Today is Tax Appreciation Day at the zoo (Wednesday, July 17th, 2013) & the zoo is FREE all day.
- Oklahoma City Zoo
Today is Tax Appreciation Day at the zoo (Wednesday, July 17th, 2013) & the zoo is FREE all day.
- Oklahoma City Zoo
Wish the zoo offered some sort of reserved very early morning membership for joggers.
I'd love to be able to go to the zoo at daybreak and run a set course a few days a week.
If north OKC looked like Norman today, it was also free wash the pathways day at the zoo.
I've thought the same thing. Due to one of the operations I oversee, I have probably averaged 1-2 visits to the zoo each week over the past couple of years, and early mornings there are my absolute favorite.
I suspect one potential hang up may be related to staff/security requirements. The AZA requires member zoos to keep a certain number of staff with specific certifications/training related to securing/neutralizing animal threats be on the grounds any time a member of the public is there. Those staff members tend to be the more expensive types, so they have to be judicious about what hours the public may access the zoo.
That said, I would be happy to mention your idea to zoo management if you like, and let you know how they respond.
I've gone several times just for the walk. I'd be concerned about mixing parents with little ones, strollers and school outings with joggers.
No idea the logistics behind such an idea, but I'd love it if it could become a reality. Even if access was limited to a set 'track/course.'
A "Get Up And Run With The Gazelles' type of membership drive.
Get up and run with the cheetahs. It would keep your aerobic rate at its all time high.
People jogging through the zoo would be like a Carl's Jr. ad to some of those big cats.
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