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Thread: ~The Notebook~

  1. #1
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Talking ~The Notebook~

    Hey Guys!
    Oh Gawwwddd!!!I don't even know why its taken me soooo long to get to this movie.I think cause my Mother kept tellin me how good it was so I figured It had to be awful.Anyway Holy Smokes this is the Best Love Story ever!I bawled like a Baby.This i s so well done and I really never thought I woyuld see such a good love story since Cold Mountain,Well this tops it!I WILL be buying this ANd anytime I want to drive Masterwolf CRAZY I will put it on and Cry my eyes out and Say "Oh Gawd they love each other SOOO much"!ROFL!


  2. #2

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    Better than Titanic?

    What is better than Titanic?

  3. #3
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    Hi Midtowner,

    I would have to say Most Definitely,but in different ways I do like they fact that Titanic was a true story,although the "hollywood romance"in the movie was im sure very Glamorized.But I would say 10,000 thousand times YES!Im sure almost ALL the ladies will agree.


  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    I just now saw this thread. Anyways, Megan and I watched this at the theaters when it was out, and really liked it. We also thought it was one of the best romances we had ever seen. And, guys, it isn't one of those girly movies either. I usualyl don't like romance movies, but I loved this one. I encourage you to rent it and watch it!

  5. #5

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    I agree Patrick, its definetely my girls favorite movie and it wasnt too sappy or girly but a good movie

  6. Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    I'm watching this tonight armed with Kleenex - let you tomorrow if I survived this movie... my favorite movie of all time and I still sob hysterically is Stepmom.... I can't believe the horseback ride at moonlight, boo hoo.... sob, hiccup, snort, blow nose, apply Visine.... I love tearjerk movies.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. #7
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    Hey Karrie,
    Sooooo,I have been wondering what did you think?Inquiring minds want to know.lol

  8. Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    That is so funny DD, I just finished watching the movie about two minutes ago.. it was really good but not as touching as I imagined. It didn't really impact me as much as I would have thought. All this really means is that I didn't convulse with sobs ... I'm such a sap. I cry at Hallmark commercials.. don't even show me an Integris ( I think that's it, heart transplant, cochlear implant) commercial.. oh my Gosh!!

    Now, Love Story, Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment ( how embarrassing Ghost - the pottery wheel scene) and of course, my all time fave Stepmom are movies that cause near hysteria, this one was interesting but not really as memorable as I expected.

    The really touching part of this movie was the enduring love through all obstacles ... that was so sweet.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #9
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    That is so funny, I just finished watching the movie about two minutes ago.. it was good but not as touching as I imagined. I don't think I even have an opinion good or bad which means it didn't really impact me as much as I would have thought. Now, Love Story, Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment and of course, my all time fave Stepmom are movies that cause near hysteria, this one was interesting but not really memorable.
    Uggh...chick flicks. About twice a year (which is too many times), I will watch a chick flick with my wife, however, I make sure I drink plenty of caffeine so that I can stay awake. Now, give me a good Chuck Norris movie and we will have a great time . I know..I know....men!

  10. Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    Ha! Chick Flicks can get you some romantic 'action' if you play it right...lol pass the tissue and give a sympathetic hug, you're in like Flynn!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. #11
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Talking Re: ~The Notebook~


    Gawd girl you crack me up.Well I liked it I was a bawling craying mess.I soaked my shirt actually.Cold Mountain is another great love story in my opinion.Anyway Heres the kicker I almost fell outta my chair laughing,I thought I was the olny one runnin for cover when that dam Integris commercial comes on with the little deaf boy Ford Humphreys.Hows that how many times have I bawled at that one I know the babies name.Oh man how funny my sons all like whats wrong mom.I just look at him like nothin and run to the other room,Ahhhh Gawd!!!!!!!!LOL

  12. Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    DD, I posted this elsewhere but you have got to see The Sea Inside - if you can get through this movie without a massive break down, let me know - my twelve year old boy was disgusted because I couldn't breathe and kept blowing my nose, dripping all over the place - that's an attractive thought... this was by far one of the most beautiful movies I have seen.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. #13

    Default Re: ~The Notebook~

    Another good one (GOD I hate to admit this)..........The Bridges of Madison County. Last time I checked, I had the "goods" that make me a man, but this movie hit a soft spot for me.

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