Now that Academy Awards are just around the corner, I'm thinkin' of movies . . .
Not big hits with big stars (nor "Classics") Simply sleeper/non-cult films worth watching . . .
Including a minimum of "action scenes" involving exploding stunts and drivers.
Feel good flicks . . . at least to me. And worth a watch. If you have the time.
In no particular order, except as they came to mind . . .
Repo Man (1984) (starring a host of character actors. interesting sci-fi cinematic canvas)
Snow Falling on Cedars (1999) (artistic camera-work and more)
Sweet Land (2005) (i've met and known folks like this)
The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez (1982) (technically, i think this was a TV/HBO deal. that's okay in my book)
El Norte (1983) (another reason i have to continually fight empathy and sympathy to stay balanced)
House of Sand and Fog (2003) (whole new respect for Post-Shah Persians in America)
Downfall (2004) (you've seen all the parodies. this was the source video. talk about expectation deficits.)
Smoke (1995) (so . . . who doesn't like Harvey Keitel? no matter what your opinion of tobacco)
Panic (2000) (Hawkeye Pierce vs. The Cooler. How can one resist it?)
(i can't think of Number 10 right now . . . but it's the one with those two runaway kids in puppy love on an island as a big storm was approaching . . . =)
Any "Sleepers" (with no respect whatsoever to Woody Allen) that made an impression on you?