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Thread: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

  1. #1

    Default What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    We have a constant battle in our neighborhood with residents who either think our dues are too high and need to be lowered, or too low and that we're not able to get the things done that we need to.
    I'm curious about what some of you are paying per year in fees for your neighborhood and how many households your HOA supports.

    Twin Lakes near 149th & Sooner is $320.00 per year supporting 89 homes.

  2. Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    320 for Twin Lakes? Lower than I thought it would be. But there's not a lot there to take care of, is there? No community pool or park or anything...

    /lives in an addition much like Twin Lakes, but there's no association.
    //Everybody's yard/landscaping is immaculate

  3. #3

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    You'd be surprised. Even with no pool or common park area, upkeep of the gates, landscape, and streets are an expensive endeavor; the streets being the most costly. We have a 10% increase each year in dues that will be in effect until we get up around the $500 per household mark.

    As for you having no dues and and everything looking great around you, that's just outstanding! Here we have 3-5 homes at any given time that are not up to covenant; generally in the "landscape upkeep" area... Astounds me that people will pay $400k+ for a home and then not maintain it.

  4. Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $85/yr here in Forest Brook but I can probably guess that will be going up at the next annual meeting for the same reasons you mentioned above.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $175 here in Creeks at Wimberly

  6. #6

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $150 in Talavera

  7. #7

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $200 Rock Creek

  8. #8

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    Quote Originally Posted by HamWx View Post
    We have a constant battle in our neighborhood with residents who either think our dues are too high and need to be lowered, or too low and that we're not able to get the things done that we need to.
    I'm curious about what some of you are paying per year in fees for your neighborhood and how many households your HOA supports.

    Twin Lakes near 149th & Sooner is $320.00 per year supporting 89 homes.
    That is kinda high for a new neighborhood, with only 89 homes, and no amenities, just sayin'.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $100 or $120 here in SW Moore

  10. Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $210/quarter here in Denver with a neighborhood pool, greenbelt and entrance road upkeep. Also includes trash pickup. 160 35 year old homes.

  11. Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    Quote Originally Posted by HamWx View Post
    You'd be surprised. Even with no pool or common park area, upkeep of the gates, landscape, and streets are an expensive endeavor; the streets being the most costly. We have a 10% increase each year in dues that will be in effect until we get up around the $500 per household mark.

    As for you having no dues and and everything looking great around you, that's just outstanding! Here we have 3-5 homes at any given time that are not up to covenant; generally in the "landscape upkeep" area... Astounds me that people will pay $400k+ for a home and then not maintain it.
    Yeah, we looked in Twin Lakes a few times and wondered how some of those folks got away with that lol.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    $210/quarter here in Denver with a neighborhood pool, greenbelt and entrance road upkeep. Also includes trash pickup. 160 35 year old homes.
    $420/YR here in between Aurora and Centennial. No pool, just common area and fence along common area maintenance....they also have to pay for the neighborhood nazi letters to go out. We intend to find a some land with no HOA/covenants for our next house, I would rather live in the Wild West than The Truman Show but then that will probably be the house we die in. We probably have 1,000+ homes in ours, house built in 1999.

    A co-worker just sold her house in Parker, her dues were $325/mo but they had a bunch of amenities. She got to thinking those dues were making the house hard to sell as it was on the market for a long time but they finally did sell it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $210 per year in Kingsridge in Yukon.

  14. #14

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    Seems like it until you see the cost for street repairs. Insane.
    Basically everything east of the easement on Sooner Road is maintained by the Association. Streets, common area landscaping, the gate system, common area lighting/power, etc. Then add in insurance, maintenance contracts, and people being idiots and running over gate equipment and whatever else... $28,800 is hardly ever enough to operate for a year.

    Interesting results here in this thread though!

  15. #15

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    G. Walker:
    Seems like it until you see the cost for street repairs. Insane.
    Basically everything east of the easement on Sooner Road is maintained by the Association. Streets, common area landscaping, the gate system, common area lighting/power, etc. Then add in insurance, maintenance contracts, and people being idiots and running over gate equipment and whatever else... $28,800 is hardly ever enough to operate for a year.

