please
don't reply.
I apologize for interrupting, on a thread regarding Marcel Proust, but I just finished watching The Return of Downton Abbey from wherever it's been and it reminded me of that Monty Python sketch involving Marcel Proust . . . I think it was called . . . something along the lines of . . . give me a moment . . . Oh! Yes!: It was "The Quoting Marcel Proust Contest." That, or "Waiting for Godot--or whomever, perhaps Guffman?".
At the risk of hijacking a thread--and thereby creating more lost time for which to search--This reminds me of one of the top ten comedy punchlines ever: It was c/o Jay Leno in his early days. Jay said: "My Scottish Grandmother was so frugal that she would say to me, 'Ach, Jaime . . . Don' be puttin' food in the refrigerator! It'll use up all the cold."
Did Marcel Proust have a similar observation?
In regard to the search involving time wasted?
My guess would be yes.
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