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Thread: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

  1. #1

    Default Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Ok I had to go into Shepard Mall last week because Cox Comunications has setup an Office their, I had not been in this Mall since the Late 80's and you know it was really sad because their were alot of great stores their and I had alot of memories as well . remember Hubbards Western wear ? Furrs ? & alot more . Anybody else have favorite stores and good memories ??

  2. #2

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by lt14life View Post
    Ok I had to go into Shepard Mall last week because Cox Comunications has setup an Office their, I had not been in this Mall since the Late 80's and you know it was really sad because their were alot of great stores their and I had alot of memories as well . remember Hubbards Western wear ? Furrs ? & alot more . Anybody else have favorite stores and good memories ??
    Used to go there with there and sing at Christmas time in Jr High.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    I always hit El Charritos the Squire Shop and the theatre there back in the 70's early 80's.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    I remember Hubbard's Western wear but, wasn't another western wear store before that?....Bought my wife her Wedding present in Shepherd Mall.....she still has it...I don't think it fits anymore....(Shouldn't have said that right?).....That TG&Y store was the highest volume per Cubic Ft. in the TG&Y store chain.....

  5. Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    My step dad was one of the lawyers that helped open the mall back in the 60's and he worked a deal to have his office there until the 80's. I remember hanging out there as a little kid after school, waiting for him to get done with work so we could go home. I must have seen 100 movies at the theatre and spent 100's of dollars in the arcade. My favorite store though was a small hobby store because I liked to build models and paint plastic army men. My favorite mall dinner was a hot dog and Orange Julius!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Oh yes I remember the Hobby Store it was great and the Arcade was also fun. Also I dont remember what was before Hubbards western wear I thought that was all it had ever been. and yes the Movie theater was nice , I took a date their to see Close Encounters of the Third Kind .

  7. #7

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    One of my most vivid older memories of Shepherd Mall was going to the inaugural ball for Gov. Hall in 1971 which was held there. The entire central mall area was used. And I'm not trying to start a political thread so don't bother telling me your opinions of David Hall.

  8. Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Ahhh, you just made me remember! Yeah, I remember Furr's being there, but I didn't realize it was gone after all these years.

    I was not born when David Hall was Governor. Was he a Republican?

    Btw, it is still a mall... Just a different kind of mall. :-)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    It was the first place I saw live models in the store windows instead of manikins. A lot of cash must have been flowing throught there to pay people to stand and do nothing.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    One of my most vivid older memories of Shepherd Mall was going to the inaugural ball for Gov. Hall in 1971 which was held there. The entire central mall area was used. And I'm not trying to start a political thread so don't bother telling me your opinions of David Hall.
    I Remember David Hall and that must have been pretty cool , I would liked to have been their.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    True, but I think I would call it an Office park before a Mall.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    My wife and i were at the Inaugural Ball for David Hall. Received a coin with his likeness on it as a souvenir. Still have the Coin.....Saw him on OETA the other night.....Still have the coin...........HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  13. #13

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    David Hall was a Democrat and was cool if you think going to prison for taking bribes is cool LOL. I used to like going to El Charrito/El Chico and the movies at Shepard Mall. My mom used to take me to JC Penney and Dillard's to shop for clothes. I liked Bonaparte's hamburgers and the clocks from different countries at the Bentley Hedges Travel Agency.

    Bigray in Ok

  14. #14

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Am i remembering wrong or wasn't the Dillard's store originally a Kerr's? And for those wondering about David Hall being a Democrat or Republican they are probably too young to remember that Oklahoma had no Republican governors from statehood until Bellmon in 1962. We didn't know what Republicans were.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Yes it was Kerr's before it was Dillard's Brown Duncan which then became simply Dillard's. Remembe when Shepard Mall's exterior had the various colors of glazed bricks?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    David Hall, Oklahoma,
    He's for all Oklahoma,
    He's what it takes to make our country strong;
    David Hall, Oklahoma,
    He's for all Oklahoma,
    What Oklahoma needs is David Haaallllll......

  17. #17

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    David Hall, Oklahoma,
    He's for all Oklahoma,
    He's what it takes to make our country strong;
    David Hall, Oklahoma,
    He's for all Oklahoma,
    What Oklahoma needs is David Haaallllll......
    You didn't really just sing that did you????...You made it up...Correct????? Naw, David Hall just got caught....

  18. #18

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Great place to take a date to a movie. I bought the ugliest red sports coat ever at the Squire shop. CHHS either had our prom upstairs when I was a Jr(70) or I went w/girlfriend to KiYi's spring formal there, can't remember which. Hobby shop was great.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    When that Hobby Shop went out of business, I bought the last of their inventory. Don't remember the name of the shop however...Getting Old....

  20. #20

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by osu cowboy View Post
    Great place to take a date to a movie. I bought the ugliest red sports coat ever at the Squire shop. CHHS either had our prom upstairs when I was a Jr(70) or I went w/girlfriend to KiYi's spring formal there, can't remember which. Hobby shop was great.
    We had our 1972 prom upstairs. Was that over J.C. Penny's? Can't remember what store was on that end. Know where the theater, TG&Y, El Charrito, and the hobby shop were, but that's about it. Never really went there that often.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    A lot of cash must have been flowing through there to pay people to stand and do nothing.
    Not to draw any correlation or conclusions, but has anyone mentioned that it's mostly State and Federal Agencies at Shepherd Mall, now...just sayin'...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    My first job was at the theatre for minimum wage - $1.25 an hour. I thought I was RICH. The manager of the theatre was a toad looking man - extremely ugly, as was his wife - but their children were gorgeous. We never could figure it out. I loved the smell of that popcorn and learned to add and subtract in my head.

    My best girlfriend and I would go over to El Charrito and split a Defeat (and eat chips and tortillas). We also always got an ice cream cone down on the east end. Sang there at Christmas.

    Good times...

  23. #23

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    My first job was at the theatre for minimum wage - $1.25 an hour. I thought I was RICH. The manager of the theatre was a toad looking man - extremely ugly, as was his wife - but their children were gorgeous. We never could figure it out. I loved the smell of that popcorn and learned to add and subtract in my head.

    My best girlfriend and I would go over to El Charrito and split a Defeat (and eat chips and tortillas). We also always got an ice cream cone down on the east end. Sang there at Christmas.

    Good times...
    Add and Subtract in your head???? that's what those cash registers were for....How many times did you burn your arm on the Popcorn kettle while testing the popcorn???? I think my arms is permanently scarred from that....Someone had to test the popcorn to make sure it was done right....right?????

  24. #24

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Add and Subtract in your head???? that's what those cash registers were for....How many times did you burn your arm on the Popcorn kettle while testing the popcorn???? I think my arms is permanently scarred from that....Someone had to test the popcorn to make sure it was done right....right?????
    Definitely got burned but I learned pretty fast - so no scars for me <vbg>.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Shepard Mall is not a Mall anymore !!

    I Hope im not coming off as being mean here but I was wondering if anybody else remembered the guy that was always hanging out at the Mall. He was a short white man with dark hair and always wore a cowboy hat and smoked a cigar, he was mentally handicapped and also carried a walkie talkie and always tried to talk on it but their was never anybody on the other end. This was in the early and mid 80's.

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