    Interesting results here in this thread though!

  16. #16

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    I have seen Arapahoe County crews working on the roads in our neighborhood, so I don't think it is the responsibility of our HOA. That can have a big impact on fees and/or special fees. I know some of the more rural areas of northeast Edmond the roads are HOA maintained and they did a big repaving job there many years ago. A co-worker at Benham lived there and was running their pricing by some of the civil guys in the office.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $240 annually iirc for The Falls, ~125 homes. We don't have to maintain the streets as they belong to the city but the grounds upkeep, landscaping, etc. around the common areas, park, and down 34th all adds up quick. Actually, just general maintenance fees add up. Costs of sending out letters, filing leans for those that don't pay their dues (which is way more people than I'd have thought) and just day to day expenses takes a big chunk of our budget, especially with a relatively low number of homes.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $0 here in the slums of Mustang.

  19. #19

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    From what I understand, if it's a gated community, then it's the community's responsibility to take care of the streets. I would personally expect any gated neighborhood to have at least double the yearly fees for a non-gated community.

    And, by the way, there shouldn't be one single person in Twin Lakes complaining about a measly $320 a year. If I were in charge those rates would be doubled or MORE. If you can't afford $53 a month then don't buy a $400,000 house. That's pathetic.

  20. #20

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $200 annually for Camden Place. 75 homes built from 95-97 I believe

    Not gated, no amentities other than a small undeveloped block which is kinda a greenbelt? We are also responsible for a lot of grass along MacArthur (that upkeep is our largest expense).

    We've had a surplus the last couple of years, probably going to put most of that money to hydroseed and put down some erosion blanket to help grow grass in areas of the greenbelt where the slight slope has caused some erosion problems.

  21. Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    Curious how many have mandatory dues and how many live in neighborhoods where the dues are optional.

    We are now in Arrowhead Hills (Edmond) and its $55/yr and its optional.

    Previously we were in the slums of ParkView/Cherry Hill (SE OKC) and I think it was around $40/yr and optional.

    I lived in a condo in NW OKC for awhile and we only had I guess 50 units and it was $125-$200/month the whole time I was there and was mandatory because they were always claiming to be making improvements. Of course the dues also covered the exterior of everyone's condo (roof, siding, insurance, etc.).

  22. #22

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    We are determined to find some land without any kind of HOA which is pretty hard to do in the Denver area. The whole neighborhood nazi thing just irritates the crap out of me but then it doesn't bother me if a neighbors blade of grass is 1/4" too tall.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    "neighborhood Nazi" I like that. My Dad is the President of one of those dang thangs in South OKC. Don't wanna live like that.

  24. Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    We are determined to find some land without any kind of HOA which is pretty hard to do in the Denver area. The whole neighborhood nazi thing just irritates the crap out of me but then it doesn't bother me if a neighbors blade of grass is 1/4" too tall.
    The two reasons we gave up buying a home in/near downtown (Heritage Hills area) was Nazi like HOA's and value for the money.

    To me HOA's are like unions, they definitely started out with good intentions and can do very good things for those who participate - however, with the wrong leadership or agenda and they are counterintuitive and destructive.

    Have several friends who live downtown and none has ever said they enjoy how their HOA's are run. That said, they also admit that without a strong one the 'so-so' streets/homes would become neighborhood nightmares with yard parking, high weeds, mismatched paint jobs, cheap car ports, etc.

    I don't mind an HOA if its properly run and they limit their enforcement to obvious things like mowing, deteriorating conditions, broke down cars, noise, etc. But don't tell me I can't put nice energy efficient windows on my house or that I need your permission to put a pergola in my backyard.

    Our HOA is voluntary and just uses dues to put up very nice street lights and throw a couple of neighborhood events a year and maintain the landscaping at the entrances. They also put out a neighborhood directory, which is handy.

  25. #25

    Default Re: What Are Your Homeowners Association Dues?

    $30 and optional. I live in NW OKC and the neighborhood was built in the mid to late 60s.

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