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Thread: Slide the City

  1. #1

    Default Slide the City

    A few days ago I came across this awesome video of a massive slip-and-slide in a city (SLC?) from Slide the City.


    Slide The City

    Apparently, they are set to come to Oklahoma City (Oklahoma City - Slide the City) but the date is TBD. Anyone have any other info or insight? Looks like the only event to happen thus far has been Salt Lake City.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Slide the City

    They had something like this earlier this summer in Deep Deuce or so I thought. I don't think it was quite this big though.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Slide the City

    Yea this is the concept that everyone thought would be in DD. Since it has a big hill and all. But the DD one was an actual platform that was built.

    This would be an awesome deal, and I still think DD would be a great spot, or just close down Mickey Mantel and go down the bridge!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Slide the City

    When I volunteered with Scouts, at some events we would create a slide by staking down some generic visqueen, add a water hose and a bit of dish soap every now and again and let loose the hounds of water. Fun for bigs and littles alike.

  5. Default Re: Slide the City

    They occasionally have a HUGE inflatable slide at the River Adventure Sports area. Looks to be a few stories tall.

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