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Thread: Native American Federal Judges

  1. #1

    Default Native American Federal Judges

    I may have read the article wrong, but another website is reporting that the first Native American may be confirmed to be a federal judge in Arizona. This surprised me because I would have thought a federal court in Oklahoma would have had at least one tribal member on the bench in its history. Does anyone know of any federal judges in Oklahoma history that were tribal members?

    Bigray in Ok

  2. #2

    Default Re: Native American Federal Judges

    Try this link: Hez J. Bussey | News OK

    I don't know whether he was enrolled as a tribal member but he certainly was a prominent Oklahoma jurist. I had the privilege of meeting him while he was in law school, and took the pictures at his wedding. Quite an impressive person!

    Of course he wasn't on a federal bench, just the highest state position...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Native American Federal Judges

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    Try this link: Hez J. Bussey | News OK

    I don't know whether he was enrolled as a tribal member but he certainly was a prominent Oklahoma jurist. I had the privilege of meeting him while he was in law school, and took the pictures at his wedding. Quite an impressive person!

    Of course he wasn't on a federal bench, just the highest state position...
    Ok, I read the headline wrong. It is the first female Native American that may be confirmed to the federal bench. Get your facts straight Bigray.

    Bigray in Ok

  4. #4

    Default Re: Native American Federal Judges

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigrayok View Post
    I may have read the article wrong, but another website is reporting that the first Native American may be confirmed to be a federal judge in Arizona. This surprised me because I would have thought a federal court in Oklahoma would have had at least one tribal member on the bench in its history. Does anyone know of any federal judges in Oklahoma history that were tribal members?

    Bigray in Ok
    I read the headline wrong, it is the first female Native American.

    Bigray in Ok

  5. #5

    Default Re: Native American Federal Judges

    Well, that's pretty cool. Thanks for the heads up.

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