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Thread: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

  1. #1

    Default Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    I wonder if those are 'stock' photos they found on the internet? If they are real, its pretty rude to take 'hidden camera' pictures and try to humiliate someone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Your image is at risk as soon as you get out the front door. Way too many websites of people with their cell phone cameras sneaking pics of everybody at awkward moments, or worse. If you die horribly in a accident it will make the internet somewhere.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Two of the best pieces of advice I have ever recieved were:

    1. Always check your appearance before leaving the house.
    2. Always wear clean underwear.

    The camera phone is reason enough to follow these rules.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Doctor: "I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?"
    Other Character: "Gimme the bad news first, Doc."
    DR: "Your nephew was killed in an accident at the State Fair."
    OC: "OMG! Quick, gimme the good news."
    DR: "He was wearing clean underwear."

    DR: "I have some more good and bad news . . ."
    OC: "The bad news, Doc. Gimme the bad news."
    DR: "Your other nephew lost both his legs in the same freak Ferris Wheel accident."
    OC: "GEEZ, Doc . . . The good news . . . .(?)
    DR: "The guy across the hall wants to buy his boots."

  6. Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    I understand where everyone is coming from in this, but on the other hand...if they are allowing themselves to go outside in all their tragic glory - then that is one them.

    "Bench Warmer" has to be the most disturbing.

    Also let's be honest. The only reason to go to the state fair is to see the freak show.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    If your attire makes you stand out in a crowd, you either don't care or already your under the influence of something before you decide to go out into public. Otherwise you would probably want to wear something that makes you blend in with the crowd. When you dress to stand out in the crowd you best be ready to take a grief from the general public. If you can't handle the grief, its probably best to stay home.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    I understand where everyone is coming from in this, but on the other hand...if they are allowing themselves to go outside in all their tragic glory - then that is one them.

    "Bench Warmer" has to be the most disturbing.

    Also let's be honest. The only reason to go to the state fair is to see the freak show.
    It's really the only time of year you get to see the overalls with one flap down look in the metro

  9. #9

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Out of all the pix, this one was the most "Rebelish" . . .

    "Holy Funnelcakes, Batman! I don't think we're in Selma any more!"
    "Is that The Gateway to the West up ahead?"

    But this guy comes in a close second:

    "I laugh at your tinfoil hat."
    "Well . . . At least I sneer at it."

    Frankly, that tune provides good background music for viewing the entire gallery of Lost Ogle State Fair Pix.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    faster than some speeding buckshot. more powerful than a steam locomotive. able to leap tall shanties in a single bound. it's... super racist! (and his sidekick bigot boy?) -M

  11. #11

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    "If only The South had been equipped with helmets like this . . .

    ". . . the outcome of The Battle of Gettysburg would have been
    something completely different."

    Alternative Reality Captions:

    "Yes, this is the recruiting kiosk for The New KKK.
    We decided to lose the hoods for The New Millennium
    and go with a more modern look."

    "We're a lot more open-minded about stuff these days.
    If you come back around 3:00 we have Sugar Brown
    booked for a Celebrity Appearance."

    "The little bump in the front?
    That's tuned to an orbiting levitation device . . .
    so The South can rise again.
    We call it 'The Viagra' for short."

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    "Bench Warmer" has to be the most disturbing.
    From "How It's Made" (The Discovery Channel):
    Where Park Benches Come From

    (What's going through the mind of the guy who just dumped his $6.00 lite beer onto his leg) . . .

  13. #13

    Default Re: Lst Ogle and the OK State Fair

    Quote Originally Posted by nighttrain12 View Post
    I wonder if those are 'stock' photos they found on the internet? If they are real, its pretty rude to take 'hidden camera' pictures and try to humiliate someone.
    Guess you've never seen the people of Walmart.

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