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Thread: Captain Phillips

  1. Default Captain Phillips

    We just got back from seeing Captain Phillips. I highly recommend it. Tom Hanks might be nominated for an Oscar. It was a true story. Can't imagine anyone going through what he did and then sailing again. He is one of our heroes along with the Navy Seals that rescued him.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Captain Phillips

    Somewhat recall this from the news. The captain is in the news again, both from the movie coming out and a trial in a few months. The trial is based on the crew seeing their captain not as a hero, but as reckless.

    ... After Phillips returned home, he was hailed a hero and penned his memoir, from which the film was adapted."To make him into a hero for driving this boat and these men into pirate-infested waters , that's the real injustice here," said attorney Brian Beckcom, who is representing the nine crew members. "The movie tells a highly fictionalized version of what actually happened."
    Former Maersk Alabama crew member Jimmy Sabga alleges Phillips put their lives in jeopardy.
    "Captain Phillips did not follow orders, the ship was attacked and he was responsible," Sabga told ABC News in a statement.
    The case will go to trial in December. A damage amount sought is not stated in the suit. Maersk Line Limited previously called the lawsuit meritless. Neither Maersk Line Limited nor the movie's makers have responded to ABC News' requests for comment. ...

    Capt. Richard Phillips Risked Crew's Lives Before Hijacking, Suit Alleges | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo

  3. #3

    Default Re: Captain Phillips

    Oh great! I was thinking about seeing that movie since there is nothing out there else to see, because the story sounded promising, now it does not sound so promising. There is always two sides of every story

  4. Default Re: Captain Phillips

    Quote Originally Posted by sgt. pepper View Post
    Oh great! I was thinking about seeing that movie since there is nothing out there else to see, because the story sounded promising, now it does not sound so promising. There is always two sides of every story
    Go see the movie anyway. It was very good.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Captain Phillips

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    Go see the movie anyway. It was very good.
    I have no doubt. I can't recall any Hanks film where I ever left thinking 'oh man, why did I agree to sit through that?" We don't go out for films much anymore, but my lovely and I both like his work.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Captain Phillips

    It may fictionalized, but I bet it will still be good. Argo made real life events seem more exciting than they really were.

    I hope everyone take these movies "based on actual events" with a grain of salt.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Captain Phillips

    I took my 11 year old daughter to see it tonight and we had to leave once the pirates board the ship because it got too intense for her. She has seen some movies with scary situations before and been fine with it, but this one was a little too real for her so we left. I'll have to go again when it is released and watch the 2nd half. What we saw of it was really good!

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