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Thread: O.k.c.

  1. Default O.k.c.


    A movie is being written about our OKC bombing on April 19, 1995.

    I wonder why there are periods in the title?

    Anyone want to guess what actors/actress will be in this one?

    Update: Pete, can you correct the title? Its O.K.C. but the forum made it O.k.c. Such a shame. :-(

  2. #2

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Wow, Barry Levinson directing.

    I hope they film much of in Oklahoma.

  3. #3

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    All the reports are describing it as an "indie film" which means independent, as in no major studio backing. Also means limited distribution and not much promotion unless it gets good word of mouth.

    And the angle is of one of the law clerks that worked on the McVeigh defense team. Playing up the conspiracy theories.

    Sounds more like a small Oliver Stone film.

  4. Default Re: O.k.c.

    This could be interesting. Barry Levinson taking on this project tells me that there are high hopes. So many indie films these days go on to be blockbusters. The studio system days are behind us as far as predicting how well films will do at the box office. Sure, there are small indie film distributors like Focus (actually owned by Universal) who put out some great films but focus on the art house scene and, unfortunately, nobody sees them. But look at The Weinstein Company. Samuel Goldwyn Films (riding his family name and money, but distributing some great stuff). Magnolia Pictures. Lionsgate. Overture. HBO Films. IFC. They've all bought and distributed some huge films. So, being an "indie film" does not equate to "art house" anymore.

    As for "O.K.C." Nikki Finke at Deadline (not surprisingly - great blog if you love film) broke the story and says it is based on the true story of producer Peter Safron's brother! I don't think any of us can truly say that we know all there is to know about 1995. In fact, we can (probably) most all agree there's too many things we do know that don't add up. This could be fairly big. With Levinson directing, that's a big inside track to a quality distribution deal - even if it's TV. (Think HBO.)

    By the way, I was shocked at how the news from last month that the FBI received prior warning about the Murrah bombing got so little attention. It was right there in the document dump in the Trentadue case. Jerry Bohnen at KTOK had the guts to report on it and Mike McCarville agreed to publish his story on his blog. If you follow this, it's a must read - actually huge, buried news:

  5. #5

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Thunder, my guess is the periods in the title are for dramatic emphasis, nothing more.

  6. #6

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Back in 1997 I had a government professor at SWOSU (in Weatherford) that wrote/directed/performed in a play about the OKC bombing. He had been in a meeting in one of the buildings nearby (Journal Record bldg maybe? can't remember for sure) when the bomb went off and they had a tape recorder recording the meeting, which captured the sound of the blast & the immediate chaos afterward. The play was based on his experience, started with the meeting & followed through until he managed to get out of the building and to safety. They played the recording as part of the play's sound affects, it was chilling. Personally, if there was going to be a movie made about the bombing, I would like to see it follow more along the lines of his play.

  7. Default Re: O.k.c.

    MsDarkstar, maybe you can get into contact with him and have the guy to get into contact with the people planning the movie and maybe the recording can be copied and arranged to be used in the film. I think its rare to have any actual recording of the blast, so a real sound effect with the actual recordings (if more than one is available) to be used would make it have a bit more impact on the viewers.

  8. #8

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    The recording is part of the experience visitors go through when they tour the OKC National Memorial & Museum. I doubt the recording itself would be used in the film, but it would not surprise me if they use it to set up a similar scene within the construct of the story.

  9. #9

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    I haven't been to the OKC National Memorial & Museum so I didn't know it was part of the experience. I need to get myself down there to check it out.

  10. #10

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    I'm really excited for this movie! I was only 4 on April 19, 1995, and I don't remember it at all, so I think watching this movie would give me more of a sense of what happened. I really hope much of it is filmed in Oklahoma City, and maybe with some big-name actors and actresses! I can't think of anyone that resembles McVeigh though...

    I also like how the title has the periods, it makes me read the title slower and take it in more.

  11. Default Re: O.k.c.

    I remember that day when it happened while I arrived to school before it started. I was just sitting there when the teacher's aide dropped her papers looking out the window. The windows shook, but not violently, more of a vibration. I can't remember if it was the next day or so when mom and I went out there during the rescue operation taking pictures. We got really close up behind a fence literally a few hundreds feet away. It was very close. I remember how the building looked so up close with all the damages.

  12. Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by KayneMo View Post
    I'm really excited for this movie! I was only 4 on April 19, 1995, and I don't remember it at all, so I think watching this movie would give me more of a sense of what happened. I really hope much of it is filmed in Oklahoma City, and maybe with some big-name actors and actresses! I can't think of anyone that resembles McVeigh though...

    I also like how the title has the periods, it makes me read the title slower and take it in more.
    How about Sean Penn for McVeigh?


  13. Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadioOKC View Post
    How about Sean Penn for McVeigh?

    I was thinking of Arnold the Terminator guy.

  14. #14

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Have there been any updates on this film? I haven't heard or seen anything at all...

  15. #15

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    I poked around on the interwebs a little bit a week ago and couldn't find anything. I hope it is moving forward, as well.

  16. #16

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    I think there is a good chance at least some of it will be filmed in Oklahoma. For those of us over 35, remember that Barry Levinson was the director of 'Rain Man,' (one of my all time favorites) and he filmed part of that in Guthrie and western OK. Hopefully he'll do the same for this film.

  17. #17

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    I don't really see how you could make a movie based on Oklahoma and not have atleast 1 or 2 shots filmed in Okahoma.

  18. #18

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    I don't really see how you could make a movie based on Oklahoma and not have atleast 1 or 2 shots filmed in Okahoma.
    Have you ever seen OKLAHOMA!? It was filmed entirely in California and Arizona.

  19. #19

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Have you ever seen OKLAHOMA!? It was filmed entirely in California and Arizona.
    Meh, get outta here with your facts and such. Lol

  20. #20

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    Meh, get outta here with your facts and such. Lol
    I know. Facts always ruin everything.

  21. #21

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I know. Facts always ruin everything.
    Unless they're good facts. =)

  22. #22

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Any updates? I did some searching on the web to no avail.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadioOKC View Post
    How about Sean Penn for McVeigh?

    Vin Diesel. Make the capture a bit more dramatic than a routine traffic stop.

  24. #24

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Has the film already been made? Or did they give up on it?

  25. #25

    Default Re: O.k.c.

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Has the film already been made? Or did they give up on it?
    I looked at IMDb and it said "in development", so...

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